GoatWorld Store Livestock Supplies (A - Z) - "Quality In - Quality Out" - (719) 468-3943

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Welcome to the GoatWorld Livestock & Supply Store!
We are like an old fashioned feed mill with 25+ years in business that does our best to offer personalized customer service. Since we carry a large number of products that go in and out of stock, to save time we prefer that our customers call, text or email us with your order. This allows us to determine that we can fulfill your order in a timely manner. This also allows us to discuss custom mixes and blends with you as well as provide you with the best pricing for your order if you are ordering more than one item at a time since our listed prices include shipping.

Since the majority of our products are agricultural related and are therefore tax exempt, we prefer all transactions to be paid by check, money order, or at this time, Zelle which is a bank to bank option. The majority of our customers prefer this method knowing that by not using a 3rd party to conduct transactions, we can keep our prices lower and not have to include transaction fees. The price you see is what you pay with no hidden or added costs.

Our address for sending checks, money orders, livestock/ag pictures, or any other correspondence is:

  • GoatWorld c/o Gary Pfalzbot
  • 14685 County Road D
  • Ordway, CO 81063
  • You can reach Gary at (719) 468-3943 which will also accept text messages, or email gary_pfalzbot@goatworld.com anytime.

    USPS Insurance
    Shipping Insurance - ALL ORDERS ARE SHIPPED INSURED! We ship via USPS Flat Rate Priority Mail which includes a standard amount of $100 on each package.

    It's not often that a claim needs to be filed for an order, but accidents do happen!
    Customers should take note that there are generally two situations which require an insurance claim to be filed:

    • 1) the package does not arrive, damaged by the USPS, lost in transit, missing contents, etc.
    • 2) the customer receives the package only to find damage to the product(s) inside.
    Customers, please keep all records of the order transaction until you have received your order and are 100% satisfied that it arrived intact! You will also need to take pictures of the damage to a package so that we may file a claim. You will be sent a replacement order at no extra charge while an insurance claim is being processed.

    Ammonium Chloride
    Ammonium Chloride

     Ammonium Chloride is used for the treatment and/or prevention of Urinary Calculi in male goats.

  • The recommended dosage for prevention is one teaspoon per head, per day and one tablespoon per head, per day, for treatment.
    However, you should consult a licensed veterinarian before administering this product! Treatment times can be fairly lengthy, sometimes lasting several months and the general amount I recommend keeping on hand is anywhere from 1 to 5 pounds.
    In addition to treating Urinary Calculi with Ammonium Chloride, there are alternative treatments, however, Ammonium Chloride has been an accepted form of treating Urinary Calculi
    for the better part of a century. It has been found that both treatment and prevention are best accomplished through a strictly managed diet and prudent use of Ammonium Chloride and alternative treatments.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound - $17.99 USD 5 Pounds - $34.99 USD 10 Pounds - $47.99 USD 20 Pounds - $77.99 USD
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  • Biotin 100
    Biotin 100

    Biotin 100 is a supplement that is used for healthy hoof growth in horses and other classes of livestock. A horse with dry or cracked hooves, recurring laminitis, or other hoof health issues can benefit from the supplementation of Biotin in its daily ration. The use of Biotin alone is not recommended. It should be used in conjunction with other products such as Dolomite, ZinPro 40 or the Horse Mix all of which are listed on this web site, as well as a number of other specialty horse feeds and/or the common 4-Way, All-Stock, All-Grain, C.O.B. etc. type products.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound - $14.99 USD 5 Pounds - $28.99 USD 10 Pounds - $37.99 USD 15 Pounds - $47.99 USD
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    Goat Key Ring


