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Udderly Great Products Udderly Great Goat Products showcases the variety of things that can be done with goat products; milk, cheese, soap, lotions, etc. This page is your portal where you can find links to recipes and how to's in the Udderly Great Goat Products section. Please feel free to recommend your favorites so we can display them here!

Check out our Udderly Great Recipe Board! On this board you are invited to post your favorite recipes for soaps, lotions, cheeses, ice creams, butters, etc... anything to do with dairy products from goats! These recipes are here for everyone to share, so if you don't want to give away a family secret, don't post it here! On the other hand, if you want everyone to know what an udderly great recipe you've come up with or your Aunt Sally or Grandpa Tom used to use, then this is the right place for it! By placing your recipes here at GoatWorld.com, you are inviting the world to see what udderly great things can be done with Goat's Milk and your favorite herbs or spices! Remember too, recipes posted here are eligible to be included in our upcoming "Udderly Great Things To Do With Goat's Milk" Cookbook!

As you will see in this section there are an udderly great number of things to make with goat's milk. Visit our Soapmaking Workshops, Join our Recipe and Soapmaking Lists, and don't forget our Tuesday Night Chats hosted by Elizabeth Childers.

And when you're done here, be sure to check out our new Caprine Cuisine Section - Home of GoatWorld.com's own "Grinning Goat GourmetTM!" We have a NEW Caprine Cuisine Recipe Board there also where you are sure to find some great goat meat recipes that will keep you and yours grinning too! Be sure to add your own. Enjoy!

If you have a message that you would like to post that is not recipe related, feel free to use our Message Board that is specifically for Goat Health and other Goat Related Issues. We reserve the right to delete any posts which contain product or service advertisements. Please do not post Items For Sale in this section - please use our Classified Ads section instead. Your posts also show up in the GoatWorld.com Database Search (updated every 24 hours)!


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©Gary Pfalzbot, Colorado, USA
This site is run and operated by a Disabled Veteran

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