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Ainslee Cara Love
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Username: loveboergoats

Post Number: 36
Registered: 04-2006
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Posted on Thursday, February 01, 2007 - 07:00 am:   

I don't know if this will help, but I know that they recommend Boer does be at least 1 year and about 100 lbs. before they breed. Their kids can be pretty big depending on the buck.Don't know how big alpines get so, again, don't know if that helps. We have does that have bred at about 80 lbs and did just fine, but our buck also isn't as large as some.
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Donna Huzinec
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Username: indianprincess1

Post Number: 70
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Posted on Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 02:54 pm:   

Thanks for the advice. Yes, we have a pygmy buck for the does. I know you can't breed with a bigger breed. I guess we'll wait a few more months on the alpine also, I don't want to have any problems.
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 1750
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Posted on Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 12:58 pm:   

Yes your pygmies are way too young! First breeding should be at 14 to 18 months old. Do you have a pygmy or Nigerian Dwarf buck to breed them to? DO NOT breed them to a standard sized goat. If your alpine is small wait on her too, boer kids are very muscular and big boned, if she is smallish she could have trouble passing them. Many dairy goat people wait until the does are 14 to 18 months old too. Goats are not fully mature until they are 3 to 4 years old, these does are barely teenagers.

When you do breed and you put the doe in with the buck when she is receptive and in standing heat she only needs to stay for as long as it take him toi breed her about twice, this can take 10 minutes to an hour. In the name of peace on the farm take her out and put her back with the herd.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Donna Huzinec
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Username: indianprincess1

Post Number: 69
Registered: 07-2006
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Posted on Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 10:01 am:   

Hi Maggie, its that time that I want to start breeding my pygmys. They are 6 months and 7 months. Are they to young yet? Also I'm going to breed our alpine with our boar, she is a year. When she comes into her next heat do I put her in his pen and for how long? I would like to have late spring, early summer babies our first time around.

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