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  Thread Last Poster Posts Pages Last Post
Anyone have experience dealing with Entero, please?Deb Benson12-23-05  05:54 pm
Sick doeMaggie Leman12-23-05  06:22 am
Goat with Hypothermia or pneumoniaMaggie Leman12-21-05  06:26 pm
5 MONTH OLD DOE GOT IN BUCK PASTUREMaggie Leman12-20-05  02:24 pm
Doe in labor and womb part way outJuanita K Dixon12-18-05  04:37 pm
Sick Doe, off feedLeslie Walton (Unreg12-18-05  01:59 pm
Doe not bonding with newbornBrenda O'Dell12-17-05  08:57 pm
Weak kid please help 12-14-05  01:39 pm
Retained placentaMaggie Leman12-14-05  05:18 am
BloatMaggie Leman12-09-05  02:19 pm
Puffy Ears? (Unregistered Guest12-08-05  09:35 pm
Doe with bloody dischargBarbara Howard12-05-05  08:48 pm
7 day old doe with poops!Maggie Leman12-04-05  12:56 am
Dewormed GOATS with Ivomec SHEEP drench....Maggie Leman12-02-05  12:39 pm
Sick Doe (very worried about pneumonia) 11-30-05  05:23 pm
Itchy sores on doeterry conant 15 11-27-05  02:01 pm
Baking sodaMaggie Leman11-23-05  05:34 am
Calcium deficiency or normal late pregnancy?Sandi Scott11-21-05  06:19 pm
Help Doe sick againDon 11-20-05  11:08 pm
Very sick young goat - not eating, seems constipatedMaggie Leman11-17-05  05:34 am
Wether not eatingMubasher Nazir11-17-05  03:08 am
Young doe with diarrheaGlenda Cahill (Unreg11-16-05  06:29 pm
Nubian Doe SickMaggie Leman11-16-05  01:42 pm
CANT KILL THE WORMS ? 11-15-05  08:44 am
Goat StumblingBarbara Howard13 11-14-05  06:10 pm
Help please!Brenda D.11-14-05  04:47 am
Abrted babyBarbara Howard11-13-05  07:04 pm
How to get a doe unpregnantMaggie Leman11-07-05  06:14 pm
Warts on mouth?amanda horton11-06-05  02:23 pm
Sick goat with possible broken ankleShannon 11-04-05  10:28 pm
Preg.doeRoy Jason Skidmore11-04-05  03:44 pm
Extra calcium for wethers?Ann Flickinger11-03-05  06:26 pm
Goat due any minuteRoy Jason Skidmore11-03-05  04:18 pm
Doe's face bit by dog..severeMaggie Leman22 11-02-05  03:05 pm
Can't trim feet!Maggie Leman11-01-05  05:30 pm
No milk?prestonpelkey (Unreg10-27-05  03:06 pm
Pinkeye, conjunctivitis, chlamydiaSandi Scott10-26-05  07:40 pm
Goat can't urinateterry 10-24-05  09:53 am
Herd of goats with scabs forming on back of necks, spreading!Maggie Leman10-24-05  08:29 am
Goat can't urinateRoy Jason Skidmore10-19-05  06:09 pm
Buck can't urinate! (Unregistered Guest10-19-05  09:48 am
Kid can't tolerate cow milktabatha (Unregistere10-15-05  04:04 pm
When to Interfere?Donna Vaughan (Unreg10-15-05  02:27 pm
Possible broken legMaggie Leman10-12-05  06:35 pm
Bottle Jaw or Snake Bite?Maggie Leman10-12-05  01:57 pm
Cattle bloat blocksMaggie Leman10-11-05  02:34 pm
Injured buck in severe pain.Maggie Leman10-10-05  01:48 pm
Doe Aborting?angela hair (Unregis10-09-05  01:59 pm
Buck with swollen head 10-08-05  02:47 pm
Goat with very itchy skinMaggie Leman10-07-05  05:38 pm
Buck has stopped eating (Unregistered Guest10-06-05  05:54 pm
Diarrhea yesterday, vomiting todayMaggie Leman10-06-05  08:21 am
Bleeding from horn areaGary Pfalzbot10-04-05  06:11 pm
Sick Wether, maybe polioMaggie Leman10-04-05  03:36 pm
Sores On Mouth Spreading Fast 12 10-04-05  03:30 pm
Goat seems to breed each time I worm her????Maggie Leman10-03-05  07:07 pm
Drainage from dehorned areaMaggie Leman10 10-01-05  08:34 pm
Thanks !!Maggie Leman09-30-05  03:05 pm
Cold Goat (Unregistered Guest09-28-05  03:29 pm
Doe with one large sided udderLinda Houle09-28-05  01:04 pm
Protecting treesksy vaughan (Unregis09-27-05  06:44 am
Cooughing goatlingMaggie Leman09-26-05  03:11 pm
Is Goldenrod a poisinous plant to goats?Maggie Leman09-25-05  06:29 am
Udder swollen on one sidejason (Unregistered 09-24-05  06:56 pm
Sick goatMaggie Leman09-24-05  08:15 am
Goats losing there voiceMaggie Leman09-22-05  02:13 pm
Doe will not dry uptammatha09-22-05  08:35 am
3 day old with prolapsed rectum?? Help!!Maggie Leman09-21-05  06:50 pm
Premature births-kids stillbornKaren Cole 09-20-05  04:08 pm
Drying off doe...edema?? Or milk ?? yikes 09-20-05  12:48 pm
Doe possible mastatisMaggie Leman09-19-05  02:55 am
Does with enterotoxemia?Theresa Chandler15 09-16-05  03:35 pm
Rain scaldMaggie Leman09-16-05  11:15 am
Goat attacked by dogsTammy WIlliams09-13-05  05:05 pm
Diarreha?Ann Flickinger09-12-05  05:24 pm
Doe is blindsandy 09-11-05  04:10 pm
Buck off feedMaggie Leman09-10-05  10:50 am
Goats ate asphalt!Cristina (Unregister09-09-05  07:18 am
Goat with possible founderSandi Scott09-09-05  04:40 am
Fighting bucksThomas Dosier (Unreg09-08-05  07:31 pm
Looking for answersMaggie Leman09-04-05  10:54 am
Deworming...how much to give?Maggie Leman09-04-05  10:21 am
Alfalfa Hay causing Stiffness?Karlynn 09-02-05  07:04 am
Hornet stings 09-01-05  08:17 am
Goat lost her voiceJim B 08-30-05  11:20 pm
Doe with ListeriosisMaggie Leman08-30-05  06:34 pm
Doe with problems urinating 08-28-05  01:01 pm
Sick wether, maybe polio...moreMaggie Leman08-19-05  08:19 am
Saanen buckling with pneumonia againMaggie Leman08-16-05  07:18 pm
Clearing Last Inappropriae PostGary Pfalzbot08-15-05  08:42 pm
CocciMaggie Leman08-12-05  06:47 pm
Blood in MilkMaggie Leman08-09-05  03:27 pm
Lump under chinMaggie Leman08-09-05  03:20 pm
Golfball sized lump Maggie Leman08-06-05  07:10 pm
AbscessesCheryl 08-06-05  05:03 pm
Baby dying Jim B 08-03-05  10:46 pm
BOTTLE JAW & WHITE EYELIDSMaggie Leman08-03-05  04:09 pm
14 hour old kid with scoursJacob Minton 08-02-05  07:21 pm
Possible thiamine deficiencyHogie Rabideau 08-01-05  11:44 am
Doe ate binder twineMaggie Leman07-31-05  12:42 pm
Diarhea,snotty nose. help needed fast plzMaggie Leman07-31-05  06:15 am
Goat poisoned?Maggie Leman07-30-05  01:47 pm
Help!! Doe in distress 07-27-05  01:17 pm
Extra Sick GoatMaggie Leman03-11-06  07:20 am
