Tilting goat also vomiting a bit Log Out | Topics | Search
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Christine Schmitt
New member
Username: eyor913

Post Number: 4
Registered: 10-2005

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Posted on Saturday, October 22, 2005 - 09:26 pm:   


it's me again! thanks for all of the responses about my goat's head tilting. if i were to assume he has an ear infection, what would i dose him with (how much, how long)? i haven't weighed or measured him yet. he's a 6-month-old nubian. there is no drainage or smell from either of his ears, BTW.

anyway... for the past several days, i've noticed that this goat has been vomiting, although i haven't actually seen it. he has dark green gunk on the edge of his bottom lip most days and today, i saw about 4 very small drops of dark green gunk on the floor of the barn. about a month ago, he vomited on me, a tiny little bit. at the time, i figured he had just opened his mouth while cudding.

there has been no change in his surroundings or feeding regimen. his poop is fine. his doeling pal has had no problems. i don't know of any poisonous plants in their area. they've been in the same area for 3 months. they get grass hay, minerals, salt, sodium bicarb and pasture/browse. no grain or feed.

i'm very new to goats. i've had them for 4 months.

thanks again!

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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 95
Registered: 07-2005

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Posted on Monday, October 24, 2005 - 08:38 am:   

I would start with a broad spectrum antibiotic such as penicillin (look for any brand of Procaine Pen G) or oxytetracycline (LA 200 or Biomycin 200 are the most common brands sold). Both of these are given as a SQ (under the skin) injection. Both are available at most feed stores. Penicillin needs to be kept refrigerated. If using penicillin give 1 cc per 15 pounds by SQ injection twice a day for 5 to 7 days. If using oxytetracycline give 1 cc per 30 pounds by SQ injection once a day for 5 to 7 days. The dosage does not have to be perfectly exact but should be close.

A goat with a poor bite will tend to drop food out of his mouth. Most vomit is very frothy and not just a little either!
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic

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