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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 541
Registered: 07-2005

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Posted on Friday, March 24, 2006 - 02:32 pm:   

If it has been wet outside the hooves will do this. Trim the loose hoof wall away, I like to use Kopertox (that nasty green stuff for horses with thrush). It works great.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Theresa Chandler
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Username: tchandler6

Post Number: 53
Registered: 08-2005

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Posted on Thursday, March 23, 2006 - 06:14 pm:   

I would like suggestions on how to harden the hoof wall.. My goats are fed Kent feed, free choice golden blend goat minerals and free choice sodium bicarbonate. Are all up to date on CD/T, worming, and hoof trimmings. Lately, I have noticed that some of the girls' hoof walls are breaking away pretty badly; and the sole is overly soft. Thinking that maybe this could be from deficiency of copper, so I have been mixing some of the golden blend mineral in with their feed. There is no pus, infection, or lameness with the goats, but I feel that the hooves are just not as healthy as they should be. They have clean bedding at all times. I am a fanatic on dry bedding. I have a couple that I have been putting iodine on, and I have gotten some copper sulphate from my feed store. Would this be the correct copper sulphate for foot bathing? I have read to get a 10% copper sulphate, but can't find anything on my bill or anything stating the percentage of what I have purchased. Does this sound like hoof rot, or what? Does this sound like something that I should be really concerned about? I have about 40 head, and have had goats for over 10 years, but things just don't look quite right with these girls' hooves lately. If I should put something on topically, does anyone have any suggestions to the best product to use?

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