Doe kiddingMissy Clark 03-11-06  06:46 am
Dead kidsAaron Chapman 03-10-06  09:32 pm
DiapersAllison F 03-10-06  06:16 pm
Runny noses and Crusty eyesMaggie Leman03-10-06  04:49 pm
Mastitis - udder cold, turning dark & peelingBarbara Howard03-09-06  08:06 pm
Labored BreathingBarbara Howard03-08-06  02:02 pm
How long for B1 w/Goat Polio? 03-08-06  09:13 am
Blood clot in mouthMaggie Leman03-06-06  06:21 pm
Rejected kid has blood in stoolMaggie Leman03-06-06  08:22 am
3 Day old Doe thats kicking and screamingMaggie Leman03-05-06  05:36 pm
Goat still will not EAT... should I be worried?Maggie Leman03-03-06  05:35 am
Rain rot?Maggie Leman03-02-06  04:14 pm
What else can I do?Sandi Scott03-02-06  08:26 am
2 day Newborn hasn't poo'd or pee'd and back legs not working ...Sandi Scott03-02-06  08:23 am
Need assisted delivery?tomtalb 03-01-06  05:14 pm
To milk or not to milk?Maggie Leman03-01-06  03:08 pm
Ernie needs your help. Inexperienced owner and vet. Maggie Leman10 03-01-06  08:42 am
My pygmy has been attacked--HELPtracyd 10 02-27-06  08:33 pm
Goats legMaggie Leman02-27-06  06:13 pm
Swollen FaceViolet Knapp02-27-06  11:56 am
bloody discharge (Unregistered Guest02-26-06  06:16 pm
Young doe gives birthlynn kachmarchik02-26-06  03:30 pm
Male goat down - Pneumonia?Tammy WIlliams02-26-06  07:25 am
Buckling down, other goats very sickSandi Scott10 02-24-06  02:06 pm
Doe in labor for 12 hoursMissy (Unregistered 02-24-06  08:30 am
Reaction to vaccination.. help please.....Theresa Chandler02-23-06  08:54 pm
3 week old with frothy scoursMaggie Leman02-23-06  08:05 pm
Baby Goat Can't StandMaggie Leman02-23-06  05:26 pm
Pinkeye?? please helpJeffery Allen Brumfi02-23-06  04:22 pm
Newborn with cleft nostrilSandy 10 02-23-06  12:39 pm
4 day old with scoursMaggie Leman02-23-06  08:21 am
DOE WITH REALLY BAD BROKEN LEG need help!!!!!!! 02-23-06  08:13 am
Is this bloatViolet Knapp02-22-06  11:03 pm
Kid with puffy earsJune Stone 02-22-06  06:16 pm
9 week old kid congestedTheresa Chandler02-22-06  12:37 pm
Is this tapeworms?Theresa Chandler02-22-06  12:30 pm
Will he recover??? 02-21-06  06:53 pm
Sick buckJoan Meffert02-20-06  07:17 pm
Wobbley BillyBarbara Howard02-18-06  10:40 am
Lethargic saanen,won't get up -novice ownersusan higgins 02-17-06  12:52 am
Foot problemMaggie Leman02-16-06  06:19 am
Thiamine deficiency. . .water linkedMaggie Leman02-15-06  04:46 am
Doe DownSandi Scott02-13-06  08:19 pm
Bloat????Sandy Logan 11 02-13-06  11:42 am
BLOAT?????????Maggie Leman02-11-06  06:41 pm
HEPATITIS PYGMY GOATSMaggie Leman02-11-06  03:11 pm
Blind Staggers?R. Jones (Unregister02-10-06  10:12 am
Newborn hasn't nursedMaggie Leman02-09-06  06:47 pm
-----help----------------------------------------------------------...Maggie Leman02-09-06  11:18 am
Mucusy discharge new ?Maggie Leman02-08-06  04:52 pm
Mucusy discharge from vaginacindy 02-08-06  04:34 pm
Goat with runny diahreaMaggie Leman02-08-06  03:32 pm
Swollen behindAmanda 02-08-06  02:29 pm
Doe with Mastitis..BLOODY BROWN DISCHARGE!!!!Maggie Leman02-08-06  01:46 pm
Wether foaming at the mouthMaggie Leman02-08-06  01:42 pm
Refusing grain/feed, please helpL. Straszewski 02-08-06  05:31 am
EMERGENCY! baby goat dying......Katherine 02-07-06  03:05 pm
Doe with bloody discharge 3 weeks until due dateMaggie Leman02-07-06  02:40 pm
Attacked doe w/swellingLaura Minn 02-07-06  04:24 am
DOE WITH MILK FEVER???Maggie Leman02-06-06  02:09 pm
Newborn kid will not nurse Maggie Leman22 02-06-06  10:24 am
Overdue doeMaggie Leman02-06-06  07:44 am
Newborns not standing and dyingPthomas 02-06-06  04:02 am
Sudden death of yearlingalana coleman (Unreg02-05-06  11:04 am
Help!! Doe in labor. Maggie Leman02-05-06  05:57 am
Am I jumping the Gun? Is she ready?Maggie Leman02-05-06  05:53 am
Doe with sore...Maggie Leman02-04-06  02:13 pm
New Doeling with BleedingBarbara Howard02-04-06  06:57 am
Bad Delivery with QuestionsMaggie Leman02-03-06  07:00 pm
New kid downBarbara Howard02-02-06  07:12 pm
Pregnant Doe Down! Can't Walk! Injury or Meningeal Worms?Juanita K Dixon02-02-06  11:18 am
Kidded yesterday, something not rightSandi Scott02-02-06  09:48 am
Pegnant doe face turning whiteMaggie Leman10 02-01-06  06:41 pm
Help!! Pregnant Doe with Solid white eye !!Maggie Leman02-01-06  05:20 am
Doeling with stiff/broken leg - Yikes help!Juanita K Dixon01-30-06  09:24 pm
Doe with pinkeye abortedMaggie Leman01-28-06  10:21 am
Avacado Tree Leaves/Branches 01-26-06  05:37 pm
Doe in Labor?????????Juanita K Dixon01-26-06  01:00 pm
PinkeyePam M. 01-26-06  08:22 am
2 Days later, I think there is a kid still inside my doe.Maggie Leman01-26-06  05:14 am
Afterbirth?Maggie Leman01-25-06  06:29 pm
Horn growing into eye areaMaggie Leman01-25-06  12:17 pm
Swollen nosekenneth winter jr01-23-06  03:15 pm
Help! I think my goat has polio! 01-22-06  09:50 pm
Help me please very skinny kidRhett Harrison 13 01-22-06  06:27 pm
Help!Doe falling downMaggie Leman12 01-22-06  11:10 am
Newly delivered momma foaming at mouth!Maggie Leman01-22-06  07:37 am
Young Doe With Possible Broken Leg?Maggie Leman01-21-06  09:01 am
Goats with Pinkeye-KristalMaggie Leman01-20-06  08:06 am
New mother with injured udderMaggie Leman01-19-06  04:28 pm
Help! Pregnant doe may have prolapsed vagina?Theresa Chandler01-19-06  10:40 am
1 month old buck lethargic, not eatingMaggie Leman19 01-19-06  08:51 am
Urinary CalculiMaggie Leman01-18-06  03:55 pm
Wild mother with bloody dischargeAmanda 01-18-06  12:38 pm
Help sick 9 day old nubine with a New ownerViolet Knapp01-17-06  11:23 am
Baby boers not growing 01-16-06  05:02 pm
Weak triplets should we start bottle feeding?Sandi Scott01-16-06  10:50 am
Need to learn about goat health! Need to build LibraryGary Pfalzbot01-15-06  12:54 pm
