Goat Mineral Mix

The GoatWorld Database was last updated:

"Caprine Cuisine"

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Pepper Here you can find recipes related to goat and lamb as well as links to our Caprine Cuisine Message Board and Udderly Great Message Board. The Udderly Great section pertains to goats milk, cheeses, etc. Please note, due to recent security issues and web site hacking vulnerabilites, logging in to our message boards is now required to read and post recipes in these sections. Thank you for your understanding.

Recipes posted here are eligible to be included in our upcoming "Grinning Goat Gourmet Cookbook," so be sure to include your real name and email address when submitting your recipes. You are also welcome to use the
Caprine Cuisine Message Board and/or Recipe List to discuss cooking techniques, spices, etc.

And when you're done here, be sure to check out our NEW Udderly Great Recipe Board! On that board you are invited to post your favorite recipes for soaps, lotions, cheeses, ice creams, butters, etc... anything to do with dairy products from goats!

Enjoy them both and tell your friends about GoatWorld.com!

Note: This section is supported by our GoatWorld Membership. Please consider becoming a GoatWorld Member where you can enjoy a community that is free from the badmouthing, spam mail and other unpleasantries.

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One day soon, these will be pictures of your recipes!


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©Gary Pfalzbot, Colorado, USA
This site is run and operated by a Disabled Veteran

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