    Goat Key Ring Make your love for your goats shine with this blue and white rhinestone key ring. A durable and hard to find item we are pleased to add to our lineup of bling and goat related jewelry. Some of these items are 'limited edition/limited quantity', so be sure to get yours now before they are gone! Please note: livestock and mineral items cannot be purchased through PayPal...if you would like to order this item in addition to livestock/mineral supplies, you are welcome to call us as required for mineral orders, and have this item shipped in addition with your order. We are beginning to introduce various gift and craft items into our inventory, some which will show up here from time to time, but in the near future, all our gifts, crafts and jewelry will be available through our coming sister site.
    This item eligible for purchase through PayPal - $10.99 each
    Prices include shipping to U.S. destinations.
    Large Image .pdf file (N/A)

    {Special Order Requirements} * * * * * {Submit a Product Inquiry}

    Cobalt Sulfate
    Cobalt Sulfate

    Cobalt Sulfate was first shown to be of value to ruminants in 1935. Prior to that time, ruminants could not be successfully produced in many areas of the world because of severe cobalt deficiencies. In these locations, including Florida, cattle were limited to certain areas. Given the current knowledge, the most convincing evidence of a cobalt deficiency is determined by the response of the animal to cobalt feeding. The response is quick, with appetite increasing in about a week, and weight gains quickly follow. The remission of the anemia, however, occurs more slowly.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1/2 Pound - $24.00 USD 1 Pound - $32.50 USD 5 Pounds - $129.50 USD
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    Colostrum Oral Gel
    Colostrum Oral Gel

    Colostrum Oral Gel is a nutritional product for newborn goats which contains dried colostrum milk, a source of live (viable) naturally occuring microorganisms and vitamins. Contains 3 doses per tube. A simply MUST HAVE product for persons raising goats, colostrum is essential as the first milk to newborn kids as it provides the much needed immune system. Anyone who raises goats knows how vital it is to have colostrum on hand for those kiddings that present problems where the doe won't allow the kid(s) to nurse. I have personally used this product and raised very healthy kids with it.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    Please call for price and availability
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    Ordering Options

    Copper Sulfate
    Copper Sulfate

    Copper Sulfate is used in a variety of ways, either as a supplement added in the feed/water or as a topical application for hoof and foot conditions. Our copper sulfate is supplied in a powdered form and is water soluble. One pound of copper sulfate powder can be made into a 6 to 25 gallon solution - dependent on desired solution strength. While the use and popularity of copper sulfate has been popularized by Pat Coleby in the book Natural Goat Care, it is recommended that you do some research and/or consult a veterinarian before using this product at will. This copper sulfate may also be used in aquaculture applications. Further information on this specific application can be found in this pdf file.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound - $24.00 USD 5 Pounds - $51.00 USD 10 Pounds - $84.00 USD 15 Pounds - $118.00 USD
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    Follow us on Facebook at the GoatWorld group!

    Copper Sulfate
    Copper Sulfate,

    Copper Sulfate, Acidified (water soluble - 86% Copper sulfate pentahydrate, 14% anhydrous citric acid) is used in a variety of ways, primarily for poultry, but can be used for other species of livestock as well: horses, cattle, goats, llamas, etc. Due to an increased demand by my customers, I have started offering this product as one I will now normally stock. Apparently Acidified Copper Sulfate is easier on the digestive system for animals requiring additional copper supplementation. At this time I only have limited dosage information although it has been indicated to me that it's use is very similar to regular copper sulfate. Each situation will possibly require different dosing. It is recommended that you do some research and/or consult a veterinarian before using this product at will.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound $26.00 USD 5 Pounds - $58.00 USD 10 Pounds - $94.00 USD
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    Cottonseed Hulls
    Cottonseed Hulls

    Cottonseed Hulls have long been used as a supplement to custom feed mixes for many classes of livestock including goats, sheep and cattle. The addition of cottonseed hulls to a ration enables the animal to utilize more of the essential nutrients in the ration (improves feed efficacy). Cottonseed hulls are used mostly in the southern area of the U.S. They are low in protein, calcium, phosphorus and energy and high in fiber. Cottonseed hulls are palatable and are used as a roughage for cattle, especially in areas where good quality forages are scarce. Gardening enthusiasts also understand the benefit of cottonseed hulls or cottonseed meal in their mulching and fertilizing programs. Please note: Cottonseed Hulls are very fluffy and difficult to ship in packages larger than 8 pounds which makes them a not very cost effective product. I only list them as a convenience for customers who are unable to obtain them locally.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    8 Pound $30.00 USD
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    Cottonseed Meal
    Cottonseed Meal

