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"Why Goat Milk? (Part 2)"

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Why Goat Milk? (Part 2)

By: George F. W. Haenlein
Cooperative Extension Dairy Specialist University of Delaware

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  • Capric, caprylic and other MCT have been used for treatment of malabsorption syndrome, intestinal disorders, coronary diseases, pre-mature infant nutrition, cystic fibrosis, gallstone problems, because of their unique metabolic abilities of providing energy and at the same time lowering, inhibiting and dissolving cholesterol deposits (Schwabe et al., 1964; Greenberger and Skillman, 1969; Kalser, 1971; Tantibhedhyangkul and Hashim, 1975, 1978). It seems apparent that in this lipid area is great potential for identifying a unique importance and role for goat milk, specifically goat milk fat and probably goat milk butter, which has not received much attention at all. And all this adds even more importance to the establishment of acceptable practices and standards for quality goat milk production, which so far has been lagging behind those for dairy cows, but which require separate establishment because of the many unique physiological and metabolic characteristics of goats compared to cows (Haenlein, 1980, 1987a, 1991; Hinckley, 1991; Kalogridou-Vassiliadou et al., 1992).

    Table 1. Comparison of Milk Fat Compositions in Goat, Cow and Human Milk (weight%)
    Principal fatty acids in milk fat Goat milk fat Cow milk fat Human milk fat Melting point o F
    C4:0-Butyric 3 3 trace 18
    C6:0-Caproic 2 1 trace 25
    C8:0-Caprylic 3 1 trace 16
    C10:0-Capric 10 3 2 31
    C12:0- Lauric 7 2 6 44
    C14:0- Myristic 13 10 9 54
    Total Medium Chain Acids (C6-C14) 35 17
    C14:1- Myristoleic 1 1 trace -
    C16:0- Palmitic 28 26 23 63
    C16:1- Palmitoleic 3 3 3 33
    C18:0- Stearic 6 13 7 70
    C18:1- Oleic 21 32 37 16
    C18:2- Linoleic 4 3 8 23
    C18:3- Linolenic and others 1 2 4 7

    According to J. C. LeJaouen et al., 1981; J. R. Campbell et al., 1975; S. K. Kon et al., 1961.

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