Posted by GoatWorld on March 03, 2002 at 23:22:09:
In Reply to: Dog attack on friends goat herd! posted by Nat on March 03, 2002 at 20:29:54:
Hi Nat,
That's terrible about the dog attack. And even worse about the state law that you spoke of. There's always a hidden catch 22 written in these laws. With dogs, most people subscribe to the 3-S law - shoot, shovel and shutup. Myself, I subscribe to the 1-S law - I just shoot em' if they get on our property. At least the law in our area allows for "any perceived threat to property or livestock can be shot." I've never inquired, but that might even go as far as covering trespassers of the two legged kind. Scary thought.
A similar story I have is this. I'm sure all of you are aware of that darn kudzu I talk about all the time and finally got the state of Missouri to add to the noxious weed list...
Well, our neighbor up the hill, where the stuff grows from, can (or could) legally grow it and let it spill onto our property to damage our property (in the way of covering and killing anything in its path). There was no law against it. On the other hand, my goats get out and damage their property (in the form of eating their garden or shrubs) and I am by the laws here, legally and financially responsible for the damage they cause.
If that isn't the most idiotic thing I've ever heard as a law, I just don't know what else is. I think the people responsible for legislating and enacting these laws should be required to actually have first hand experience with situations before they are allowed to enable such legislation. It just shows that many in government use the "looks good on paper" theory but have no idea how it will be in real life for the real people who are dealing with it first hand.
By the way, the rabies shot that you mention, is that one for goats? I thought they were still working on a rabies vaccination for goats at Cornell.
Best regards,