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Barbara and Barry Neiderhiser
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Username: barbbarry

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Posted on Friday, March 24, 2006 - 04:20 pm:   

thank you for answering my questions. I will take the little buck to the vet on Monday. The swelling is hard. Fortunately, he is acting OK. I'll keep a close watch on him.
I'll let the buyer know about China Berries. Thanks again.
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

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Posted on Friday, March 24, 2006 - 02:42 pm:   

This could be an umbilical hernia. Is it soft? If you press on it with flat fingers will is "go back in"? Or is it firm and round? If it is firm and round it could be an umbilical abscess. Either way unless the goat is going straight for meat you shouldn't sell him with such a problem. Consult a vet on your options.

China Berry is very poisonous according to the info I could find.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Barbara and Barry Neiderhiser
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Username: barbbarry

Post Number: 39
Registered: 12-2005

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Posted on Thursday, March 23, 2006 - 06:26 pm:   

I have someone who is buying 3 of our 6 mos olds. He asked if China Berries were poisonous to goats. Does anyone have the answer to this question.

I found this when I gave a 2 month old buck his first CD&T and hoof trimming. He has a 2 inch diameter swelling right infront of his penis and behind his navel. It is not hot, the skin is normal color. He fusses when I touch it. Otherwise, he's fine. He eats, plays and acts like a normal kid. What is this? What should I do to help him. Is this a urinary problem? Should I take him to the vet? Thanks

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