    Cottonseed Meal is a high protein by-product remaining after cotton is ginned and the seeds crushed and the oil extracted. The remaining meal is usually used for animal feed and in organic fertilizers. Cottonseed meal is palatable and commonly is used in cattle rations in the southern and western U.S. Solvent extracted cottonseed meal is the more common of the two types and has about 89 percent of the energy value of 44 percent protein soybean meal. Cottonseed meal contains gossypol. Under typical conditions, though, even high-producing cows will not consume enough cottonseed meal to suffer from gossypoltoxicity. Because cottonseed meal does contain Gossypol, strict attention must be placed on the diet and daily intake of cottonseed meal by any class of livestock. Cottonseed meal is used as an alternative source of protein supplement to soy protein supplement, and can ultimately replace all of the soybean meal in the ration.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound $15.99 USD 5 Pounds - $28.50 USD 10 Pounds - $37.00 USD 15 Pounds - $46.00 USD
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    Devil's Claw
    Devil's Claw Plant

    Devil's Claw Seeds For many years people have asked me about plants that goats will not eat, and I would have to classify the Devil's Claw plant in this category. It should be noted that an extremely hungry goat will try just about any plant, but the Devil's Claw I have grown for nearly 20 years has never been a plant that my goats or other classes of livestock will readily consume. What you will be purchasing and recieving is 25+ Devil's Claw seeds harvested from the previous year crop (2024). Each seed packet can be shipped via surface mail at $5.99 per seed packet, or $5.00 per packet when included with additional items ordered and shipped via USPS Flat Rate Priority Mail.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Packet - $5.00 USD ordered with other items 1 Packet - $5.99 USD sent First Class
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    Diamond V XP
    Diamond V XP DFM

    Original Diamond V XP™ is a feed ingredient produced by fermenting selected liquid and cereal grain raw ingredients with bakers yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and drying the entire culture-media without destroying the yeast factors, B-vitamins and other nutritional fermentation products. A great supplement that can be added to the Goat Mineral Mix or Horse Mineral Mix.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound - $14.99 USD 5 Pounds - $29.99 USD 10 Pounds - $39.99 USD 15 Pounds - $45.99
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    Diamond V XP DFM
    Diamond V XPC GREEN

    Diamond V XPC GREEN is a natural nutritional health product specifically formulated for all types of organic animal diets by virtue of being OMRI(tm) Listed. The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) is an independent agency that reviews and evaluates products for use under the USDA's National Organic Program Rule for certified organic production. A great supplement that can be added to the Goat Mineral Mix or Horse Mineral Mix.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound - $18.99 USD 5 Pounds - $54.99 USD 10 Pounds - $93.99 USD 15 Pounds - $132.00
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    Diamond V NaturSafe
    Diamond V NaturSafe

    Diamond V NaturSafe® is Diamond V's most advanced immune support product for beef cattle. It's a natural*, non-antibiotic solution containing bioactive compounds specifically formulated to optimize health and performance. The research-proven compounds in NaturSafe work naturally with the biology of the animal to support: Rumen Health & G.I. Tract Integrity - Immune Strength - Overall Animal Health and Performance - Antibiotic Stewardship. This supplement may have some benefit for (meat) goats and can be added to our Goat Mineral Mix upon request.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    Mixed per Pound - $6.00 USD 1 Pound - $15.99 USD 5 Pounds - $35.99 USD 10 Pounds - $53.99 USD 15 Pounds - $70.50
    More Info Website File

    Diamond V XP DFM
    Diamond V XP DFM

    This product is now "limited availability" and can no longer be sourced from Diamond V. We currently have less than 20 pounds available for mixing (Goat Mineral Mix) - August 9th, 2022

