Posted by Karen on September 16, 2002 at 20:22:30:
Today I moved my once very docile Boer buck to a greener location what fun that was. You see for no good reason we have not yet set up a buck pen, rather Reptar is tied securly in an area where he cannot jump up or over things. Because his area is lacking grass and the weeds he so loves I decided he should be moved. BIG MISTAKE. You see I bought him two years ago right off his Mom since then we have been best friends. Up until about a week ago when the ladies all decided to come in heat. Now he is in full rut and anybody going to get him must be delivering him to the ladies, so he thinks. Moving him went ok, a bit of shoving on his part and pushing back on my part. I am now thinking this is a fun game if you are a goat. My next mistake was moving him after (yes after) I put grain out for everybody including him, that he of course could not reach. Since I have never had a major problem with him before I walked up and unhooked his leash and proceeded back to his shed. He in turn took off towards the ladies. Not wanting to be drug accross the yard, the neighbors might laugh, afterall the goat is much larger than I am. I grabbed an ear and pulled, well that stopped him in his tracks he seemed to get his mind back. Then remembered the grain I put out for him so off we went again. So I grabbed his ear, he stopped, for a brief second I thought all was fine. Next thing I knew he was snorting and jumping, tossing himself all over the place. It seems he likes having his ear pulled because the more I did it the more goofy he got. He acted like a young kid wanting to play, not aggressive in the least but how does one play nice with a 200#+ buck in full rut. Because I don't care what anybody says the Boers DO wear "rut colone" my clothes are proof of that. Moral of the story don't play tug of war with a goats ears....they like it and chances are you will loose.