"Purina Meat Goat 16 (55U7)"

A 16% crude protein, complete pelleted feed intended for high-production meat goats. Use as a creep feed for rapidly growing young animals prior to weaning. Designed for growing goats (30 pounds to market) and to help condition animals prior to breeding. Available with medication options to prevent coccidiosis; Rumensin®* (55T7) and Decoquinate* (55U7).

How To Feed Purina Goat Chow®
What to feed How much to feed daily
    Purina Goat Chow®
    1 week - 4 months
    Measured amounts up to
    1 1/2% body weight
    Growing Goats
    Purina Goat Chow®
    From 4 months to 2
    months before kidding
    2 - 2 1/2% of body weight plus forage
    Dry Does
    Purina Goat Chow®
    2 months before and
    until kidding
    1 1/2% of body weight
    morning and evening
    plus forage
    Milking Does
    Purina Goat Chow®
    Feed according to production:
    1 pound of Goat Chow to every
    3 pounds (3 pints) of milk produced,
    morning & evening
    Pet & Adult
    Purina Goat Chow®
    1/2 - 1 1/2% body weight plus forage
    All Goats
    Purina Sheep Mineral and block salt
    Free choice

Purina Mills, Inc.® is a proud sponsor of GoatWorld.com
This product content ©2000 GoatWorld.com & Purina Mills, Inc.®
and may not be reprinted without prior written permission.

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All written, audio, video and graphic material contained within this site, except where otherwise noted, is Copyrighted ©1999-2000. This includes all trademarks, logos and photos belonging to Rock Lane Records, Inc.® Music Monster Network®, or Rock Lane Farms. Some content may also be the property of contributors to the site, in which case their material is also protected by applicable copyright laws and this copyright policy. No material may be linked directly to or reproduced in any form without written permission from us. If you would like to reprint something from our site, simply send us an email to request permission to do so.
©Gary and Pamela Pfalzbot, 191 Rock Lane, Highlandville, MO 65669