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Barbara Howard
Advanced Member
Username: bhoward

Post Number: 46
Registered: 08-2005
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Posted on Monday, March 27, 2006 - 03:44 pm:   

She has milk fever I use a med called revive to get them going.
Mix 500cc Dextrose
500cc calcium Gluconate
250cc of MF0
500cc Amino Acid if you have it.
500cc of thiamin
mix this with 50% water and give 3-4 ounces 4 times a day orally.
I do this at night to hold them over until morning.
1 pint corn oil
1 pint molasses
2 pints karo syrup
mix this with 2 cups of warm water.
Last give them 3 tablespoons morning and night mixed in with the magic and revive.

Barbara Howard
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 566
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Monday, March 27, 2006 - 03:23 pm:   

She has milk fever, caused by low calcium. Start her on CMPK ASAP, this condition can deteriorate and become fatal. Give the CMPK every 4 hours to start until she is back up. You need to get her up and "draped" over a bale of hay to stretch and massage her legs (do this TODAY) and do it 4 times a day until she can stand and walk again. Once a goat is down for even a few days the muscles and tendons in the legs can atrophy so much they WON'T be able to stand up again even if they want to.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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(Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Monday, March 27, 2006 - 02:18 pm:   

Hi Gary, All

I have a question about a 14 month old mixed breed doe who has just given birth and will not stand up. she is about 60 pounds - this is the first birth

She started having trouble standing thursday, front legs ok, back legs weak.

If we lifted her she would stand for a few minutes then sink back down. the back legs seemed weak.

She was eating and drinking fine, urinating and deficating ok, all looked normal, ( still does)

Eyes were clear, but obviousley ready to kid.

She kidded ( with some help) friday night. one still born (small) female, one male who is doing fine. no complications or abnormal discharges, heavy bleeding etc. afterbirth came out.

Yesterday she was still down, temp was down but bodily functions ok, eating and drinking OK. We have her on penicillin ( from a vet) and he said to give her gator-aid. we have been.

This morning she was still down, but a bit more active. still won't get up. Still eating ok, no problems that we can see fdrom the birth.

Also, yesterday when the owner clapped his hands to to indicate to the other goats it was time to eat ( he does that when he drops hay in the pen, she responded with bleats - but did not get up.

Her temp was better today ( don't know exactly yet - owner will get a therm. today to get real reading.

Outside temp went down to 40 last night, no rain, it's 55 now. He has her on a straw bed, with blankets and turned her today. she did not resist but did kick abit.

He gave the last of the penicillon today.

she was more active today - moving her legs. She won't let the kid nurse - should we milk her to relieve the pressure ?

that's it - any suggestions ?

Thanks -
408 782 1791

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