Goat Mineral Mix

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"Contacting GoatWorld"

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Contacting GoatWorld is easy, but there are a few options to consider when doing so:

By Facebook/Facebook Messenger:

    GoatWorld.com also runs a group on Facebook - GoatWorld. I can often be reached through there and the Facebook Messenger service. This often works better for me as cell phones don't provide enough clarity or reception for me (I'm used to the old phones - LOL).

By telephone: (719) 468-3943

    We enjoy speaking with people from all over the world. However, being on the Internet has put my contact information such as email and telephone number into the hands and databanks of many a telemarketing company. We do not always answer the telephone for various reasons and we ask that you PLEASE leave a message for whatever purpose you called.

    You are encouraged to call in regards to placing orders or to check on an order.

    If you are calling with a Goat 911 type call, please be aware that while I strive to do my best to help, I frequently receive calls from people who have sought veterinary advice and then call to have me explain or dispute that veterinarians advice or service rendered. - THIS IS NOT THE PURPOSE OF GOAT 911 and I will no longer address these calls. Cases such as these should be addressed in the GoatWorld Message Forum.

By email: gary@goatworld.com

    We welcome your email inquiries and questions as well! While we receive alot of email on a daily basis, we sort each email and assign it a priority in which order it will be answered. For example, a person writing to ask about a sick goat will receive a response quicker than a person asking about fencing or feed. This is only fair to those people who need immediate help/opinions on getting their goat back to optimum health. However, all email that is goat related will be answered eventually.

    When writing, you will also receive an immediate response back - this is called our "autoresponder" and shows that we have successfully received your email. You need not reply to the autoresponder. Receiving this auto-responder message DOES NOT place you on a mailing list.

By snail mail:

    Of course we will accept mail the old fashioned way! When writing, please be sure to include a return address. If sending a check or money order, be sure to make these payable to Gary Pfalzbot. All mail should be sent to:
    • Gary Pfalzbot
    • c/o GoatWorld
    • 14685 Road D
    • Ordway, CO 81063

Amber Waves Pygmy Goats

Agricultural Research Service

Email: Contact INFO
Telephone: Contact INFO
Designed & Hosted by: JOLLY GERMAN
©1999-2025 GoatWorld.Com
All written, audio, video and graphic material contained within this site, except where otherwise noted, is Copyright ©1999-2025. Some content may also be the property of contributors to the site, in which case their material is also protected by applicable copyright laws and this copyright policy. No material may be linked directly to or reproduced in any form without written permission. If you would like to reprint something from our site, simply send us an email to request permission to do so. Please refer to our REPRINT criteria.
©Gary Pfalzbot, Colorado, USA
This site is run and operated by a Disabled Veteran

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