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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 897
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Posted on Sunday, May 28, 2006 - 09:27 pm:   

I give nearly all injection SQ (under the skin). I haven't given an IM injection in several years.

LA 200 causes a good deal of muscle damage, that is why meat goat producers now give most IM injections in the neck, that part is mostly cut off at slaughter and not a prime cut of meat anyway. But even better is giving that injection SQ, not going into muscle at all. You give up some absorption time, its not as fast, but it usually doesn't hurt as bad either. Even drugs that say IM only can be given SQ. Drug comapnies have to do alot of testing and pay alot of money to get approval for any changes they make to usage directions. The oxytet in the water was pretty weak and it breaks down fast in the heat and sunshine. Adding medications to feed and water is a real hit and (mostly) miss way of treating any kind of livestock. The ones that need it most eat and drink the least. So you often wind up treating more goats that have been sick longer and are in worse condition than if you had treated individiually to start with.

Yep soremouth can heal pretty fast if they don't get a secondary bacterial infection.

Since you ahve been handling these goats if you get a sore that won't heal and is very painful be sure to tell the doctor you have been esposed to Orf (this is what it is called in humans) because he won't ever think to ask.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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mark guernsey
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Posted on Sunday, May 28, 2006 - 09:13 pm:   

do you put the la 200 under the skin or into the neck? and i mixed up the tetracycline in one gallon of water and only put 1 pint for 10 gallons. i looked them over close tonite and the sores on there mouths was pretty much gone.they are in the sun as much as they want to be unless they have the (pink eye or clouded eyes) then i keep them out of the sun
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

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Posted on Sunday, May 28, 2006 - 08:07 pm:   

Pleae don't put antibiotics in their water. It greatly upsets the rumen microbes and can casue severe digestive upset. And most often it tastes bad so they drink only enough to stay alive, not enough to do any good and definitely not enough for good health.

The cloudy eyes is pinkeye. I have the best luck giving LA 200 injections SQ at 1 cc per 30 pounds once a day for about a week until the eyes clear. You can also put triple antibiotic eye ointment into the eyes 2 times a day to further speed healing. Do not mix a med with oxytet and penicillin they cancel each other out.

The sores on the mouth is likely sore mouth. When I had it in the past in my herd I did nothing and it went away in about 4 weeks. Some people swear by gentian violet (get this at the drug store you will probably have to ask for it).

You can get soremouth on your hands and it is incredibly painful. These sores can pop up anywhere in the goat too (udders...) Soremouth is caused by a herpesvirus it is very contagious but goats that get it are usually immune for life. It can linger in the environment and soil for years and infect the new kids, but most get over it just fine.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic
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Cindy Hance
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Posted on Sunday, May 28, 2006 - 07:58 pm:   

My own opinion is not spraying any an kind a chemical like WD-40-what happens when they inhale that anyway. Do not get it wet at all unless the mouth is so crusted they can't open it to eat it.

Everyone we talked to including 2 vets said it just needs to run it's course - there is nothing to do for it -it's like the chicken pox. The moms can get it on their udders and teats so just make sure the babies are getting enough to eat. Half our herd got it the half didn't-never saw any sign of it on them. Hopefully it will just be a mild case and won't have much an effect on the babies. Don't pick the scabs!!! Sunlight is great, it keeps the scabs dry. The vet told us damp dark places are not helpful with recovery so keep them in the sun as much as possible. If they are in a shed or something and it dry and sunny get them out.
We left ours alone and it cleared up just like they said.
Don't worry too much but protect yourself and always wash your hands. If you have kids I'd keep them away at least til it's cleared up.

Our vet told us that this is what we needed to do when we called in a panic...go buy a cake, bake it and sit on the couch and eat it. Good luck!
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mark guernsey
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Posted on Sunday, May 28, 2006 - 12:21 pm:   

W-D-40?? what does that do? i have been mixing tetracycine Hydrochloride powder in there water for 3 weeks now
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Raymond Earl Evans
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Posted on Sunday, May 28, 2006 - 06:29 am:   

sounds like you got a "real" deal there. Try WD 40 on the sores and they should clear up. Good Luck
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mark guernsey
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Posted on Sunday, May 28, 2006 - 06:22 am:   

i have them on baytril 100 now 5cc;s per 100wt it seems to me everything i have done is in vain..
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Jo (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 11:23 pm:   

Sounds like you had pinkeye. The sores may be soremouth. This is a virus and will pass in 3-6 weeks, I had it in my goats this spring and they have all gotten over it. It is very contagious and most if not all of your heard will get it, after they have had it they build up an amunity to the virus. It is possible that you or someone else could also get it, if you have a sore on your hand that won't heal let your DR. know that you have been exposed to Orf. There is no treatment for it but you will get over it just like the goats, I have been told that their is a vaccination for goats and people, but the one for people you need to get every 2 mths. For the pinkeye you could give them LA 200 or use triple antibiotic. The LA 200 would most likley suit your needs being that they aren't use to being handled, It does need to be given SQ. Hopefully this will help some, maybe someone else has more suggestions.
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mark guernsey
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Posted on Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 06:47 pm:   

hi i bought 25 goats from oklahoma and texas and to start the goats got watery eyes and then went blind or (white eye) for about 2 weeks... what is this called?

and the next thing i see is they are getting wart like things on the edge of there mouths and a few of them have it all over there nose (it looks like they have mud on there nose) and if you pick it off its like scabs and they bleed a little bit??

oh and these are not the walk up to and pet kind but they are geeting a lot better to work with. what can i do??

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