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Maggie Leman
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Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 07:18 pm:   

If penicillin didn't work last time I doubt increasing the dose will make it work any better. The current recommendations for giving penicillin to goats it to give it TWICE a day at 1 cc per 15 pounds. I would use either the Duramycin 200 (which is oxytetracycline the same as Biomycin) at 1 cc per 30 pounds once a day for at least 5 days. But my personal favorite and th one I have the best results from is the Naxcel. I give 1 cc per 50 pounds twice a day, with a double first dose. All of these injections can be given SQ. All antibiotics should be given for AT LEAST 5 DAYS! Giving a couple of doses just makes the bacteria resistant. When the animal relapses (and it will) the bacteria causing the problem will be resistant to the drug or drugs you used before. Do not give penicillin and oxytet at the same time, they cancel each other out. You can give banamine at 1 cc per 100 pounds once a day for fever and pain control and to help keep the goat eating. If you don't have banamine give liquid Children's motrin at 1 cc per 10 pounds every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain and fever control. Or aspirin at 1 regular tab per 10 pounds every 4 to 6 hours (aspirin is poorly absorbed by ruminants so a large dose is needed).

On treating for cocci: Corid is mostly ineffective anymore. Adding it or any meds to the water is useless. First, in this heat the drugs break down fast. Most drugs taste very bitter. Goats are very particular about what the eat and drink and will not drink enough water in the required time for the drug to do any good. Same for the cocci preventative in the grain feed. Once again creating a resistant parasite. The goats that need the prevention do not eat enough grain to get the required dose (these would be the kids 3 to 6 weeks old). The current recommendations is to use a sulfa drug, such as Sulmet, Dimethox or Albon 12.5% drinking water solution, BUT USE IT STRAIGHT FROM THE BOTTLE. Give 1 cc per 5 pounds for 5 days by oral drench for treatment or you can give the same dose once a week starting at 4 to 5 weeks old until 6 to 8 months old for prevention.
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(Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 06:56 pm:   

The vet is recommending 15cc Procaine pen G today, 10cc tomorrow and 5cc on Thursday. Should I give the first and second one in 3 injections and then 2 injections of 5cc each?
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Jim B (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 05:14 pm:   

I would give some LA200 to your goat. That has always worked for us.
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(Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - 04:43 pm:   

I have a 4 mo old buckling that has already had one round of pneumonia. I treated him with Procaine Pen. but that didn't work. The vet treated him with two doses of Nuflor and it cleared right up. Today he had a congested nose and he won't eat. His temp is 106 and he is just standing around. I have been treating for Cocci with Corid in the water and medicated goat feed. I have some Duramycin 72-200 (I thought I was getting Biomycin. is it the same thing?) and Procaine Penicillen. Should I give the Duramycin since the Penicillen didn't work last time or call the vet again for some Naxcel? Thanks for the help

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