Blood in mama's urineRhett Harrison 01-15-06  09:49 am
Due any day does got into pig feed, scours badkris bowman10 01-14-06  07:33 am
Help Buck sick againDeb Benson01-11-06  03:47 pm
Sick mamaMaggie Leman01-10-06  02:38 pm
Anemic boer doe with respiratory problemsMaggie Leman19 01-10-06  08:25 am
Young doe has stiff leg 01-09-06  05:42 pm
Mountain LaurelMaggie Leman01-08-06  04:32 pm
Goat sick, please helpkristal 20 01-08-06  02:24 pm
Pregnant Boer doe foaming at the mouthBobby Stolman01-05-06  07:39 am
Wether with urinary blockage/infection?Maggie Leman11 01-02-06  06:58 pm
Very worried over sick goatsMaggie Leman01-02-06  04:42 pm
Kid with knot under throatMaggie Leman01-02-06  10:59 am
Weak newborn tripletsMaggie Leman12-31-05  11:06 am
Wounded udder, puncture, leaking milk, about to kid...Maggie Leman12-31-05  10:58 am
Help,goat in distress,stargazingMaggie Leman12-30-05  06:08 pm
Milk feverJuanita K Dixon12-30-05  09:02 am
Prolonged respiratory problemEllie Mason12-29-05  01:33 pm
Sick goatDon 13 12-29-05  09:30 am
Sick doelingMaggie Leman07-11-06  03:19 pm
Neck InjuryDonna Kelley 07-11-06  02:52 pm
Bloody Discharge Maggie Leman07-10-06  11:00 am
Scaling HornsDon S. 07-09-06  10:25 pm
13 week old kid with Possible Rhododendron Poisoning Tina Gosnell07-09-06  07:45 pm
Doe due anytimeMaggie Leman07-09-06  10:16 am
Rough delivery-poss. retained placentaMaggie Leman07-08-06  12:37 pm
Does have " larangitis ?"Robyn Webster 07-08-06  08:04 am
Herd seems to be passing something to one another Maggie Leman07-07-06  09:20 am
Goat Polio Cured, Now He Can't WalkSassy07-06-06  10:35 am
Swollen shoulder and kneeMaggie Leman07-06-06  08:24 am
Nanny with temp 106.16 and swollen glazed eyesMaggie Leman07-06-06  08:21 am
Safe to worm when goat is weak from scours?L. McCord 07-05-06  05:16 pm
Broken Back. . paralyzed back halfMaggie Leman07-04-06  12:58 pm
Not Quite Preemies, But smallMaggie Leman07-04-06  06:25 am
Worming?Maggie Leman07-02-06  10:17 am
Doe not feeling well.Maggie Leman07-02-06  07:15 am
Goat polio, listlessness 06-30-06  11:00 pm
Bucks hooves broke and he cant walkMaggie Leman06-30-06  05:22 pm
Barber pole worms killing kids please helpMaggie Leman06-30-06  08:15 am
Doe with floating knots in neck 06-30-06  06:00 am
Front Legs BucklingTammy Hunt06-29-06  05:56 pm
Nanny and Kids goat with slightly crusty eyesMaggie Leman06-29-06  03:41 pm
Nanny and Kid goat with slightly crusty eyesKarey Vandermaarel06-29-06  07:48 am
3 month old wether with bloat?Maggie Leman06-27-06  03:03 pm
Lets talk wormsMichelle Simmons06-27-06  02:26 pm
Kids keep dieing! HELP! 06-27-06  12:14 pm
Bottle feeding day old kid with pneumonia?Michelle Simmons06-27-06  09:55 am
Wheezy coughMichelle Simmons06-27-06  08:56 am
Withhold time for antibioticsMaggie Leman06-26-06  08:26 am
Doe with Urinary ProblemMaggie Leman06-25-06  02:41 pm
Buck with possible pneumonia/respiratory infectionMaggie Leman06-20-06  02:42 pm
DiarrheaMaggie Leman06-20-06  02:39 pm
17 yr old goat ate a plastic sandwish bagMaggie Leman06-20-06  02:36 pm
Doe due July 12 snotty nose crusty eyeMaggie Leman06-20-06  02:34 pm
Baby GoatMaggie Leman06-20-06  02:33 pm
Whole Herd Infected??? Please help! LIsteriosis?Tammy Hunt06-19-06  12:11 pm
Rainrot sores???sandra miller06-19-06  03:57 am
Goat with cyst?Paul Gooden06-18-06  11:45 pm
Goat in shockLisa Peveler06-18-06  05:03 pm
Goat's legs keep bucklingMaggie Leman06-16-06  12:39 pm
Problems with a 7 week old billyBarbara Howard06-15-06  02:24 pm
Umbilical hernia?Barbara Howard06-15-06  02:13 pm
Doe retained placentaBarbara Howard06-15-06  02:03 pm
Young Billy stopped eatingPaul Gooden06-15-06  05:49 am
PeanutsMaggie Leman06-13-06  06:29 pm
Getting milk?Maggie Leman06-13-06  08:56 am
4 week old quad doelingMaggie Leman06-13-06  06:13 am
Strange new problemMaggie Leman06-12-06  06:59 pm
Strange new problemjanet jones 06-12-06  06:39 pm
Doe rejected kidsAngela Gries06-12-06  11:05 am
Doe hasn't passed afterbirth after 24 hoursMaggie Leman06-11-06  01:52 pm
Dead bucklingPaul Gooden06-11-06  01:26 pm
Whethers fur Falls out mysteriously, random spots - parasites?Maggie Leman06-10-06  06:17 pm
This is really weird HELPMaggie Leman06-09-06  01:49 pm
Sick in every wayMaggie Leman06-09-06  01:07 pm
Nanny wont feed babies 06-07-06  08:10 am
Goat got into Azleas?Barbara Howard06-06-06  08:12 pm
Sick boer buckMaggie Leman06-06-06  04:59 pm
Lathargic 3 day old. 06-05-06  09:26 pm
2 day old kid with contracted tendons??Maggie Leman06-05-06  12:48 pm
Up-date MaggieMaggie Leman06-04-06  05:53 am
Doe due to kidCarlene Wheeler06-03-06  04:03 pm
Kids with fevertsCarlene Wheeler06-02-06  04:10 pm
Yearling pregnant nanny w/grapefruit sized bulgeMaggie Leman06-01-06  04:20 pm
Doe stumblingDawn Summers06-01-06  12:47 pm
Is recovery possible for neuro problems?Maggie Leman05-30-06  06:29 pm
Heal warts?Maggie Leman05-30-06  12:39 pm
Can't stand upMaggie Leman05-30-06  12:25 pm
Fractured legLynne L Bacon-Appleg05-30-06  08:23 am
Sick KidMaggie Leman05-29-06  12:08 pm
Yearling weather, bloated, entereo?Maggie Leman05-29-06  11:59 am
Goat with shot reactionSusan Darrow05-29-06  11:55 am
How much should i be feeding week old goat.Maggie Leman05-29-06  11:43 am
Serious problemMaggie Leman07-02-06  07:13 am
Sores around edge of mouth and on the noseMaggie Leman05-28-06  09:27 pm
Lame BuckCarlene Wheeler05-28-06  08:26 pm
Lethargic eats a little, snotty noseMaggie Leman05-28-06  08:19 pm
Lethargic goatMaggie Leman05-26-06  03:46 am
Wont eat grain or hay/ loss in milk production/ weak ???Maggie Leman05-25-06  01:45 pm
Blood in milkMaggie Leman05-25-06  08:14 am
LaborCarlene Wheeler05-25-06  06:28 am
Coughing cant get stoppedMaggie Leman05-24-06  03:27 pm
Course hair and flaky skinMaggie Leman05-24-06  03:21 pm
