Articles "A Parasite Primer" Article Index

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By: "Robin L. Walters

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    Rated 1.9 by 19 responses.

  • Utilize fecal egg counts to rate the effectiveness of your parasite control program.
  • Do not under-dose - goats require that most wormer dosages be doubled.
  • It is recommended that all wormers be given to goats orally, regardless of product.
  • Always treat new animals when they are brought into the herd.
  • Rotate to clean pastures after worming, wait 48 hours after treatment (minimum) before turning out in clean pasture.
  • Rotate anthelmintics annually, or when resistance develops.
  • Watch withdrawal times on market animals.
  • Select breeding stock that shows resistance to parasites.
  • Most anthelmintics are not approved for sheep or goats, work with your veterinarian to develop an effective strategy.
  • Be careful relying solely on fecal egg counts. When worms are dormant (December - February) they don’t lay eggs. If you treat during this time it will greatly reduce pasture contamination in the spring.
  • Are your goats showing signs of parasites?

    Anthelmintics by Class

    Family (Class) Drug (Compound) Product Name
    Double Impact
    Top Line
    Quest Equine Wormer

    ***Do not give to pregenant females, may cause abortion

    Anthelmintics for Goat Producers


    Brand Name: Ivomec, Double Impact, Top-line, Phoenectin Pour-on
    Active Ingredient(s): ivermectin 1% (injectable) ivermectin 0.5% (pour-on)
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: 35 days before slaughter
    Indications: Control of internal and external parasites
    Dosage: 1ml per 110 lbs. SQ (injectable) 1ml per 22 lbs. applied topically (pour-on)
    Goat Notes: Give all avermectin wormers orally. 1% Injectable 1ml per 50lbs; 0.5% pour on 1ml per 10 lbs.

    Brand Name: Ivomec Plus
    Active Ingredient(s): ivermectin 1% and clorsulon 10%
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: 56 days before slaughter
    Indications: Control of internal and external parasites including adult liver flukes
    Dosage: 1ml per 110 lbs. SQ
    Goat Notes: 1ml per 50 lbs. to control external and internal parasites including liver flukes

    Brand Name: Dectomax
    Active Ingredient(s): doramectin 1% injectable; doramectin 0.5% pour-on
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: 35 days before slaughter for injectable; 42 days before slaughter for pour-on
    Indications: Control of internal and external parasites
    Dosage: 1ml per 75 lbs. SQ or IM (injectable) 5ml per 110 lbs. applied topically (pour-on)
    Goat Notes: 1 ml per 35 lbs. given orally (injectable) 1lm per 10 lbs. given orally (pour-on)

    Brand Name: Eprinex (Ivomec)
    Active Ingredient(s): eprinomectin 5mg
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: No slaughter or milk withdrawal on cattle
    Indications: Control of internal and external parasites
    Dosage: 5ml per 100 lbs. applied topically (pour-on)
    Goat Notes: 1 ml per 10 lbs. Great for treating kids; although a larger amount is needed per pound, small goats can be accurately dosed. Used frequently in dairy goats (No milk withdrawal) at 2-3 times the cattle dose.


    Brand Name: Cydectin, Quest Equine Wormer
    Active Ingredient(s): moxidectin
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: No slaughter withdrawal on cattle
    Indications: Control of internal and external parasites
    Dosage: 5ml per 110 lbs. applied topically
    Goat Notes: 1ml per 25 lbs. given orally - this is the most effective wormer we have right now.


    Brand Name: Safe-guard, Panacur, Benzelmin
    Active Ingredient(s): fenbendazole
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: 8 days before slaughter
    Indications: Control of internal parasites
    Dosage: varies with brand and type of product
    Goat Notes: Treat with 3x the label dosage for 3 days in a row to kill tape worms. Most stomach and intestinal worms show resistance to fenbendazole products. Extremely high safety margin.

