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Cindy Hance
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Username: chance

Post Number: 54
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Posted on Wednesday, April 12, 2006 - 08:32 pm:   

Still worried about mom. Temp 103.5 today up from 101.6 (warm sunny day, glad to see her laying outside when I got home but she spends most of her time in the corner of the shed with her face in the corner after we come home and feed her.) Wormed her last night after all we've been through I just thought about it. Her eyelids were very pale. Gave 6 cc ivomec injection P.O. to make sure we got them all. How long does it take before her blood level is back up. Also gave her 10cc Fort. Vit B. Concerned about her maybe having polio with how and where she lays. Not sure but worth a shot. Should I call the vet for some thiamin just in case? Having been drenching her with oatmeal about 160cc at a time although she seems to be eating alfalfa/broom mix a little better. Her mouth seems to getting a LITTLE better-she'll only eat a little bit though. She is drinking water well. Haven't seen her eat any pellets/corn lately though. Don't know if she is just so hungry she doesn't feel well and if she now has another problem ie., polio? She lays down all the time and I'm afraid I'm going to lose her. She still has milk and feeds the babies alot on either side while she rests (laying down). We are supplementing the babies, two suck it down but the other is a challenge, have to force it down and he doesn't like it. He seems thin like the other two most times -don't know if he's getting enough but I don't want to overfeed him either since he doesn't want the bottle. Don't know what else I can do for mom. Still trying to find probios, nothing in the area. Calling the vet tomorrow morning to see if he can order some for me. Any ideas what else could be wrong? Assisted birth with vet - very long labor.

Oh one more thing her eyelids have more color but her tongue is still very pale along with the infection or burn from the calicum gel over a week ago. Not sure if it's from the late worming and it's taking a long time for her to replenish her supply or what. I feel horrible. We've been through a lot of medical care/TLC/feeding etc..and not think of something so important I feel horrible. I hope and pray to God that we caught it soon enough.
Any suggestions?
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

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Posted on Monday, April 10, 2006 - 06:05 am:   

If you use a pelleted grain try wetting it a bit so the pellets fall apart. I also have a goat that likes wetted rabbit pellets. Yes you will have to give the Magic by syringe or turkey baster.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Cindy Hance
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Username: chance

Post Number: 48
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Posted on Sunday, April 09, 2006 - 07:00 pm:   

Thank you! I tried the oatmeal, she wouldn't have anything to do with it. - she won't even look at me anymore. Every time I go near her she turns and walks away. I did give her some grain, she ate very little and saw her eat a little hay hopefully her mouth is healing unless she is just starving. Thanks, I'll keep trying if I don't see her eating better tomorrow should I turkey baste teh oatmeal or magic?
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

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Posted on Sunday, April 09, 2006 - 02:02 pm:   

The tremors may be because she feels cold. I know I get the shakes when I have low blood sugar.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Cindy Hance
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Username: chance

Post Number: 45
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Posted on Sunday, April 09, 2006 - 11:33 am:   

Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it! I think I'll try the oatmeal. The one sideof her gum and lip I saw is all yellow. She only takes one stem of alfalfa at a time and chew so carefully. I'll take her off the penicillin after tonight that will be five days and see if I can't get some probios for her. Do you think she is shaking from teh low temp?
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

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Posted on Sunday, April 09, 2006 - 09:56 am:   

She doesn't seem to have a fever so I would say she doesn't have an infection. Give the penicillin for at least 5 days total then stop and monitor her temperature. Sometimes antibiotics can do as much harm as they do good especially if they are given for much longer than is necessary or recommended. Give her probios to help replenish her gut microbes, with her being off feed and getting antibiotics they have taken a real hit. Antibiotics only help kill bacteria that is their only purpose, they kill good bacteria and bad bacteria. The reason one only give antibiotics for a set time is to try to kill the bad bacteria (which the body is fighting anyway) without killing off all the good bacteria. Giving her Fortified B Complex may help, it sooths an irritated gut and promotes strong nerve function and promotes a good appetite. Give according to the instructions on the bottle once or twice a day by Sq injection.

Calcium can be a bit corrosive and it burns. Mouth sores heal very quickly.

Most goats with milk fever actually have a subnormal temp. Hers is within normal range and it may be a touch low because she has low blood sugar (again from not eating well). You can give Magic, the recipe is on the Articles page, 2 ounces a couple of times a day to help give her energy while she is off feed. I know of one capri medic that recommends an oatmeal gruel (soupy oatmeal) sweetened with a bit of molasses for goats that are off feed. They can just kind of slurp it up. Some goats would like an electrolyte water like a bucket or Resorb water along with plain water to drink. We used to offer both to sick horses and they would drink both according to their preference...