Estimating age of pre-term twinsMaggie Leman05-24-06  08:26 am
Estimating age of pre-term twinsLynne L Bacon-Appleg05-24-06  12:33 am
Pregnant doe 05-23-06  10:32 pm
Overdue LaborBarbara Howard05-23-06  09:57 pm
Worming with levamisole hydrochlorideMelissa 05-23-06  06:57 pm
17 yr old wether losing hairMaggie Leman05-23-06  02:54 pm
Mama Nigerian with BAD scours and off feed/2 daysMaggie Leman05-23-06  02:50 pm
Kid with feverMaggie Leman05-22-06  06:40 pm
Severe swelling still after 5 days (lazy labor doe) 05-22-06  06:31 pm
Goat w/ diarrheaMaggie Leman05-22-06  03:00 pm
HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 05-22-06  07:08 am
Blind Goat... HELPBarbara Howard05-21-06  09:48 pm
Stifle joint injuryBrenda Coley 05-21-06  06:21 pm
Goat Hoof Problem-Trim or DeformedPortia Kaye05-21-06  11:01 am
New Mom very swollen still 05-21-06  09:58 am
Continued respiratory problem in bucklingMaggie Leman05-20-06  06:07 pm
Sick goatMaggie Leman05-20-06  06:03 pm
Sick goat , dont know what to doMaggie Leman05-19-06  02:18 pm
Pink eye not responding to biomycinMaggie Leman05-19-06  10:19 am
Banding kids......helpMaggie Leman05-19-06  10:11 am
5 1/2 week old kid scours help!!Maggie Leman05-19-06  09:55 am
Coughing and moucous discharge from noseMaggie Leman05-18-06  12:27 pm
Mama goat delivered 4 - HELP!!!!Maggie Leman05-18-06  12:24 pm
8 way vaccine for goats ? Ultrabac 8Maggie Leman05-18-06  08:19 am
Lazy laborTheresa Chandler05-17-06  12:05 pm
Lazy labor updateMaggie Leman05-16-06  05:02 pm
Need help! Young motherMaggie Leman05-15-06  04:54 pm
Sick goat bloat?Maggie Leman05-14-06  12:17 pm
Nigerian doe with hurt legMaggie Leman05-14-06  07:16 am
Change in does poopDon S. 05-13-06  09:41 pm
Sick kidBarbara Howard05-12-06  05:33 am
Colic?Barbara Howard05-12-06  05:20 am
Doe with problem laying, moaning, stretchingDon S. 05-11-06  02:37 pm
Not showing improvementMaggie Leman05-11-06  02:30 pm
New questionsMaggie Leman05-11-06  08:25 am
New problemMaggie Leman05-11-06  08:23 am
Sick KidDon 05-10-06  09:55 pm
Abcessed tooth??Barbara Howard05-10-06  01:03 pm
Kid w/sore mouth; mom w/teat lesionBarbara Howard05-10-06  12:32 pm
Won't eat, foamy mouth, lips quivering, leaning head??? HELP 05-08-06  06:19 pm
Pregnant doe off feedSandi Scott05-08-06  10:38 am
Maggie couple of questionsMaggie Leman05-07-06  06:40 pm
Stomache ache???David Ashmore05-07-06  07:31 am
Tennis ballMaggie Leman05-07-06  06:56 am
Gone Blind.Maggie Leman05-06-06  11:20 am
Goat eye problem - HelpBarbara Howard05-05-06  07:35 pm
Unsure about weight of goat w/mastitis - underdose or overdose w/ox...Maggie Leman05-05-06  02:47 pm
Weak 10 day old kidsMaggie Leman05-05-06  09:01 am
3 week old kid with scours?Tina Gosnell05-05-06  06:58 am
Four Week Old Buckling Not ThrivingAmy Maxwell05-03-06  01:17 pm
2 day baby with loose stoolMaggie Leman05-01-06  06:30 pm
Doe Panting Hard and Foaming At Mouth.Maggie Leman05-01-06  06:41 am
3 wk kid refuses to eat this morningMaggie Leman05-01-06  06:30 am
Re:nerve block testbev mcfadden 04-30-06  04:21 pm
Sick doe with infected uddersMaggie Leman04-30-06  01:25 pm
First time Pygmy mama HelpMaggie Leman04-30-06  12:02 pm
Sick Kid.Never Seen ThisJanet Jones 04-30-06  10:05 am
Sick KidMaggie Leman04-30-06  09:52 am
Sick Kid...Never seen this.Maggie Leman04-30-06  09:47 am
Very Skinny Nubian DoeMaggie Leman04-29-06  06:30 pm
Is It Time?Maggie Leman04-28-06  01:50 pm
Momma goat down, labored breathing , no temp not eatingMaggie Leman04-28-06  08:35 am
Sores on does mouthsCarl Sven Anderson04-27-06  05:30 pm
2 day old pygmy very weakJolie 04-26-06  08:16 pm
Broken HornMaggie Leman04-26-06  03:14 pm
ScoursMaggie Leman04-26-06  03:12 pm
VaccinationsMaggie Leman04-26-06  03:06 pm
Kid with broken legMaggie Leman04-26-06  02:47 pm
2 day old baby goat needs help!Maggie Leman04-26-06  02:43 pm
Kid downMaggie Leman04-25-06  02:10 pm
Newborn has "locked" kneesMaggie Leman04-25-06  11:59 am
Labor progressing correctly????Maggie Leman04-25-06  11:32 am
Preemie born.. i can use some helpMaggie Leman04-25-06  05:22 am
6 month old goat has sores and losing hairMaggie Leman04-25-06  05:12 am
Goat down and vomitingMaggie Leman04-24-06  05:48 pm
Doe breathing heavily after kidding! Maggie Leman04-23-06  06:11 pm
Hurt Month old kidBarbara Howard04-22-06  05:31 am
9 Day Old Buckling Needs Help!Maggie Leman04-21-06  12:56 pm
5 day old pygmy kid refuses to eatMaggie Leman04-21-06  11:38 am
Doe urinating on herself??Maggie Leman04-21-06  07:36 am
Early signs of laborMaggie Leman04-20-06  02:25 pm
Kid with runny eyesTheresa Chandler04-20-06  11:52 am
SnortingPaul Gooden04-20-06  10:11 am
5 mo old kid can't or won't walk helpLinda Houle04-19-06  07:55 pm
Does got out, off grain, fast respirationMaggie Leman04-19-06  02:08 pm
12 week old with broken legSandi Scott04-19-06  10:32 am
Mastitis?thick chunks of somethingMaggie Leman04-18-06  12:27 pm
6 day old buckling in troubleMaggie Leman04-18-06  12:05 pm
Stalled labor?DDS 04-17-06  06:57 pm
Doe got looseDon 04-17-06  12:01 pm
Still worried about momCindy Hance04-17-06  09:21 am
New kid not eating well, ? constipationTina Gosnell04-16-06  03:22 pm
Thanks MaggieMaggie Leman04-16-06  08:30 am
Sore back feetMaggie Leman04-16-06  08:00 am
10 day old. looks paralyzed in back endMaggie Leman04-16-06  07:51 am
Pygmy Doe in early labor long time...Tina Gosnell04-15-06  09:41 pm
Mastitis/No milk in one teatCindy Hance04-14-06  07:24 am
Worried about momJoan Meffert04-13-06  03:46 pm
Tube feeding a babyMaggie Leman04-13-06  06:10 am
7 day old Weak kidMaggie Leman04-13-06  05:48 am
Update on a sick kidSandi Scott04-13-06  05:41 am
Very pregnant doe stepped on a nailMaggie Leman04-12-06  05:26 pm
