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Jeffery Allen Brumfield
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Username: jeffro518

Post Number: 33
Registered: 01-2006
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Posted on Thursday, February 23, 2006 - 04:22 pm:   

I use the terramycin ointment for pink eye and it works miracles I had a doe once that had pinkeye in both of her eyes and give that to her and it helped alot. Good Luck with your new goats
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 416
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Posted on Thursday, February 23, 2006 - 03:55 pm:   

The kids could have a respiratory infection, eye discharge is a sign of this. There dam would likely have pinkeye too if the kids have it. They would be squinting and it would be obvious the eyes are painful with pinkeye. There is alot of tearing with pinkeye too not just crusting. Take their temperatures, normal would be about 102.5 or so. Watch to be sure they are eating well and be sure they are breathing freely, not labored or raspy.

You can examine the eyes more closely, looking at the inner membranes and eyeball. If it is pinkeye the membranes will be inflamed and red and the eyeball will be very bloodshot. Try just cleaning the eyes with warm water and see if they crust up again.

Pinkeye can be very contagious, but it is no use to give antibiotics to prevent infection.

Please deworm the new goat, if she came from an auction she has picked up every parasite and been exposed to every germ known to goats. Examine and treat the kids and other goats for lice. Anything you can use for fleas on puppies and kittens is safe for goats. Treat once a week for at least 3 weeks to get hatching lice. These lice do not infest people.

When treating pinkeye I give the LA 200 injections at 1 cc per 30 pounds once a day until the eye clear (this injection can really sting be prepared for a reaction). Putting it directly into the eye is effective but it stings too. Using a triple antibiotic eye ointment is just as effective but is much more soothing. LA 200 is very sticky too and getting it into the hair on the face when squirting it into the eyes is messy, dirt would tend to cling, especially on young kids.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Shannon Wilson
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Username: jns255

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Posted on Thursday, February 23, 2006 - 03:21 pm:   

I have just started getting goats and am so excited. Didn't really know what I was getting myself into. I purchased a doe and her twins that are about 2 weeks old last weekend. I noticed this morning that the two babies have a slight discharge and crusting around each of their eyes and I am afraid it is pinkeye. I have the LA-200 and was told that I could give them injections of it and to squirt some in each of their eyes as well. I have also heard that this is very contagious...should I give the mother and the other two goats that I have and injection of the LA-200??
Any help is appreciated!

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