"Drugs" Typical Dosages Used on Goats

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Click here for typical dosages used on goats.

Note: the database link below is under construction and may result in a "file not found" or "under construction" error. Please check back for updates. In the meantime, please sue the Typical Dosages link on GoatWorld for best results.

If you are looking for specific drugs, dosages, use and treatment for goats, the Center For Veterinary Medicine now has an excellent searchable database using this link.

The use of Drugs in the treatment of specific maladies, diseases and viruses is a common practice among many persons involved with raising goats. Some report that certain Drugs have proven extremely effective while others report that the same Drug does not work at all. For the most part, depending upon your location, breed of goats and specific symptoms, you will discover for yourself what works best for your herd.

It was our original intent to list only those drugs known to be effectively used with the health and medical care of goats. However, we now feel that it is more prudent to list ALL the KNOWN Drugs that are widely used by veterinary services. The drug links contained here are provided by the FDA. You will notice that many drugs are not labeled specifically for use on goats. This trend seems to be diminishing somewhat as the market for goats in the United States steadily becomes more popular.

One of the biggest reasons we have chosen to list all drugs that are "approved for use in animals" is simply because there is alot of "false information" passed around. Using this drug database an excellent way to familiarize yourself with what specific drugs purposes really are intended and how they may be helpful or harmful to your goat(s). Besides, if it is information provided by the FDA, why not get some use out of our tax dollars?

Agricultural Research Service

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