Pg goat pantingMaggie Leman04-12-06  03:42 pm
Does kidding prematurelyMaggie Leman04-12-06  06:56 am
Hair around eye?Maggie Leman04-11-06  06:50 pm
Babies getting enough milk??Maggie Leman04-11-06  12:56 pm
Lethargic and falling down baby goatMaggie Leman04-11-06  10:31 am
Weak unwanted babyMaggie Leman04-11-06  07:26 am
Baby goatMaggie Leman04-11-06  06:14 am
Worming kidsMaggie Leman04-11-06  06:04 am
Can a newborn need wormed?Maggie Leman04-10-06  07:13 pm
Help - I'm new to goats with a sick mom 04-10-06  02:13 pm
FencingMaggie Leman04-09-06  02:12 pm
Help - wether with terrible skin problem and possible urinary problemBarbara Howard04-09-06  08:15 am
Kid losing hairMaggie Leman04-08-06  11:54 am
1-month-old doeling with oak poisoning?Maggie Leman04-07-06  05:46 pm
Ready to Kid???Maggie Leman04-07-06  12:06 pm
Thick colostrumMaggie Leman04-07-06  08:32 am
Kid with pneumonia still sickMaggie Leman04-06-06  01:55 pm
Weak kids not sucking/liceMaggie Leman04-06-06  01:53 pm
FLEAS!!!Maggie Leman04-04-06  11:57 am
Still pinkeyeMaggie Leman04-03-06  08:42 am
Doeling not thrivingPam M. 04-02-06  06:19 pm
PinkeyeMaggie Leman04-01-06  06:42 pm
WON'T LET KID NURSEMaggie Leman04-01-06  08:50 am
Foot rot??Barbara and Barry Ne04-01-06  08:04 am
Another sick kid, possibly pneumoniaSandi Scott04-01-06  05:06 am
5wk old goat scouring 03-31-06  07:10 am
Help!! Very sick pigmyMaggie Leman03-31-06  06:29 am
About giving Tetanus shotMaggie Leman03-31-06  06:24 am
S sunday,aborted kids/4 mos. pregMaggie Leman03-31-06  05:57 am
Kid won't eatMaggie Leman03-29-06  05:06 pm
Sore mouthCindy Hance03-29-06  02:11 pm
Mopey GoatMaggie Leman03-29-06  01:00 pm
Mom has polio AND A BABYMaggie Leman03-28-06  08:39 am
Doe losing hairCarlene 03-27-06  07:27 pm
Sick GoatsBarbara Howard03-27-06  04:42 pm
New Mother DownBarbara Howard03-27-06  03:44 pm
Due Date Close On Pregnant Doe That Can't Walk!Maggie Leman03-27-06  03:17 pm
Schedule for kidsMaggie Leman03-27-06  08:22 am
Young Pygmy wether with leg stiffness and tense abdomenMaggie Leman03-27-06  08:09 am
Scouring - 10 days old 03-27-06  07:01 am
Help! green scour turn whitelisa kelly03-27-06  06:57 am
Kids with pinkeyeDawn Summers 03-27-06  06:00 am
Mastitis, pinkeye, possible chlamydiaMaggie Leman03-26-06  02:40 pm
Sick goatMaggie Leman03-26-06  02:28 pm
Maggie, question about Biosol, helpMaggie Leman03-26-06  02:01 pm
worming goatsMaggie Leman03-26-06  03:52 am
New goat pinkeyejanetjones 03-25-06  02:32 pm
Doe losing weight, diarrheaKatie Jacobs 03-25-06  09:18 am
Goat sore teatsMaggie Leman03-25-06  05:55 am
Need help bad baby goat , really sick already lost 2Maggie Leman03-24-06  02:26 pm
Doeling with pale poopPam M. 03-24-06  10:36 am
Baby goat standing on knuckles on front legsMaggie Leman03-23-06  08:27 am
Couple of questionsMaggie Leman03-22-06  06:11 pm
New Mom with severe respiratory problemMaggie Leman03-22-06  06:02 pm
Doe w/blood on vulvaMaggie Leman03-22-06  03:32 pm
Bloody dischargeMaggie Leman03-22-06  02:53 pm
AfterbirthDawn Summers 03-22-06  01:15 pm
Possible broken jawMaggie Leman03-19-06  02:45 pm
Doeling has bloody urineMaggie Leman03-19-06  02:39 pm
SOS ASAP! POSSIBLE UC!melissa c 03-19-06  02:15 pm
Birthing/feeding problemsMaggie Leman03-17-06  03:34 pm
CAE???Maggie Leman03-17-06  01:11 pm
New babies with possible Lice????Maggie Leman03-17-06  01:08 pm
Milk Fever???Maggie Leman03-17-06  09:17 am
Goat Farming in IndiaMaggie Leman03-17-06  07:38 am
Kid with swelling around naval and tender to touch.Maggie Leman03-14-06  02:36 pm
Very sick goatMaggie Leman03-14-06  05:30 am
Swelling below ear, now side of face is swollenBarbara and Barry Ne03-13-06  09:00 am
Doeling - after shockMaggie Leman03-12-06  06:18 pm
ListeriosBarbara Howard03-12-06  04:57 pm
Pink Milk?Maggie Leman03-12-06  06:10 am
Not eating kidMaggie Leman08-10-06  07:17 pm
Wormy GoatsMaggie Leman08-08-06  08:11 am
Coughing and runny noseMaggie Leman08-07-06  12:29 pm
Skipped breeding cyclesPaul Gooden08-07-06  10:13 am
WormingMaggie Leman08-06-06  09:52 am
Weak DoeMaggie Leman08-06-06  09:25 am
Older nanny with recurring worm loadMaggie Leman08-06-06  08:53 am
DiarheaMaggie Leman08-05-06  10:31 am
Pregnant doesDonna Huzinec08-04-06  07:26 pm
Sick & dead goatsMaggie Leman08-03-06  02:35 pm
Fire antsMaggie Leman08-03-06  11:01 am
Worms or bloat?Maggie Leman08-03-06  08:15 am
Doe Foaming Mouth 3wk old doeling deadMaggie Leman08-03-06  08:05 am
Sores on does tailMaggie Leman08-02-06  02:31 pm
3 hr old kid--no colustrum what to do to save kid?Teresa Robbins08-01-06  06:50 pm
Older kids-dehorned, castrated, now have fever Maggie Leman08-01-06  05:12 pm
Swollen Utter/ not exposedDawn Summers07-30-06  08:12 pm
Doe with bloat and polio/listeriosis symptomsMaggie Leman07-29-06  07:19 pm
Doe with bloat and polio/listeriosis symptomsMaggie Leman07-28-06  07:32 pm
Pink eyeMaggie Leman07-27-06  03:08 pm
DiarrheaMaggie Leman09-25-06  05:40 pm
New mom has watery diarrhea Tammy Hunt09-25-06  04:53 pm
Blind NannyKarey Vandermaarel09-25-06  09:15 am
Doe with stiff back legsMaggie Leman09-23-06  10:29 am
Doe with hip injuryMaggie Leman09-22-06  08:14 pm
Kid with sores on mouth Maggie Leman09-22-06  05:07 pm
Goat having trouble breathingBarbara Howard09-21-06  10:37 pm
Young stock sick after showMaggie Leman09-21-06  06:29 pm
High BacteriaMaggie Leman09-19-06  02:50 pm
Doe walking on KneesMaggie Leman09-19-06  02:45 pm
Doeling bred too youngMaggie Leman09-18-06  11:10 am
11 day old goat with injured back leg, limpingMaggie Leman09-17-06  04:48 pm
5 day old kid can not suckMaggie Leman09-17-06  09:42 am
What to do?Maggie Leman09-15-06  05:04 pm
Goat has diarhea Don 09-14-06  10:32 pm
Thin nannyMaggie Leman09-12-06  05:12 am
