GoatWorld "What's New at GoatWorld?" Message Forum

Shadow Valley Soap 20cc Syringe

Periodically I will make a few announcements here about the overall GoatWorld web site and its past, present and future.

October 26, 2008 -- Mostly housekeeping duties for the web site. I am receiving a number of emails showing File Not Found errors and have been working on them as often as possible. Every dead link report is greatly appreciated. Several article pages have also been moved into their appropriate categories. Some of the recently moved pages may report as a dead link until their new addresses are updated in the search engines. The Banner Link Advertsing program is up and running over at least 50% of the web site. I expect to have it better than 90% completed within a couple of weeks.

Agricultural Research Service

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©Gary Pfalzbot, Colorado, USA
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