Dawn (dawn.jpg)

    Gender: Doe
    Born: Unknown
    Age: Unknown (1 -2 year)
    Type: Unknown (Boer ??)
    Color: Solid Tan

"Dawn" was reprieved from a local packing plant. She has a distinct marking in that she has a permanent 13 in the form of an ear tag. And 13 was appropriate for this one since she liked to run and is a member of our "high voltage club."

Dawn is a likeable young doe who we think may be carrying a kid. She's gotten rather fat and sassy over the last couple of months and this has been a saving grace for us in keeping tabs on her.

Dawn at one time, was the indicator if my attempts at constructing an electric fence was going to be successful. Sad to say, 90% of the time it wasn't. And to make matters worse, when Dawn would run, so would the others. Right to my beligerent and overbearing neighbor who I had the pleasure to have fisticuffs with. So even though "I got the best of" goat hating neighbor, the #13 stamped in her ear did turn out to be bad luck. (See my pages of Kudzu for more details.)

Better pictures coming soon!!

All pictures and images are ©1999-2003 by Gary and Pamela Pfalzbot
Content may be freely used and redistributed for educational purposes only.
Rock Lane Farm, 191 Rock Lane, Highlandville, MO 65669