Nubian doe down-possible ENTEROTOXEMIA ! What do I do???sandra miller09-12-06  03:26 am
Doe weak in the backendPaul Gooden09-11-06  06:09 pm
Goat in renal failure and low RBC countLibbi Sosebee 09-11-06  05:25 pm
Goat bloated and depressedMaggie Leman09-11-06  04:16 pm
Udder nancy krogh09-11-06  09:24 am
Nubian down.....Maggie Leman09-11-06  08:55 am
Panting heavy breathingMaggie Leman09-10-06  08:47 am
Hair lossDavid Ashmore09-09-06  08:26 pm
2 Does with 2 miscarriages in 2 months!!!Maggie Leman09-09-06  04:22 pm
Do Goats get Ear Mites?Maggie Leman09-09-06  08:04 am
Snake bite! Help!Don 09-08-06  07:22 pm
Goat attacked by dog large hole in ear what can i do?lisa coble09-05-06  10:29 pm
Herd of goats with scouringMaggie Leman09-05-06  11:36 am
HEARD SIRE SICK!!!Maggie Leman09-03-06  07:11 pm
Coughing and throwing upMaggie Leman09-03-06  08:15 am
Doe Due Anytime w/foamy mouth & Quivery lips??? HELP!!Jean Pass09-02-06  07:02 am
Help.. herd buck sickMaggie Leman08-31-06  06:53 pm
2 day old w/ pooping bloodPatty Lynch08-31-06  09:56 am
911 - HORN BROKEN AT BASE IN 4 MONTH OLD DOE!Maggie Leman08-30-06  05:49 pm
15 year old wether with mushy poop, getting very thin and appears l...Maggie Leman08-29-06  07:22 pm
Milk GoatsMaggie Leman08-29-06  03:55 pm
??bladder or kidney infection??Maggie Leman08-29-06  03:24 pm
Hindquarter weaknessMaggie Leman08-29-06  12:31 pm
Sores above tailMaggie Leman08-29-06  08:42 am
5 month old Pygmy buck with 107.2 temp. Please Help!Maggie Leman08-28-06  06:26 pm
Newborn with Watery eyesMaggie Leman08-28-06  05:57 pm
Boer buck sickMaggie Leman08-27-06  02:58 pm
How much lutalyse and when?Maggie Leman08-26-06  07:15 am
Buck is trying to breed but won't extend. Help.Heather Avila 08-25-06  03:57 pm
2 Month Old Nigerian Dwarf SickMaggie Leman08-25-06  03:36 pm
So much pneumoniaMaggie Leman08-24-06  08:29 am
BlindnessPaul Gooden08-23-06  07:51 pm
Nuflor to preganant doe?Maggie Leman08-19-06  07:55 am
1.5 yr old buck with thick green scoursMaggie Leman08-19-06  07:37 am
Goats w/ pnemoniaMaggie Leman08-18-06  11:23 am
4 month pregnant nanny with scoursMaggie Leman08-16-06  06:14 pm
Sick KidMaggie Leman08-15-06  02:51 pm
Doe with swelling at base of neckMaggie Leman08-13-06  01:14 pm
IM vs. SQMaggie Leman08-11-06  09:54 am
Lumps at Vaccination sitesMaggie Leman08-11-06  09:41 am
Milk doe off feedMaggie Leman07-26-06  06:35 pm
Fungal infection?Maggie Leman07-26-06  03:27 pm
Lost a doe and possibly a kid today, why?Don S. 07-26-06  07:59 am
Doe with bloat and polio/listeriosis symptomsTracy Taylor07-22-06  07:24 am
Dosage for Bute Less SolutionMaggie Leman07-21-06  08:45 am
Diarrhea, weakness & deathBarbara Howard07-20-06  05:26 am
Goat that seems to be blindMaggie Leman07-19-06  03:17 pm
CL found my goats...now what?Barbara Howard07-19-06  05:14 am
Blood in Goat Milk 07-17-06  08:14 pm
Is she rejecting newborn?Maggie Leman07-17-06  04:39 pm
Is this polio?Barbara Howard07-17-06  10:08 am
Doe in labor..helpMaggie Leman07-16-06  03:07 pm
Young doe possibly bredDon 07-16-06  01:24 am
Milking doe with diarrheaMaggie Leman07-15-06  08:34 am
Show wethers with clumped together fecesMaggie Leman07-14-06  11:29 am
Swollen FaceMaggie Leman07-14-06  05:49 am
ScoursMaggie Leman07-12-06  07:42 pm
Diarrhea off feedCarlene Wheeler07-12-06  04:38 am
GOAT ARTHRITISMaggie Leman09-07-06  11:48 am
1 1/2 Month Old Bottle Fed?Megan09-06-06  05:46 am
Caseous Lymphadenitis........Maggie Leman09-04-06  07:27 pm
Baby pygmy with yellow mucusMaggie Leman09-03-06  11:10 am
MSM & GLUCOSAMINE GOATSMaggie Leman09-01-06  07:40 am
Huge lumpMaggie Leman08-30-06  06:58 pm
Selenium & vit. E supplement?Maggie Leman08-29-06  03:42 pm
Ivomec Injectable dose?Maggie Leman08-29-06  03:23 pm
CopperMaggie Leman08-28-06  06:24 pm
IvermecMaggie Leman08-27-06  05:28 pm
Doe with mucus dichargeMaggie Leman08-27-06  03:06 pm
What was this?Cindy Hance08-25-06  09:12 am
Watery Eye / Bloat?Maggie Leman08-23-06  08:10 pm
Lump on sideCindy Hance08-16-06  10:37 am
? If can keep young buck with newbornsSuzanne Stubbs08-13-06  05:43 pm
Test PostGary Pfalzbot08-11-06  10:22 am
Meningeal worms?Barbara Howard08-10-06  07:09 pm
Warts on the kids mouthMaggie Leman08-03-06  04:30 pm
Warts on nipplesRoy Jason Skidmore08-02-06  03:41 pm
Third nippleMaggie Leman08-02-06  02:54 pm
?asthmaMaggie Leman07-13-06  01:51 pm
Pimplely sore on kids buttMaggie Leman07-13-06  01:48 pm
Drooping eyesCindy Hance07-11-06  09:15 am
Kid goat in pain when nursing?Maggie Leman07-08-06  07:11 am
Cheese RecipesMaggie Leman07-04-06  09:17 am
9mth saanen buck twichingMaggie Leman07-04-06  08:46 am
Is it just pink eye?Maggie Leman06-29-06  05:27 pm
Constant coughMaggie Leman06-27-06  12:19 pm
3 week old doeling dies for no reasonMaggie Leman06-25-06  03:05 pm
Pink eyeMaggie Leman06-12-06  05:32 pm
Sick in every way past awayMaggie Leman06-10-06  08:04 am
Sulmet/albon/di-methoxCindy Hance06-09-06  01:40 pm
Sprained leg?Cindy Hance06-08-06  05:04 pm
C.L. VaccineBarbara Howard06-06-06  07:47 pm
Does due in julyCindy Hance06-05-06  01:25 pm
Pygmy/Nigerian Dwarf crossMaggie Leman06-05-06  01:01 pm
Bald tailKeith Johnson06-03-06  11:55 am
Lump at SQ injection siteTina Gosnell05-20-06  06:29 pm
How long after castration will Billy no longer be fertile?Tina Gosnell05-20-06  06:27 pm
Scours againMaggie Leman05-19-06  02:48 pm
Dehorned kid with one hornMaggie Leman05-19-06  02:13 pm
When to wean?Maggie Leman05-18-06  03:22 pm
Ear taggingMaggie Leman05-18-06  01:12 pm
Kudzu vineMaggie Leman05-16-06  05:09 pm
Third nippleBarbra Schaener05-16-06  03:28 pm
Salty MilkMaggie Leman05-14-06  07:54 am
Confused novice goat ownerMaggie Leman05-11-06  05:43 pm
Hard, defined "angry" lump between mouth, jaw boneBarbara Howard05-09-06  06:29 pm
ScoursMaggie Leman05-03-06  02:59 pm
