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Paul Gooden
New member Username: paullis
Post Number: 34 Registered: 03-2006 Posted From:
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 06:09 pm: | |
Thanks Barbara, this doe has weak hind quarters which were initially total paralysis, otherwise, no other symptoms. Her temp is good, good appetite, wants to be with the herd, good berries, drinks normally and in general great health. I had another doe about 6 months ago with the same symptoms. She is fully recovered. They also have free choice Golden Blend. No grain, browse on 85 acres of dense scrub. Very mystifying, I am trying to find a vet who will write scrip for me for the BO-SE, etc. We are in central Tennessee. |
Barbara Howard
Advanced Member Username: bhoward
Post Number: 127 Registered: 08-2005 Posted From:
Rating: Votes: 1 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, September 10, 2006 - 09:28 pm: | |
Hi, Does she have a temp? She needs to be kept hydrated and give her 5cc of poly serum to boost her immune system. Polio symptoms they will walk in circles they are often blind look in the eyes are they twitching if so it is Polio give 500mg of Thiamin every 6 hours for 24-48 hours then twice a day for 5 days give it sq. Listeriosis symptoms are walking sideways maybe head pressing againts the wall they will drool thier mouth may become paralysed that is why they drool the neck will come back over theflank. give 4cc/2- lbs of Procaine Penicillin sq on the same schedule as the Thiamin. White muscle disease they will become weak in the hind quarters almost to dragging the tips of their feet on the ground and just lay around has no energy give 1cc/40 lbs of Bo-Se sq once a day for 2 days and repeat in 10 days. You can take a sample of the ground to your ag agent and have it tested for selenium where are you located? Get back to me if you need more help. Barbara Howard Capri-Medic 606-522-3388 KY
Paul Gooden
New member Username: paullis
Post Number: 33 Registered: 03-2006 Posted From:
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, September 10, 2006 - 08:46 pm: | |
I am presently working on a doe with the same problem. This is my second case and I am not sure what has caused either one. I am treating with Fortified B initially 4cc every 5 hours on the first day and then 3 times a day for 3 more days. The first doe completely recovered and am still working on the second although she was totally paralyzed on the 28th and is now walking. I still give B once a day and keep her energy up with "magic". I am afraid I misdiagnosed the second girl thinking she had suffered an injury from breeding so I am not sure if she will completely recovery but anyone seeing a goat with hind quarter weakness needs to start treating for polio. I assume Maggie will add better treatment info for you. |
Barbara Howard
Advanced Member Username: bhoward
Post Number: 126 Registered: 08-2005 Posted From:
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, September 10, 2006 - 08:44 pm: | |
Hi, Being weak in the backend sounds like she has low Selenium give her Bo-Se 1cc/40 lbs 2 day in a row sq. Have you ran another fecal on her to see how the count is now? I would also treat for Coccidiosis give 1cc/5 lbs day one and days 2-5 give 1cc/10 lbs once a day orally and in 10 days give the Ivomec again. Is she eating and drinking ok if not drench her with pedialyte 4 onces at a time 4 times a day and give her 10 cc of fortified vitamin b twice a day sq. Barbara Howard Capri-Medic 606-522-3388 KY
Dawn Summers
New member Username: sweetcedarfarm
Post Number: 20 Registered: 05-2006 Posted From:
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, September 10, 2006 - 07:46 pm: | |
My friends have a doe that had an extreme wormload, rough coat and scours. I had them treat for worms with 1 cc ivermec per 20 pounds for 2 days they used yogart also. Well, they come over today and said she doesn't have scours anymore but seems real weak in the back end. She isn't walking in circles they said. Should we be treating for polio? I am stumped. |