Winter (winter.jpg)

    Gender: Doe
    Born: January 5th, 2000
    Age: Unknown (0 -1 year)
    Type: Unknown (Boer, Pygmy ???)
    Color: Brown, Black & White

"Winter" is the daughter of Tanya and a fairly recent kid at our farm. She appears nearly identical in markings to Tanya except for a white splotch on her head. Neither Tanya or her mother Beauty have and white markings. Throwback?? Winter is currently our "goaty of choice."

Better pictures coming soon!!

Goat Community Web Ring

All pictures and images are ©1999-2000 by Gary and Pamela Pfalzbot
Content may be freely used and redistributed for educational purposes only.
Rock Lane Farm, 191 Rock Lane, Highlandville, MO 65669