Probios how often?Maggie Leman05-02-06  03:31 pm
Swelling on doe's neck with a tick in the middle. - Disease?Maggie Leman05-01-06  09:02 am
Goats and ChickensMaggie Leman04-30-06  03:17 pm
Itchy SkinAnn Flickinger04-27-06  06:49 pm
False pregnancyMaggie Leman04-26-06  02:45 pm
Lost doe & tripletsMaggie Leman04-24-06  08:27 am
Worming and liceMaggie Leman04-20-06  05:27 pm
Mom seems to be doing much betterCindy Hance04-19-06  08:26 pm
Pneumonia?Cindy Hance04-17-06  01:04 pm
Leathery earsMaggie Leman04-17-06  12:24 pm
Just a comment on purchasing young kids...Ann Flickinger04-16-06  07:51 pm
Containment penAnn Flickinger04-16-06  06:08 pm
Fencing help quickDon 04-16-06  03:06 pm
Lime on barn floors?Maggie Leman04-16-06  10:29 am
Mom lost baby this morningMaggie Leman12 04-11-06  10:45 am
Older nanny dropping foodTheresa Chandler04-10-06  06:14 pm
Couple of ?'sMaggie Leman04-09-06  10:15 am
Floor for Goat BarnMaggie Leman04-08-06  03:02 pm
Doe with lumps on udder & milking questionMaggie Leman03-31-06  03:18 pm
Goat eating on her kneesTheresa Chandler03-30-06  08:12 pm
New babies arrivedMaggie Leman03-27-06  03:20 pm
Buckling with swelling and unrelated plant questionBarbara and Barry Ne03-24-06  04:20 pm
Hoof problem??Maggie Leman03-24-06  02:32 pm
Culling questionMaggie Leman03-23-06  08:46 am
Waiting on babies-concerned...Maggie Leman03-22-06  07:07 pm
Polio getting badMaggie Leman03-16-06  02:07 pm
CocciMaggie Leman03-12-06  12:17 pm
Minerals and weak kidsSandi Scott03-10-06  07:11 am
White crusty area above hoofBarbara and Barry Ne03-08-06  09:04 am
Buck kid with crusty earMaggie Leman03-07-06  01:31 pm
Kid with broken hornMaggie Leman03-06-06  04:23 pm
PolioMaggie Leman03-06-06  04:16 pm
Kid with hurt legMaggie Leman03-06-06  08:15 am
Nipping scursMaggie Leman03-01-06  07:37 pm
Wet coughCindy Hance02-28-06  03:53 pm
Goats leg and headJeffery Allen Brumfi02-28-06  12:39 pm
3 week old buck kid with scoursJanette Cross02-25-06  01:01 pm
Selenium in coloradoViolet Knapp02-24-06  09:35 pm
Kid's heartbeat too fastTheresa Chandler02-16-06  08:24 pm
ListerosisMaggie Leman02-15-06  04:55 am
Ivomec plusViolet Knapp02-12-06  08:59 am
Just a Few Minutes to Spare...Sassy02-12-06  07:28 am
BLOAT?????????Jeffery Allen Brumfi02-10-06  09:00 pm
Small fecesMaggie Leman02-10-06  12:53 pm
Constipated BabyMaggie Leman02-08-06  03:39 pm
Could be Urinary calculi?Ann Flickinger02-07-06  07:04 pm
Kid with scoursJeffery Allen Brumfi15 02-06-06  12:46 pm
Doe with a limpJeffery Allen Brumfi02-05-06  07:45 pm
Ear taggingMaggie Leman02-05-06  01:08 pm
Getting kid on a bottleMaggie Leman02-01-06  05:35 pm
Baby not acting itself and another doeMaggie Leman02-01-06  03:01 pm
Walking on top of hoof ??????????????????Jeffery Allen Brumfi20 01-30-06  03:50 pm
Doe had babys now acting weirdMaggie Leman01-28-06  02:27 pm
Copper???????? and wormer????????Jeffery Allen Brumfi01-27-06  08:42 pm
Chlamydia infectionMaggie Leman01-27-06  10:52 am
Caseous D-T for goatsMaggie Leman01-26-06  04:55 pm
Early LaborMaggie Leman01-26-06  12:21 pm
Newborn with injured eyesMaggie Leman01-24-06  12:28 pm
DehorningMaggie Leman01-20-06  06:28 pm
Bio-myacin for foot rotMaggie Leman01-19-06  04:36 pm
Doe aborted, still pregnant?Violet Knapp01-12-06  12:23 pm
Maggie - one more questionMaggie Leman01-11-06  03:18 pm
Mastitis and the nursing doeMaggie Leman01-11-06  03:17 pm
After dehorning, do horns grow back?Maggie Leman01-08-06  08:36 am
Pregnancy, Newborns and RedCellMaggie Leman01-07-06  10:29 am
Bo-seMaggie Leman11 01-06-06  08:26 pm
Shots for newbornsMaggie Leman01-05-06  06:23 pm
Thanks MaggieJanette Cross12-30-05  06:44 pm
Safeguard DosageMaggie Leman12-30-05  03:12 pm
Pregnant Doe is BIG!!!Maggie Leman12-30-05  02:52 pm
Nannies bleedingMaggie Leman12-30-05  02:42 pm
Goat not eatingMaggie Leman12-26-05  03:39 pm
Newborn with diarrhea?Sandi Scott12-04-05  08:08 am
Dog meeting pygmys todayMaggie Leman12-03-05  05:03 pm
Nanny going dryRoy Jason Skidmore12-02-05  05:31 pm
Bloody NoseCindy Hance11-30-05  05:37 pm
Newborn only using 3 legsMaggie Leman11-24-05  03:34 pm
Sore mouth and copper defiencyMaggie Leman11-23-05  11:58 am
Heatlight for the kids??Maggie Leman11-22-05  07:13 am
Goat poopMaggie Leman10 11-21-05  11:10 am
Really fat goatsMaggie Leman11-15-05  04:35 pm
Goats and chickensMaggie Leman11-08-05  08:53 am
Are Acorns poisonous?Theresa Chandler11-01-05  10:28 am
Aging a goatMaggie Leman10-28-05  07:14 pm
Hep!!!ongoing skin problemMaggie Leman10-24-05  08:48 am
Pregnant PygmyMaggie Leman10-24-05  08:45 am
Tilting goat also vomiting a bitMaggie Leman10-24-05  08:38 am
Goat's head tiltingMaggie Leman10-20-05  06:09 pm
Udder problemsMaggie Leman10-16-05  12:11 pm
Doe abortedMaggie Leman10-16-05  11:05 am
Doe acting weirdMaggie Leman10-11-05  08:35 am
Archive through February 07, 2007sandi10 02-09-07  10:35 am
High Protein FeedMaggie Leman02-07-07  01:00 pm
Breeding KindersAlex Cripps02-07-07  12:55 pm
Archive through February 03, 2007Jena Marutiak10 02-06-07  09:57 pm
Worming.Tanya Hollon02-06-07  05:36 pm
Hermaphodite? (picture attached)Maggie Leman02-06-07  11:41 am
Archive through February 04, 2007Cindy Hance10 02-05-07  06:55 pm
New mom with limpTheresa Chandler02-05-07  01:58 pm
Archive through February 04, 2007Tina M Aden02-04-07  03:49 pm
Preparing pastureMaggie Leman02-04-07  02:43 am
Archive through February 03, 2007Maggie Leman02-03-07  05:37 am
Eye problemDon S.13 02-02-07  08:24 pm
Archive through February 01, 2007Jennifer (Unregister02-02-07  05:40 pm
Pnemonia Vaccination?Megan Schefke02-02-07  04:53 am
Bottle fed kid.Maggie Leman02-01-07  07:12 pm
Talked to the VetMaggie Leman02-01-07  02:21 pm
Just a couple questions Maggie Leman02-01-07  11:10 am
