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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 507
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Sunday, March 19, 2006 - 02:39 pm:   

She drank from the bottle thinking she was getting milk and for comfort because she was nervous from traveling, not because she was thirsty for water. They really don't seem to register the difference. She she became overhydrated. When this extra water is suddenly absorbed into the bloodstream it can cause red blood cells to burst. The free hemoglobin is filtered out by the kidneys making the urine red. Doing this too often can cause anemia.

Alot of people will try to wean a goat like this by giving water in the bottle instead of milk. This doesn't really work, you have to wean them from wanting a bottle, not from wanting milk.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Pam M. (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Sunday, March 19, 2006 - 01:06 pm:   

I supplemented her with a bottle since she was one of triplets and mom didn't supply enough for the two larger bucklings and her. I occasionally give her a bottle of water, did at the show to make sure she drank some there, but she also drinks from the buckets I have available in the goat pen. I am confused though. Why would drinking from a bottle cause anemia and bloody urine? Anyway, today her urine appears perfectly normal...stress maybe???
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Missy (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Saturday, March 18, 2006 - 08:13 pm:   

Is she being bottle fed? Are you giving water in a bottle? If you are you should stop because it is making her anemic and that will cause her to pee blood. Ask me how I know....been there.
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Pam M. (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Saturday, March 18, 2006 - 08:04 pm:   

Today while at a goat show, my 11 week old pygmy doeling started passing bloody urine. (When I arrived at the show she peed and it was normal.) She continued peeing frequently and it stayed bloody looking. She was and is bright, active, alert. She ate and drank normally and chewed her cud. No signs of pain or distress. Took her temp when I got home...103.4 degrees. Still eating well and frisky. What could this be? Urinary tract infection? What is best course of treatment?

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