    Diamond V XP DFM is a blend of Original XP Yeast Culture with direct fed microbials and enzymes to help maintain optimum feed digestibility in ruminants. XP™ DFM delivers the recommended level of Diamond V Original XP™ Yeast Culture, as well as eight species of live bacteria and one fungi, plus active enzymes to aid in feed digestibility. The microbes include Propionibacterium freudenreichii, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus lactis, Pediococcus cerevisiae, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, and Aspergillus oryzae. The active enzymes are derived from the microorganisms Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma viride. A great supplement that can be added to the Goat Mineral Mix or Horse Mineral Mix.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound - $14.99 USD 5 Pounds - $29.99 USD 10 Pounds - $39.99 USD 15 Pounds - $46.99
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    Diatomaceous Earth
    Diatomaceous Earth

    Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is an organic product mined in the West. It was formed from trillions of microscopic one-celled algae called diatoms, which wove tiny shells for themselves out of the silica they extracted from sea water. As the diatoms died, these shells settled in deposits at the bottom of ancient lakes and lagoons. When these dried up and the seas receded the deposits were fossilized and compressed into a soft chalky rock, which is surface mined and crushed into a powder looking much like flour.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
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    Dicalcium Phosphate
    Dicalcium Phosphate

    Dicalcium Phosphate is primarily used as a feed additive in many commercially milled mixes for cattle, horses, goats as well as for a broad range of livestock classes. It promotes digestion, weight gain and milk production. Dicalcium Phosphate (18.5%) is comprised of 18 to 21% phosphorus and 19 to 23% calcium. It is recommended mainly as an additive (to existing mix formulas) rather than "free choice" feeding.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound $15.99 USD 5 Pounds - $21.99 USD 10 Pounds - $27.99 USD 15 Pounds - $33.99 USD

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    Dolomite, otherwise known as dolostone in some areas, is a ground powder feed additive that has multiple uses such as an antidote for copper poisoning (one teaspoonful given orally), an essential supply of calcium and magnesium for healthy bones and teeth, and as a preventative of mastitis as well as numerous other mineral deficiency based conditions. As with any mineral or feed additive, you should consult your veterinarian or local agricultural extension agent to discuss the need for increased levels of magnesium and calcium in your area.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound $14.99 USD 5 Pounds - $27.50 USD 15 Pounds - $37.50 USD 25 Pounds - $46.50 USD
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    Listed prices include USPS Flat Rate shipping to anywhere in the U.S.!!!

    Dolomite Pellets
    Dolomite Pellets

    Our Dolomite Pellets are new and made exclusively for GoatWorld. This is a great dolomite supplement source for those situations where powdered dolomite is not economical. These pellets also contain other nutritional ingredients as can be viewed below. These pellets SHOULD NOT be fed to sheep or other copper sensitive animals. They should also not be the only source of feed given. It should be noted as well, these pellets are not 100% dolomite composition. But, your goats will love them!
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
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    Kandy Treet Dried Molasses
    Dried Molasses

    Kandy Treet is ideal as a silage sweetener and preservative. It also stimulates appetite and enhances growth and productivity. Use Kandy Treet to enhance the palatability of most feedstuffs including roughages. Dried molasses can be added to just about any feed supplement for livestock as a sweetener and promote that "picky eater" to begin consumption of an otherwise neglected, but beneficial supplement. Such example would be a Horse Mix or Goat Mix although the two are primarily utilized as a top dressing. Molasses also is used to fatten livestock up before the sale.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
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    Hopi Ear Candles
    Hopi Ear Candles

    Rocky Mountain Basics (RMB) presents an old-fashioned remedy for painful ears usually due to wax-build up or sinus infections. While RMB cannot guarantee that use of these candles will cure or even help remove or reduce the cause of the ear pain or help you hear better, we can only tell you that they have worked for us for over 15 years without any harmful side effects. We hope they do the same for you! Our ear candles are made of natural muslin and parrafin wax. Instructions are included with each package of 2 ear candles.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
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    Metal Elastrator
    Metal Elastrator

