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Sandi Scott
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Username: sarasotasandi

Post Number: 36
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Posted on Thursday, March 02, 2006 - 08:26 am:   


I forgot to mention. I've had very good results giving sick babies B-complex orally. I don't know why, maybe it perks up their appetite or something, but it's worth a try.

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Sandi Scott
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Username: sarasotasandi

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Posted on Thursday, March 02, 2006 - 08:14 am:   

The breeder should never have let you take a sick animal!
Keep him on either LA-200 OR penicillin for a full 5 days. The two will cancel each other out, so you need to wait a day. With respiratory infections, Naxcel, available from the vet, is the best choice. Again, you need to treat for the full 5 days.
The teeth grinding and no poop is very serious. If he stands hunched up and seems to strain, you may need to give him an enema. I use the infant size Fleets enema, give about half to start. If he isn't pooping, he won't want to eat, and if he does eat, it will make him miserable.

If he's worse after a feeding, try giving an electrolyte solution instead, about half what you would give for milk. Again, children's pedialyte works well. This will keep him hydrated but not upset his tummy further.

How old are these kids? At 3 to 7 days, they should get 8 oz, increasing to 10 oz, 3 times a day. Between 1 and 2 weeks, increase to 12 oz, 3 times a day, gradually increasing to 14 oz. At about 2 weeks, increase to 16 oz twice a day. I do this gradually, increasing the morning and evening bottle and decreasing the afternoon bottle. By the 3rd week, they should be taking about 20 oz. twice a day. Are you feeding the same thing as the breeder? Any drastic change in formula can be devastating to a young animal. Always get several feedings worth of milk from the breeder, and mix it with your own a little at a time until they get used to it. Even if it's powdered formula, your water may be different, so get some from the breeder.

Give something for the runny nose, like children's cold medicine, to help his breathing.

Write again and let us know how he is doing.

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Violet Knapp
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Posted on Wednesday, March 01, 2006 - 11:11 am:   

Hi Sarah, How is the little guy doing? Sounds like he does have a respitory infection. The best to treat it with is nuflor, but you have to get it from a vet. If his temp is still at 101, it is a bit too low.
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(Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 07:20 pm:   

Oops for got to add, the snot is yellowish, green, the color that comes out of my daughter when she needs antibiotics.
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(Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 07:17 pm:   

His temp was 101 at 7:00 tonight. He is very thin, after he had his bottle his belly was "full". These are my first goats, I'm really nervous!
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Barbara Howard
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Posted on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 07:13 pm:   

what is his temp now?
What color snotty nose did he have?
Does he appear bloated?

Barbara Howard
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Sarah (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 06:57 pm:   

I got my 2 baby goats yesterday, and the smallest one was sick last week before I picked them up. They thought it was pneumonia and gave one dose of la-200 and probios, he seemed to come around. When we picked them up on Sunday his nose was snotty and crusty and he was coughing, much quieter than the other one. Got them home and gave 16 oz. of goat formula and 2 pumps of nutri-drench. This morning he was still coughing, snotty, and shaking his head alot, temperature was 101. He got 16 oz. of formula, 2 pumps of nutridrench, and 1cc of pennicillian shot SQ.

Here's when the trouble starts...Tonight he seemed about the same, sick but not dying. He was following us around nibbling hay trying to suck our fingers, but still not playing. I gave him 16 oz. of his formula with half a scoop of Goats Prefer Probiotic mixed in. Then gave 1 cc pennicillan SQ. He drank all this bottle then just sood there, dull eyes, shivering, grinding his teeth. We had him walk with us around in the barn to try and get him to poop, get the blood flowing, he followed but was lethargic. When we left them he was just standing under his heat lamp, shivering. He didn't look good at all. He seemed better before he had his bottle.

What can I do? Should I give him La-200 instead? I'll be devastated if he dies!

Thanks, Sarah

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