"Goats By Breed - Surti"

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  • Distribution: Surat and Baroda.

  • Numbers: The total goat population in the Surti distribution area is 0.28 m, of which 0.030m adult males and 0.183m adult females. According to the officers of the State Department of Animal Husbandry, however, the number of Surti goats is extremely small. The breed is known to be a good dairy breed and is specially suited for maintenance under complete confinement and stall-feeding conditions. Considering its dairy quality and extremely small numbers reported, there is need for conservation, further multiplication and improvement of this breed.

  • Climate:

    Average monthly temperature (ºC)




    21.9 14.8-27.1


    33.6 30.3-37.3
    Average monthly relative humidity (%)


    71 81


    53 33
    Annual rainfall (cm) 120.3

  • Breed Characteristics:

    Adult males

    Adult females

    Body weight 29.5 32.03
    Body length 65.0 66.6
    Height at withers  73.5 70.1
    Chest girth 70.5 71.8

  • Conformation: Medium-sized animals, generally white in body color, with very well developed udder and large conical teats. Ears are medium-sized; ear length: 16.9+- 0.4 cm . Both sexes have small horns directed backward; horn length: 12.1 +- 0.68 cm.

  • Flock structure: Generally kept as one or two animals, essentially stall-fed.

  • Performance:


    Lactation yield (Kg)/day 2.5
    Lactation length (days)  

    All information and photographs contained here are posted in conjunction and cooperation with Goats in India. For additional information, please visit the Goats in India web site or email Capra@iespana.es.

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