    An Elastrator is the tool used to apply Castration Rings for the purpose of castration, dehorning, or docking tails. Compared to our Economy Elastrator, our elastrator is made completely out of metal and is built to last. This elastrator is also larger in size allowing for castration rings to be applied to a diameter of 2" x 2". This elastrator is either sold separately or as a kit which includes 100 Castration Rings. For your convenience, we do include a dozen castration rings.
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    Prices are set to increase somewhat for some products in 2025
    I strive to keep prices as low as possible and competitive, but inflation has really taken a bite.

    Economy Elastrator
    Economy Elastrator

    An Elastrator is the tool used to apply Castration Rings for the purpose of castration, dehorning, or docking tails. Made of quality durable materials, our elastrator is either sold separately or as a kit which includes 100 Castration Rings. Compare with our Metal Elastrator.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
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    Ultimate Goat Mineral
    Goat Mineral

    Our Ultimate Goat Mineral is the perfect blend of essential vitamins and minerals to promote excellent goat health and nutrition. Manufactured exclusively for goats for GoatWorld. Ultimate Goat Mineral is a loose, granular mineral and not a block! Great for trough and pan feeders and easier on your goats teeth! Your goats will love it! Compare to Goat Mineral Mix.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound $18.99 USD 5 Pounds - $29.99 USD 10 Pounds - $36.99 USD 15 Pounds - $41.99 USD
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    Goat Mineral Mix
    Goat Mineral Mix

    Goat Mineral Mix essentially equates to the formula given in Pat Colebys' book, "Natural Goat Care". Comprised of Dolomite, Seaweed Meal, Sulfur and Copper Sulfate, this has proven to many customers to be the best mix money can buy. Compare to our Ultimate Goat Mineral.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound - $19.99 USD 9.25 Pounds - $41.99 USD 18.5 Pounds - $67.99 USD
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    Goat Key Ring


    Goat Key Ring Make your love for your goats shine with this white rhinestone key ring. A durable and hard to find item we are pleased to add to our lineup of bling and goat related jewelry. Some of these items are 'limited edition/limited quantity', so be sure to get yours now before they are gone! Please note: livestock and mineral items cannot be purchased through PayPal...if you would like to order this item in addition to livestock/mineral supplies, you are welcome to call us as required for mineral orders, and have this item shipped in addition with your order. We are beginning to introduce various gift and craft items into our inventory, some which will show up here from time to time, but in the near future, all our gifts, crafts and jewelry will be available through our coming sister site.
    This item eligible for purchase through PayPal - $10.99 each
    Prices include shipping to U.S. destinations.
    Large Image .pdf file (N/A)

    Horse Mineral Mix
    Horse Mineral Mix

    Horse Mineral Mix Since offering a large variety of feed and mineral supplements, I've been asked quite often to make up a "special mix" that essentially equates to the formula given in Pat Colebys' book, "Natural Horse Care". This base mix comes premixed and ready to feed, but can also be bolstered with other supplements such as Biotin and ZinPro40 as well as any of our other supplements, to create a mix to your exact specification.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound - $19.99 USD 9.25 Pounds - $41.99 USD 18.5 Pounds - $67.99 USD
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    Horse Mineral Mix WH
    Horse Mineral Mix

    Horse Mineral Mix (Wild Hearts Mix) Based upon the standard formulation of our "Natural Horse Care" Horse Mineral Mix, working with Wild Hearts Equine Therapy Center of South Carolina, we've developed a Horse Mineral Mix called "Wild Hearts Mix" that is working wonders for the horses in their care! In addition to the standard recipe of Dolomitic Limestone (Dolomite), Copper Sulfate, Seaweed Meal, and Sulfur, the Wild Hearts Mix contains an additional amount of Magnesium Oxide and Zinc Sulfate. I've been supplementing my own horse with the mix and seeing fantastic results. If you are looking to add a little something extra for your horse(s), this might be a great alternative. Due to mixing and special mix limitations, I can currently only offer this product in 9.25 and 18.5 sizes.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    9.25 Pounds - $45.00 USD 18.5 Pounds - $90.00 USD
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    Listed prices include USPS Flat Rate shipping to anywhere in the U.S.!!!


