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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 283
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Sunday, January 22, 2006 - 07:37 am:   

Could also be polio. In which case she needs thiamin. Fortified B Complex works fine give 1 cc per 20 pounds every 4 to 6 hours for the first day then 2 to 3 times a day for 7 to 10 more days. Since she recently kidded I would definitely treat for both, since the signs can look alot alike and both need treatment fast to save the doe. In a pinch you might be able to give her calcium by using an antacid liquid that has calcium as the main ingredient. Lots of people have used Tums in a pinch but I have a hard time giving pills to goats...

Was she off feed before kidding? Down more than usual? Fat or being fed alot of grain? This would tend to point toward hypocalcemia.

When she lays down does she draw her head up over her back or tightly to one side? Look closely at her eyes, do the eyeballs twitch or roll? These are symptoms of polio and it has been a bad winter for it.

I would treat for both hypocalcemia and polio, can't hurt either way.

I keep both CMPK and Fortified B Complex in my goat medicine chest...
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Violet Knapp
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Username: violetknapp

Post Number: 32
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Posted on Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 10:30 pm:   

Hi Connie, my bet is she has hypocalsemia, she needs CMPK ASAP... Look in the articles page, under milk fever. You can find this page on the top left where it says goatworld articles. The CMPK is a calcium paste. There are other products, but I beleive she needs calcium NOW.
Let us know how she is doing.
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Connie (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 09:22 pm:   

My girl just dropped two kids, and is now foaming at the mouth and staggering around. I've called every vet in this part of the world, and they're all referring me to the same emergency care center, who knows nothing about goats. My husband is out there now, feeding her a liquid goat mineral/molasses booster. What in the world is going on?

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