She is working very hard to feed these kids along with trying to get well herself. You may want to help out by supplementing the kids 2 to 3 times a day with a bottle. Use the recipe for milk replacer on the Articles page if you don't have a supply of goat milk. The dual strain is making her recovery very slow. A perfectly healthy doe is under a big strain with triplets, this one needs your help raising these.

As for heading off polio, giving thiamin (and yes the Fortified B Complex works fine it HAS 100 mg/ml of thiamin in it) is useless until the goat actually needs it. Any excess is just peed out. Likely they just climbed on and ate relatively good hay out of the pile. Always be sure they have to choice of eating nice clean hay and they will largely ignore the junk.

One the dead baby, it is perfectly normal for a doe that has always had twins or more to occasionally have a single. Does don't always have litters. Factors such as her body condition, mineral deficiency, length of time between litters, the bucks fertility, and whether she conceived during the regular rut season or out of it all factor into how many kids she has at any given time. It could be the kid was hung up in the birth canal for a period of time, say one or both legs were turned back and every time the doe pushed (and she would be pushing hard if the kid was coming slow) the breathing was impaired and the heart couldn't beat well, and the kid died of the stress. Or the kid was presented rear legs first (a perfectly normal birth position). In this position they must be born very quickly but sometimes the head stays in the birth canal too long. The cord breaks or is pinched off as the belly passes over the pelvic brim at the cervix and the kid takes a breath, while still inside and it drowns. There is little you can do for the doe. I would try to not let this be a total waste and milk out all that valuable colostrum and freeze it. She can also provide extra milk for those triplets! I freeze in 20 cc syringes, perfect for defrosting just a bit and they attach directly to a stomach feeding tube. But many people freeze in ice cube trays (which are about 1 ounce each) for easy of defrosting and using later.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Cindy Hance
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Username: chance

Post Number: 44
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Posted on Sunday, April 09, 2006 - 08:29 am:   

Just took her temp a bit ago it's only 101.6. Checked her gums and lip and she seems to have an infection from the calcium gel we had given her. She got close to 300cc over 4 days. We gave 60cc twice a day but her lip started to swell up so she didn't get the last 20cc or so can't tell exactly how much is in there. She's not eating because of her lip I'm guessing. Should we grind up some corn and hay and give it to her and make some mush so she doesn't have to chew it. She takes bits and peice here and there. She has been on 5cc penicillin since the babies birth due to the vet assist. Thinking of increasing to 5cc twice a day since she doesn't seem to be getting any better. Please let me know what you think.
Also our last doe to kid had a dead baby this morning -we weren't there but it was still kinda warm so we are figuring it was born that way. She is at least two years old and only had a single so I was wondering if there might have been something wrong from the start. It was perfectly formed and beautiful. The mom is very depressed, anything we should do for her?
Another problem - I cleaned out a bunch of wet, and some moldy hay yesterday (tons of rain lately) and forgot a pile in the pen and I think they ate of good portion of it. Thinking of heading off any polio. Do you think fort. vitamin would help or do I need thiamin?
Not a good weekend I guess.
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Barbara Howard
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Posted on Sunday, April 09, 2006 - 05:39 am:   

I think i would continue with the treatment for milk fever .
I the first dose helped she may need more.

Barbara Howard
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Posted on Sunday, April 09, 2006 - 12:40 am:   

From your description you seem worried that she might have some retained placenta or other related uterine complication. If this was the case there could be a bacteria building up thus creating a fever. The previous antibiotic could have been keeping it under control and is wearing off. Her current symptoms point at possible fever. You really need to take her temp to be sure. If you have no help take some rope and tie her head to a post at a wall and lean her back end against the side of that wall to restrain her while you check.

Another possiblity the symptoms you described suggest early signs of Ketosis. Give her magic formula as described here ->
I would follow that with 60cc Revive/60cc water mix orally for 2 days. If not revive at then at least give an SQ injection of 2cc B complex. The fortified type be best.
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Cindy Hance
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Username: chance

Post Number: 42
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Posted on Saturday, April 08, 2006 - 07:07 pm:   

I wrote in a few days ago about my doe who the vet helped deliver triplets. We had the babies in a big tub up until today-They are stonger now, 5 days old but health wise maybe 1 1/2 - 2 days old. They are doing very well and look like they have grown already. Mom was given calicum gel for possible milk fever and seemed to do better and oxytocin shot on Wednesday, never saw any afterbirth of any kind but she stopped pushing so I figure she ate it. Even what she tired to get out before the shot that I gently pulled out is gone so... I don't think mom is doing very well. She is not eating very much although I think she has a sore on her lip from the gel. She laid out in the sun with her babies all day but she seems to drop her head downward. She doesn't seem to have very much energy. And she seemed to start shaking somewhat when the sun started to go down, it's still at least 50-55 degrees. I don't know her temp cause I have no one here to help me take it, but I know I need to take it. She has also been on penicillin since Tuesday due to the pulling of the babies.
Any ideas without knowing her temperature.

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