    Ivermectin 5mg per mL, 250 mL (8.5 fl. oz.) is a dewormer that is used as a "pour-on" for cattle and given as a drench for goats at a rate of 1 cc per 22 pounds of body weight. Thus, a 100 pound goat would require approximately 5 cc's of Ivermectin. This 250 mL bottle of Ivermectin will treat approximately 5,500 pounds of livestock or, 55 goats weighing approximately 100 pounds each.
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    L-Lysine is an important amino acid for monogastric animals such as pigs and chickens, especially where meat production is desired. Lysine supplementation allows for the use of lower-cost plant protein (maize, for instance, rather than soy) while maintaining high growth rates, and limiting the pollution from nitrogen excretion. Lysine is industrially produced by microbial fermentation, from a base mainly of sugar. Genetic engineering research is actively pursuing bacterial strains to improve the efficiency of production and allow lysine to be made from other substrates.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound $16.99 USD 5 Pounds - $26.99 USD 10 Pounds - $35.99 USD
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    Linseed Meal
    Linseed Meal

    Linseed Meal is an excellent source of selenium and a recommended additive in those areas considered selenium deficient. Linseed Meal is very palatable. It may be included in the grain mix at a level of up to 25 percent of feed to milking herds at a rate of up to 9 pounds (4kg) per head per day - cattle; lesser quantities are recommended for goats. Please click here for a complete Typical Solvent Analysis.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound $18.99 USD 5 Pounds - $28.99 USD 10 Pounds - $37.99 USD
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    Magnesium Oxide
    Magnesium Oxide

    Magnesium Oxide Magnesium is an activator of many metabolic enzymes. These enzymes control reactions that range from the breakdown of glucose for energy to the replication of DNA, which is necessary for cell division. The most common problem associated with magnesium deficiency is a condition known as grass tetany. Observed most frequently in the early spring, grass tetany results from the consumption of lush forage, which has low levels of magnesium. The apparent depression in magnesium levels results from the high water content of rapidly growing plants. Symptoms include frequent urination, erratic behavior and convulsions. If left untreated, death can occur within several hours.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound $18.99 USD 5 Pounds - $25.99 USD 10 Pounds - $31.99 USD 15 Pounds - $37.99 USD
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    Manganese Sulfate 32

    Manganese Sulfate 32 Manganese is an essential mineral in the ration of goats, required for skeletal development and reproductive efficiency. A typical goat dosage is 75 mg per liter of water. A veterinarian should be consulted for exact information. Deficiency symptoms are: reluctance to walk, deformity of the fore legs, delayed estrus, more inseminations per conception, more abortions, and 20% reduction in birth weights. Manganese functions as a part of numerous enzyme systems. Growing cattle require 20 ppm in the diet while breeding cattle require 40 ppm. High levels of dietary calcium and phosphorus may interfere with manganese metabolism, causing the dietary requirement for manganese to increase. A deficiency of manganese in beef cattle under natural conditions has been reported in only a few areas of the northwestern United States. Deficiency symptoms include reduced fertility in cows and crooked calf syndrome in young calves. Crooked calf syndrome is typified by weak legs and swollen joints in newborn calves.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound $18.99 USD 5 Pounds - $29.99 USD 10 Pounds - $37.99 USD 15 Pounds - $43.99 USD
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    Natural Goat Care
    Natural Goat Care

     Natural Goat Care by Pat Coleby. Goats thrive on fully organic natural care. As natural browsers, they have higher mineral requirements than other domestic animals, so diet is a critical element to maintaining optimal livestock health. In Natural Goat Care, consultant Pat Coleby shows how to solve health problems both with natural herbs and medicines and the ultimate cure, bringing the soil into healthy balance. Topics include: correct housing and farming methods; choosing the right livestock; diagnosing health problems; nutritional requirements and feeding practices; vitamins and herbal, homeopathic and natural remedies; psychological needs of goats; breeds & breeding techniques.

