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Maggie Leman
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Posted on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 06:15 am:   

If she still has diarrhea I would suspect coccidia. Keep giving the Albon at 1 cc per 5 pounds for the next 4 to 5 days. Stress of being at a show will make the coccidia worse. And her temp is within normal range she doesn't need antibiotics. Always take the temperature first before giving any antibiotics. Antibiotics should not be given unless you KNOW the goat needs them. All goats (animals and humans too) have disease causing bacteria living within them at all times. These small doses of antibiotics make those germs living within antibiotic resistant. So when and if they do get the upper hand those antibiotics don't work. Do not just automatically give a sick goat "a shot". You have time to figure out if the goat actually needs it before giving it (taking its temperature is the best way). Many times antibiotics can actually hinder a goat's recovery. They ALWAYS affect the rumen and intestinal microbes to some extent. If those microbes have already taken a hit (as from simple bloat, parasites, etc.) they don't need the additional blow delivered by unnecessary antibiotics. Treat first for only the OBVIOUS symptoms (this goat had bloat) and then check for underlying causes and form a game plan.

On a slightly different note, what did you use to worm her with and how much did you give?
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Richard Manning
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Posted on Saturday, July 30, 2005 - 10:16 pm:   

Since her Temp was in the normal range, why give her the antibiotics ?
Sorry, just my soapbox. If you haven't done so already, Do give Maggie a call. She's the best there is here, in my opinion in regards to goat diseases.
Good luck, both with this goat as well as your upcoming show.
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(Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Saturday, July 30, 2005 - 08:45 pm:   

Her temp is 103.5. I gave her Kaopectate, pen G, the bloat concoction, and a vit. b shot. I also gave her albon and wormed her again.
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Maggie Leman
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Posted on Saturday, July 30, 2005 - 07:50 am:   

I would not take her to the fair. Even if it is simple bloat you are asking for a relapse. And taking a sick goat makes you look very bad.

Getting a temp on her is very important, it could indicate you are treating more than simple bloat. Bloat and diarrhea are symptoms of enterotoxemia. Having a fever would help confirm that diagnosis. Was the mucus from the nose clear or thick and yellow or green? CLear mucus may have just been from the pressure the bloat was putting on her lungs, a thick yellowish or greenish mucus indicates a respiratory infection and may require antibiotics. Here again if she has a fever this would help with diagnosing this condition. Feel free to call me (I am listed in the 911 contacts in NC) or email me privately.
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(Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Saturday, July 30, 2005 - 04:52 am:   

I have a 5 month old doe that when I went out to feed last night that didnt look good at all. She was bloated, has a runny nose and really green diarhea. I dont know her temp. I called the vet and he gave me a recipe for a drench that I have used many times that works for bloat. But I am concerned about the other symptoms. I also gave her 4cc of pennicillan. She is a mini mancha and weighs about 65 pounds.
Our animals have to be checked into the fair no later than midnight tomorrow night so please help fast,.

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