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Susan Darrow
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Username: sgdarrow

Post Number: 6
Registered: 01-2006
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Posted on Monday, May 29, 2006 - 11:55 am:   

Thanks Maggie,
I don't have CL in the herd but the neighbors do and I don't want to risk accidental transfer. I will start the banamine after I go out and measure him.
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 900
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Monday, May 29, 2006 - 10:54 am:   

This reaction is quite common and seems to be even bigger when the vaccine is for more than just CDT (like Covexin 8 which is for 8 diseases, mostly cattle diseases). It is an abscess, often called a sterile abscess because it was not caused by an outside bacteria but from a reaction to an injection. The CL vaccine is most noted for producing very large lumps that eventually rupture and drain and making the goat pretty miserable. If CL is not a problem in your herd don't vaccinate for it. The CL vaccine specifically warns of severe reactions when given to goats. The pneumonia vaccine is for pneumonia strains that are more common in cattle than in goats too.

You have thrown his immune system into overdrive with giving all the vaccines at once (at least 12 DIFFERENT diseases all at once). His body thinks it is very very sick.

Here is a formula for figuring weight on almost any livestock animal:
Measure in inches the heartgirth (around the body just behind the front legs)
Measure in inches from the point of the shoulder at the chest to the pinbones at the base of the tail.
Multiply heartgirth x heartgirth x length of body
Divide that number by 300 for the weight in pounds.

The banamine will help him feel better give him 0.1 cc per 10 pounds by SQ injection once a day for no more than 3 days. Overdosing really puts him at risk for digestive tract ulcers.

Watch the site for the abscess rupturing, because of the location it may get infected more easily.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Susan Darrow
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Username: sgdarrow

Post Number: 5
Registered: 01-2006
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Posted on Monday, May 29, 2006 - 10:36 am:   

I have a large Boar buck, approximately 250-300 lbs. He always forms a knot at the site of his annual CD/T vaccine and it causes him problems no matter where I give it. Eventually it goes away. This year I gave him all his boosters, Covexin 8, Pnuemonia and C/L in the chest floor between his legs. Lots of excess skin there. He has developed a knot much larger than ever before...the size of a softball...and it happened within the 1st day as opposed to 10 days after the injection. He is not feeling well at all and it is painful when I push on the lump. He is still eating, his temp is 103.9...outside temp about 90 degrees today. He is very careful when he walks...probably huting...so he mostly is hanging around the barn. It is a challenge to determine if he is just walking carefully or is unsteady on his feet. I am thinking that I should give him banamine for the pain and inflamation but am wondering about the frequency and dosage. I don't think anything else is going on with him so this is my only guess. I have no way to get a more accurate weight on him other than 250-300 pounds. I can't believe he let me take his temp for a full 4 minutes. He truly must not feel well. Any help would be most appreciated.

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