    Brand Name: Synanthic
    Active Ingredient(s): oxfendazole
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: 11 days before slaughter
    Indications: Control of internal parasites
    Dosage: varies with brand and type of product
    Goat Notes: Treat with 2x - 3x the label dosage for 3 days in a row to kill tape worms. Most stomach and intestinal worms show resistance to fenbendazole products. Synanthic can be given to weak and anemic goats at 2x the sheep dosage when goats heavily infested with parasites and are unlikely to be able to recover from the bleed out of a large parasite population dying at one time. Extremely high safety margin.

    Brand Name: Valbazen
    Active Ingredient(s): albendazole
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: days before slaughter
    Indications: Use Valbazen to control of internal parasites including adult liver flukes.
    Dosage: varies with type of product
    Goat Notes: Treat with 3x the label dosage for 3 days in a row to kill tape worms. Most stomach and intestinal worms show resistance to fenbendazole products. Extremely high safety margin. Do not use on does of breeding age that have been exposed to a buck, or those that are bred. May cause abortion or birth defects.


    Brand Name: Strongid - T
    Active Ingredient(s): pyrantel pamoate
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: not established
    Indications: Control of internal parasites
    Dosage: 3 mg per 1 lb.
    Goat Notes: 4.5 mg per 1 lb. Has bee recommended for use in goats.

    Brand Name: Rumatel
    Active Ingredient(s): morantel tartrate
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: 30 days before slaughter
    Indications: Control of internal parasites
    Dosage: Use to medicate feed at the rate of 0.44 grams per 100lbs.
    Goat Notes: Mix crumbles in feed at the rate of 25 lbs. per ton. Use this as supplemental parasite control; continue worming with other products as needed. Worm goats thoroughly before starting on medicated feed.

    Coccidia Prevention

    Brand Name: Bovatec
    Active Ingredient(s): lasalocid sodium
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: None
    Indications: Control of coccidia FDA approved for non-lactating sheep.
    Dosage: not less than 15 mg and no more than 70 mg daily. Do not feed to Equines.
    Goat Notes: It is available as a feed additive and in blocks. Caution: Bovatec blocks are high in copper.

    Brand Name: Corrid
    Active Ingredient(s): amprolium
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: 1 day before slaughter for beef calves
    Indications: Control of coccidia
    Dosage: mix in drinking water as directed. Corrid is available in liquid or soluble powder.
    Goat Notes: Coccidia has shown a high incidence of resistance with Corrid. There are other products on the market that are more effective. Also, Corrid depletes the thiamin levels in the rumen, need to watch out for thiamin deficiency polio when treating.

    Brand Name: Deccox
    Active Ingredient(s): decoquinate
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: none
    Indications: Control of coccidia
    Dosage: Mix in feed ration to provide a daily dose of 22.7mg per 100 lbs. Feed for at least 28 days during exposure or stress.
    Goat Notes: Although many people prefer Deccox because of it is safe around equines, Deccox is a rumen inhibitor, and I don't believe is as effective as rumensin or bovatec.

    Brand Name: Rumensin
    Active Ingredient(s): monensin sodium
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: None
    Indications: Control of coccidia
    Dosage: Mix 20g rumensin per ton of feed. Can feed continuously.
    Goat Notes: Most effective product for goats. Ingestion by equines can be fatal.

    Brand Name: Sulmet
    Active Ingredient(s): sulfamethazine
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: 10 days before slaughter
    Indications: Bacterial pneumonia, E.Coli, Diphtheria, mastitis, and coccidiosis. May use soluble powder, constitute per package instruction and give 15cc orally.
    Goat Notes: Dose orally or mix with drinking water, first dose is double the following four doses. Do not give with penicillin.

    Brand Name: Albon
    Active Ingredient(s): sulferdimethox
    Availability: OTC
    Withdrawal: 10 days before slaughter
    Indications: Sulferdimethox is effective against Bacterial pneumonia, E.Coli, Diphtheria, mastitis, and coccidiosis. May use soluble powder, constitute per package instruction and give 15cc orally.
    Dosage: can be drenched or mixed with drinking water for self-medicating.
    Goat Notes: Available in liquid and soluble powder form. Albon is also available in injectable form. It is very effective for coccidia and certain types of mastitis. Can also be added to milk replacer to treat kids. Good management for freshly castrated kids. Do not give with penicillin.

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