    Copyright 2001, 2012, softcover, 371 pages. Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    * * * $31.99 USD
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    Prices are set to increase somewhat for some products in 2025
    I strive to keep prices as low as possible and competitive, but inflation has really taken a bite.

    Red Cell
    Red Cell

    Red Cell™ is a palatable yucca-flavored Vitamin-Iron-Mineral feed supplement for horses formulated to provide supplemental vitamins and minerals that may be lacking or are insufficient in a horse's regular feed. Red Cell™ is also very effective in treating goats that have developed anemia or bottlejaw. I have used Red Cell™ quite often over the years and have brought many a goat back from deaths doorstep. Due to the copper content in Red Cell, it should not be used for sheep. It is also advisable to consult a veterinarian before using "off label" for goats.
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    Rovimix E 20

    Rovimix E 20 (DSM) is a premix vitamin E supplement that is used for goats, sheep. poultry, horses, as well as other classes of livestock. Supplied in a powder form, it be blended into our Goat Mineral Mix or the Horse Mineral Mix, and it is often requested that we add additional Selenium (SelPlex 2000), all of which are listed as a product in our store. Vitamin E (VitE) and selenium (Se) are an essential part of the antioxidative functions of metabolism. There are situations of low supply of both micronutrients. As recommended for any feed additive or supplement, you should consult a licensed veterinarian before administering this product!
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    1 Pound $17.99 USD 5 Pounds - $31.99 USD 10 Pounds - $35.99 USD 15 Pounds - $41.99 USD
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    Seaweed Meal
    Seaweed Meal

    Seaweed Meal (Certified Organic Kelp) Different kind of seaweeds are harvested on every continent. By far the largest quantity is consumed as alginates. Ascophyllum nodosum - a brown seaweed commonly known as knotted, knobbed or bladder wrack, or kelp - is one of many species which form part of the botanical order or algae. Because it is a particularly rich source of minerals, trace elements, and other nutrients, seaweed is an ideal human health food, animal feed supplement, and plant fertilizer. Frøytang, harvesting in unpolluted waters at the most nutritious point in the plant's growth cycle, delivers Ascophyllum of the highest quality and value.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    * * * 1 Pound $19.99 USD 5 Pounds - $42.99 USD 10 Pounds - $52.99 USD 15 Pounds - $62.99 USD * * *
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    Sel-Plex 2000
    SelPlex 2000

    SelPlex 2000 is an organic selenium yeast product. (Replacing SelenoSource AF 2000). Selenium yeast for further manufacture of feed for pigs, chickens, turkeys and cattle, and for use in salt mineral mixtures for beef cattle. Guaranteed analysis - Total selenium Min. 1990 ppm, Max. 2000 ppm. Organic Selenium Min. 1960 ppm. Ingredients: Selenium yeast, Brewers dried yeast. Store in a dry, cool place.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    * * * 1 Pound $20.99 USD 5 Pounds - $55.99 USD 10 Pounds - $91.99 USD * * *
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    Sulfur is used as a feed and mineral supplement to goats and other classes of livestock. The primary use is for external parasite control such as ticks and mites. However, certain research shows that a diet with small amounts of sulfur may be beneficial in other ways as well. Also compatible for gardening and other agricultural needs. As recommended for any feed additive or supplement, you should consult a licensed veterinarian before administering this product!
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    * * * 1 Pound $18.99 USD 5 Pounds - $32.99 USD 10 Pounds - $36.99 USD 15 Pounds - $42.99 USD * * *
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    Listed prices include USPS Flat Rate shipping to anywhere in the U.S.!!!

