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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 1033
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Thursday, July 06, 2006 - 08:24 am:   

You are only giving enough for 100 pounds, bet he weighs ALOT more. I have PYGMY bucks that weigh 100 pounds. Give the ivermectin for 3 days then repeat in 2 weeks. Do a fecal exam 3 weeks after that to see if your treatment is working.

Give half the horse dose of redCell twice a day.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Christine Schmitt
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Username: eyor913

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Posted on Wednesday, July 05, 2006 - 08:07 pm:   

thanks, maggie! i hadn't thought of worms, but his eyelids were scary-white when i looked this evening. i wormed him w/ 4cc of ivermec injectable, orally, and gave him an adult dose of geritol. will go out to get red cell tomorrow. do i get horse red cell? that's all i can remember seeing at TSC. how much/how often do i give that? i'm having a real worm problem w/ this particular goat. i wormed him when he had bottle jaw on 2/14/06. 3 months later, he developed bottle jaw again, which i thought was pretty soon. i wormed him once again. this was on 5/19/06. now, he has this swelling issue, not even 2 months later. i've used ivermectin inj. for cattle each time, so maybe i need to find another wormer?? any suggestions? if so, please give typical doses, too!! i'm thinking he weighs around 80+ lbs. i just want to do right by him. he's an awesome buddy.

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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 1031
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Wednesday, July 05, 2006 - 02:24 pm:   

Check his lower inner eyelids. They should be birhgt rosy to salmon pink. If they are pale he could have anemia from worms. Severe anemia can cause bodily fluids to pool in the lower parts of the body. His case would not be typical but it could be something like that.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Christine Schmitt
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Username: eyor913

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Posted on Wednesday, July 05, 2006 - 01:40 pm:   

me again!

had the good-for-very-little vet come out to check on my wether yesterday. she had me scheduled to come in for an xray today. however, his swelling has moved from his shoulder to his chest, and he is able to walk better, so we cancelled the xray, as it is doubtful that his leg is broken. there is obviously fluid in this swelling that is moving around (from shoulder to chest). she gave him a shot of baytril yesterday as a "just in case there's an infection" measure. his temp w/ her thermometer was still low at 100.9, which she told me was a normal temp for goats (she knows very, very little about goats). he's eating, drinking, etc, but is not as active or vocal. anyone w/ any ideas on what this could be? i wish i had a better vet to call, but i don't at this point.

thanks again!
chris in ohio
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 1020
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Monday, July 03, 2006 - 06:42 pm:   

You can give the motrin every 6 hours. You can give it for 2 to 3 days or so but he probably won't need it that long. Sounds like the injury is not too bad and will probably improve alot in a couple of days. Sounds like you may need a new thermometer too.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Christine Schmitt
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Username: eyor913

Post Number: 9
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Posted on Monday, July 03, 2006 - 06:00 pm:   


i have a 1-year-old nubian wether who was fine last night and has a swollen shoulder and knee today. he is favoring the leg (obviously) but can walk on it. he is eating, drinking, pooping and peeing fine. temp was low at 100.8, but no signs of entero or sickness. wondering if it was a bad thermometer or user error (it beeped really quickly after inserting-like w/in 8 seconds-did it twice). anyway, vet said to try ice, which did seem to reduce the swelling some. i gave motrin at 1cc/10 lbs once today. wondering how often to give the motrin (children's) and for how long. 3 days max? not sure if he got his leg twisted or got into a rumble w/ the calves or what. i only have 2 goats, which are pets. they have free choice alfalpha mix hay and purina goat minerals and baking soda. of course, water too! they are also allowed to pasture at all times. no new environment or anything lately. let me know what you guys think. my cell is 937-830-6514 and i will also check email, of course!

thanks you guys,
chris in ohio

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