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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 1472
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Wednesday, November 22, 2006 - 02:31 pm:   

No don't use the oxytocin, just the compresses and massage. The Vicks will put the kids off nursing from her.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Theresa Chandler
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Username: tchandler6

Post Number: 95
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Posted on Wednesday, November 22, 2006 - 02:25 pm:   

Sadly, my little boy didn't make it; but the other one seems to be doing fine, I put him back in with mom and sister. However, I now have another problem. Mom has a congested udder. When I milk her out, it doesn't come down easily, and her udder is big and hard. Not mastitis, just congested. I have already been supplementing some so now I will try both of them on a bottle, while leaving them with mom. I put hot compresses on her twice today. I was reading somewhere that vics vaporrub works well. Also oxytosin to let down the milk. Maggie, what do you suggest? Does she need any penicillin or other antibiotic? She has a very good appetite, and is drinking well and is being a very good mother.
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 1471
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Posted on Wednesday, November 22, 2006 - 09:55 am:   

Rather than stressing his digestive system again can you give SQ Ringers?
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Theresa Chandler
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Username: tchandler6

Post Number: 94
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Posted on Wednesday, November 22, 2006 - 07:50 am:   

Maggie, The smallest of the two babies, seems to have a belly ache after giving him 1.5 oz. of milk at 9:30 a.m. this morning. Before giving the 1.5 oz. of milk he was bellied out and miserable, so I put the tube down and sucked out the excess milk that was in his stomach, thinking maybe I had overfed him from the last feeding, which was at 2:00 a.m. This helped relieve his belly, so I waited about an hour and a half, and only gave him 1.5 oz. as to not overload the little guy. Even with just that small amount he seems uncomfortable. I had given him an enema before feeding with no results. Would I be able to maybe just tube him some gatorade or some other electrolyte a time or so to maybe jumpstart him, then try milk later? I know at 2 days old, he MUST have milk for nourishment. Any ideas are appreciated. (He has had CD antitoxin and penicillin shots every 6 hours for 3 times.
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Theresa Chandler
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Username: tchandler6

Post Number: 93
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Posted on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - 06:20 pm:   

Thanks for the advice on 1/2 cc of bo-se, by the way. I will just give 1/2 cc in the future. Don't know why, but my vet, and I feel he is a good goat vet, told me years back to give kids 1 cc, and adults, (all adults) 2 1/2 cc.s which in no way equals to 1 cc per 40 pounds for adults, and too much for newborns. This forum is just so great for learning more and more about my 4 legged babies. Big and Small.
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 1469
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - 06:19 pm:   

If the colostrum was very thick you may be dealing with a touch of entero and starvation because they didn't get enough colostrum. Entero can cause fluid in the lungs its not from a bacterial infection. Having a low temp from not getting enough to eat will cause shallow fast breathing and can cause fluid to gather in the lungs from the heart not operating effeciently. But if he is acting better more alert you are on the right track.

Kids this young don't have time to develop a bacterial pneumonia but they do have time to develop entero. I am not sure how effective naxcel would be for entero, but penicillin given with naxcel boost the effects of both. Penicillin is as effective as anything for entero. Not sure about the signs of selenium poisoning, usually the goat is just dead. If you give the BoSe to the does twice a year at 1 cc per 40 pounds you may be able to stop giving it to newborns. Try to give it about a month before breeding season and about 1 month before kidding. You can give it orally to the kids if you want, but give it by injection to adults. When giving SQ injection only put the needle in about halfway (1/2 inch or so)at about a 30 to 40 degree angle, you want to be sure to get all teh way UNDER the skin. Release the skin and then inject.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Theresa Chandler
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Username: tchandler6

Post Number: 92
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Posted on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - 06:06 pm:   

I have given my newborns 1 cc of bo-se for the past 4 years, with no problems. I only gave the 1/4 cc today because I know he didn't get the full dosage yesterday, because I am not the best at giving SQ shots, and more often than not, shoot some straight thru the skin, and onto their hair. If I did overdose, what are symptoms of selenium overdosing? (for this case and future cases of my stupidity) I wanted to discontinue the penicillin and only give the naxcel (sorry I said nuflor, but it is naxcel, because I am thinking they have pnemonia. Would it hurt to give a dose of naxcel in the morning, or do you suggest staying with penicillin. I don't know that penicillin is very effective with pnemonia. I have not yet given the one with diahrea the ringer's lactate. Should I give him some? He doesn't seem dehydrated. This doe was given her CD/T shot 4 to 6 weeks ago. (Have to get my books out to see the exact date I gave it to her), have never had newborns with entero. Her colostrum was very thick. You think that I'm dealing with entero and not pnemonia? The little guy that's temp is low, is believe it or not, seemingly improving, he is at least up standing now, and alert. Thanks so much for all your help.
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Cheryl Hayward
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Username: calliescomet

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Posted on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - 05:44 pm:   

I think you overdosed them on BoSe. We give our newborns no more than a 1/2cc. 1cc will treat 40 pounds. Hopefully Maggie will get on here shortly and offer her advice as I am not sure what you should do for an overdose. The antitoxin is a good thing to give, but I believe the dosage is suppose to be higher.
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 1465
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - 05:43 pm:   

The scour halt will interfere with the penicillin. Give penicillin and CD antitoxin only as meds. Give every 6 hours. No more nuflor, this is TOO MANY antibiotics! They may have enterotoxemia, this can happen in newborns. Diarrhea in newborns is most often from overeating colostrum and clears on its own but it can bring on enterotoxemia. The one with the low temp is in shock.

You gave too much BoSe and it does take about a week to be effective. It is fairly easy to overdose BoSe, the usual dose is about 1/2 cc for deficient kids.

Enterotoxemia can cause weak rear legs, pneumonia-like symptoms, shock (low temp) and neurological signs. I would continue with tubing milk, given Ringers lactate by SQ injection in the loose skin over the shoulders abour 10 cc every 3 to 4 hours, give the penicillin and antitoxin every 6 hours. Keep them warm.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Theresa Chandler
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Username: tchandler6

Post Number: 91
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Posted on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - 05:32 pm:   

My FB boer doe had triplets yesterday around 4 p.m. 2 of them are breathing hard, 1 of the 2 has runny diahreah. temp on one of them is 97. He has been in the house for a couple of hours, and I have treated them both with 1/4 cc. of nuflor; and also 3 cc of CD antitoxin, because of the diahreea and hunching up. They had their colostrum, and were eating in the a.m. worsened as the day went on. I treated with penicillin this a.m. nuflor this p.m. Will they interfere with one another? I would like to give another injection of nuflor as soon as possible. I have tube fed them their last feeding to make sure they are getting enough nutrition. Will the milk make the one with the diahrea worse, or should I supplement with something else? I gave the first little boy(not the one with diahrea) ringers lactate. He is not hunched but I had to give an enema to him, and he seemed a little dehydrated. He seems to be acting better, now the one that has the diahrea is the one I am mostly concerned with. I tubed him some baking soda and scour halt along with mom's milk. Also gave him 3 cc of CD antitoxin. I went out and gave the 3rd one who is still with mom, she is eating well, 3 cc of antitoxin also. (precautionary) They are in a nicely bedded down stall with a heat lamp, don't know how they could have gotten so sick so quickly. Also, I had given them all a shot of bo-se yesterday at birth. 1 cc each, upon the vet's dose. The one with the diahrea was the worse about standing well on his back legs, and I was afraid that I had not properly dosed him yesterday, so I gave him another 1/4 cc today to cover what I had missed yesterday. Could this be the cause of his diahreea? Thanks for any help. They are all so precious!

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