    Vitamin ADE
    Vitamin ADE

    Vitamin ADE is a vitamin supplement designed to fortify the vitamin A, D and E levels in cattle, goat or sheep rations. This Vitamin ADE supplement is recommended in small quantities according to livestock weight and nutrition requirements for given class and use of livestock. Add the needed amount of Vitamin ADE into the ration mix with the first 25 to 50% of the batch mix to ensure adequate distribution throughout the entire batch. This product does not contain drugs for growth promotion, disease prevention or disease treatment.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    * * * 1 Pound - $17.99 USD 5 Pounds - $27.99 USD 10 Pounds - $37.99 USD * * *

    Vitamin C
    Vitamin C

    Vitamin C is a vitamin supplement that has a variety of uses. The type of Vitamin C provided here is a white powder, water soluble. A number of people who follow the practices of Natural Goat Care will already know that Vitamin C is highly useful in place of antibiotics in manys cases, as well as cases where antibiotics have proved ineffective. Vitamin C along with dolomite, has proven useful in treating nitrate poisoning. It has also proven effective in treating various forms of mastitis. Adding a certain amount of Vitamin C to your goats daily diet will be more helpful than harmful, and this product can easily be added to the Goat Mineral Mix. As with any supplement, it is advisable to know what you are doing before you do it. Just to get an understanding of the benefits of Vitamin C, I recommend this link
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    * * * 1 Pound - $19.99 USD 5 Pounds - $58.00 USD 10 Pounds - $95.50 USD 15 Pounds - $133.00 USD * * *
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    Zinc Sulfate
    Zinc Sulfate

    Zinc Sulfate is typically used as the active ingredient for foot rot treatment on horses, sheep, and to a lesser degree, cattle and goats. Zinc Sulfate is also extensively used in many horse feeds (and other classes of livestock) where additional zinc supplementation is needed to balance optimum zinc levels. According to Horse Talk of New Zealand, Zinc "assists in areas such as wound healing, growth and immunity. As with any supplement, discussing the proper dosage or use of zinc with a licensed veterinarian is highly recommended before use.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    * * * 1 Pound - $21.99 USD 5 Pounds - $40.99 USD 10 Pounds - $60.99 USD 15 Pounds - $80.99 USD * * *
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    ZinPro 40
    ZinPro 40

    ZinPro 40 is a nutritional feed ingredient for livestock and poultry. ZINPRO® 40 is a light brown granular powder with characteristic methionine-like odor. ZINPRO® 40 weighs approximately 32 lb/cu. ft. ZINPRO® 40 is primarily used for treating and preventing foot rot and lameness in goats as well as other classes of livestock as indicated below. Also a good source of zinc and methionine and can easily be incorporated into the diet as a supplement. When correctly used, there is no toxicity hazard in the use of ZINPRO® 40 nor residue left in dairy livestock.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    * * * 1 Pound - $17.99 5 Pounds - $33.99 USD 10 Pounds - $43.99 USD 15 Pounds - $53.99 USD * * *
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    ZinPro 4 Plex C
    ZinPro 4-Plex-C

    ZinPro 4 Plex C for Beef and Dairy Cattle, Horses, Goats and other non-copper sensitive livestock. Each 1/4 ounce of 4-Plex-C contains 360 mg zinc from zinc methionine, 200 mg manganese from manganese methionine, 125 mg copper from copper lysine and 25 mg cobalt from cobalt glucoheptonate. Zinpro 4-Plex C contains zinc methionine complex, manganese methionine complex, copper lysine complex, and cobalt glucoheptonate. Zinpro 4-Plex C can be used as a nutritional aid for preventing and treating lameness and foot rot. Please see the associated PDF file for more information. WARNING: This product contains high levels of copper. DO NOT FEED TO SHEEP OR RELATED SPECIES.
    Prices include shipping and package insurance to U.S. destinations.
    * * * 1 Pound - $18.99 USD 5 Pounds - $58.00 USD 10 Pounds - $93.99 USD 15 Pounds - $132.00
    More Info .pdf file

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    ©Gary Pfalzbot, Colorado, USA
    This site is run and operated by a Disabled Veteran