Jolly German Livestock Supplies - Devil's Claw Seeds, Ihug or Ihuk



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Devil's Claw Seeds

Devil's ClawDevil's Claw (Proboscidea parviflora), also known as Wood Spider or Grapple Plant, as well as the Native American names of i:hug or 'ihuk. For years many people have asked me about plants that goats will not eat, and I would have to classify the Devil's Claw plant in this category. It should be noted that an extremely hungry goat will try just about any plant, but the Devil's Claw I have grown for nearly 20 years has never been a plant that my goats or other classes of livestock will readily consume. In addition to being a goat safe plant, the Devil's Claw plant has a variety of uses for crafters, and especially for Native American culture that uses the dried pods for basket weaving. The Devil's Claw plant also adds a bit of flash color to landscape as they are very easy to grow in arid climates. Devil's Claw is also known for certain medicinal properties, especially the use of the seeds and roots, but I make no claims regarding this specific use.

What you will be purchasing and recieving is 25+ Devil's Claw seeds harvested from the previous year crop (2024). Each seed packet can be shipped via surface mail at $5.99 per seed packet, or $5.00 per packet when included with additional items ordered and shipped via USPS Flat Rate Priority Mail.

Sometime in the near future I may be offering complete, dried Devil's Claw pods for use in crafting, sculpting, and basket weaving and hat crafting. A number of expensive and highly sought after western hats incorporate Devil's Claw strands into their hat making art. Please inquire for further information if you'd like to make a bulk purchase of dried Devil's Claw pods.

If you do not receive a confirmation email within 36 hours of placing your order, please contact me immediately as your order may have been misrouted through email.

Uses for Devil's Claw
I first became aware of the use of Devil's Claw hooks for weaving baskets and for accenting hats. It is nearly a lost art among the Southwest Native Americans, but there are still a few artisans who continue to carry on the tradition. There is also a growing trend of modern day crafters using the entire Devil's Claw - hooks and pod for various projects. Below is a collection of links that I have found that will introduce you to the art of weaving with Devil's Claw as well as how to process them for weaving.

Processing “Ihuk,” or devils claw for basket making
Basket Weaver August Wood (Akimel O'odham/Diné) | Artist Insight
Basketry Vault Tour: The Ethnological Collections

We no longer accept PayPal for livestock and mineral orders. (Click here for more info) To pay by check or money order, please remit amount for the item and quantity you would like to purchase to:

    Gary Pfalzbot
    c/o GoatWorld
    14685 County Road D
    Ordway, CO 81063

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