GOAT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARETanya Hollon02-01-07  07:42 am
BreedingAinslee Cara Love02-01-07  07:00 am
Archive through January 26, 2007Brenda O'Dell10 01-31-07  04:19 pm
Does anyone know what this is? Maggie Leman13 01-31-07  03:35 pm
Selenium Bo-Se dosage ratesDon S.01-30-07  08:03 pm
Need help - front legs bend underMaggie Leman01-29-07  07:55 pm
When to deworm kidsMaggie Leman01-29-07  07:30 pm
Disbudding And Breeding with these little guys!!Maggie Leman01-29-07  03:32 pm
GOAT WEIGH TAPEMaggie Leman01-29-07  03:30 pm
Archive through January 29, 2007Elaine Elder01-29-07  11:14 am
Maggidan's MilkerTeresa Robbins14 01-29-07  06:25 am
Pregnant Doe with clear, vaginal dischargeMaggie Leman01-28-07  12:59 pm
Archive through January 24, 2007Maggie Leman10 01-28-07  12:41 pm
Bump on face maybe abcessMaggie Leman01-28-07  12:47 am
I have a few questionsannie01-27-07  10:49 pm
NEW BABIES WHEN, AND WHAT KIND OF SHOTS .Barbara Howard01-27-07  03:32 pm
Mineralsbo thompson01-26-07  06:40 pm
Archive through January 24, 2007bo thompson01-26-07  02:43 pm
Is It OK to give Vitamin B Complex Sub-QMaggie Leman01-26-07  01:57 pm
Archive through January 24, 2007RANDALL TILLMAN10 01-26-07  09:25 am
New babies down on pasternsCindy Hance01-25-07  08:12 pm
Teat hugh no milk coming downLisa Carr01-25-07  08:08 pm
Peeling goatDon S.14 01-25-07  07:53 am
Goat Proof-Dog Feeder?annie14 01-24-07  10:41 pm
Archive through January 23, 2007Ainslee Cara Love10 01-24-07  09:24 am
Archive through January 19, 2007RANDALL TILLMAN10 01-24-07  06:59 am
Does and Kidding!! (around that is)Alex Cripps01-23-07  05:03 pm
Archive through January 15, 2007annie10 01-23-07  04:39 pm
Castaratng buckAinslee Cara Love01-23-07  11:43 am
Pygmy doe's acting like bucks driving herd crazy!Janette Cross01-22-07  04:02 pm
Archive through January 19, 2007Alex Cripps10 01-22-07  01:57 pm
Heavy BreatherMaggie Leman01-22-07  12:54 pm
Udder care neededMaggie Leman01-22-07  12:50 pm
I Just Can't Win!!!!Megan Schefke01-22-07  06:14 am
Wormers?????Maggie Leman01-21-07  07:52 am
Midget Boers?Maggie Leman01-21-07  07:47 am
HELP now I have 2 kids with out momsjennifer robinson11 01-21-07  05:05 am
Why does she do that?Don S.01-20-07  07:57 pm
Older nanny - hormone problem?Don S.01-20-07  07:07 pm
Archive through January 20, 2007Jena Marutiak01-20-07  01:50 pm
Just cauterized and bleedingMaggie Leman01-20-07  05:09 am
Archive through January 19, 2007Maggie Leman01-19-07  01:38 pm
Archive through January 18, 2007Elaine Elder10 01-19-07  12:09 pm
Archive through January 19, 2007Maggie Leman01-19-07  09:37 am
Archive through January 18, 2007Jena Marutiak10 01-19-07  07:34 am
Archive through January 19, 2007Theresa Chandler01-19-07  06:55 am
Archive through January 18, 2007Elaine Elder10 01-19-07  06:47 am
Goat Horror StoryC Newlin18 01-18-07  11:46 pm
Is it time to do the "humane thing"?Maggie Leman01-18-07  01:11 pm
Archive through January 18, 2007Amanda Rowe01-18-07  01:06 pm
After deliveryMaggie Leman01-18-07  01:01 pm
Archive through January 15, 2007Maggie Leman10 01-17-07  04:58 pm
Maggie -Mineral/vitamin mix list -Maybe this is the problemMaggie Leman01-17-07  12:53 pm
Hay...What Cut?Alex Cripps01-16-07  06:27 pm
DeliveryMaggie Leman01-16-07  01:06 pm
Archive through January 15, 2007Maggie Leman10 01-16-07  08:12 am
Moving Slow... Just Not Acting NormalMaggie Leman29 01-15-07  02:28 pm
Archive through January 14, 2007Elaine Elder10 01-15-07  12:49 pm
Clumpy poopDonna Huzinec01-15-07  08:03 am
Archive through January 10, 2007Donna Huzinec10 01-15-07  07:59 am
Cd/tMaggie Leman01-15-07  06:16 am
Goat sat like a dogMaggie Leman01-15-07  06:10 am
Warning about Recluse SpidersTristan Duke01-14-07  06:55 pm
Hoof treatmentPaul Gooden01-14-07  11:53 am
Doe with bottlejawBarbara Howard01-14-07  09:41 am
Archive through January 14, 2007Barbara Howard01-14-07  09:09 am
Archive through October 15, 2006Lisa M Shively10 01-13-07  06:21 pm
Aggressive behavior against low-status doeDon S.01-13-07  04:19 pm
Using Pour on Wormers Orally????Tristan Duke01-13-07  10:09 am
ToxemiaCindy Hance01-12-07  08:46 am
On vacation!Terry Miller01-12-07  05:58 am
Eye color...WormsMegan01-12-07  04:42 am
There should be a holiday for this.Linda Houle01-11-07  09:27 pm
Archive through January 09, 2007Cheryl Hayward10 01-11-07  02:03 pm
Nail in the hoofMaggie Leman01-11-07  12:49 pm
Polio/pregnancyMaggie Leman01-11-07  12:44 pm
False LaborMaggie Leman01-11-07  12:37 pm
Archive through January 10, 2007Chrystyna Corpron10 01-10-07  01:19 pm
Odd Behavior - not concerned, just curiousC Newlin01-10-07  12:38 pm
Archive through January 10, 2007Chrystyna Corpron10 01-10-07  12:04 pm
Archive through January 09, 2007Elaine Elder10 01-10-07  08:08 am
Archive through January 07, 2007Maggie Leman10 01-09-07  01:17 pm
Archive through January 06, 2007Alex Cripps10 01-08-07  03:03 pm
Baby boomLinda Houle01-08-07  02:37 pm
Fortified B ComplexMaggie Leman01-08-07  08:55 am
Creep feed when can I start Maggie Leman01-08-07  07:52 am
Any word from southern colorado goat producers??Alexander Cripps01-08-07  04:23 am
Archive through January 05, 2007Maggie Leman10 01-07-07  05:34 pm
Pros and Cons of Dam raising!Alexander Cripps01-07-07  03:04 pm
Turned up ears on newborn kidsAlexander Cripps01-07-07  02:51 pm
Anyone with experience with electrified netting fence?Alexander Cripps01-07-07  02:48 pm
Prolapsed nannyMaggie Leman01-06-07  05:02 pm
What do most people feed there goats?Alexander Cripps01-06-07  02:25 pm
Archive through January 05, 2007Alexander Cripps10 01-06-07  02:17 pm
Dectomax useageMaggie Leman01-06-07  06:46 am
Large wether unwilling/unable to stand or walkMaureen T. Austin01-05-07  03:13 pm
New Years Eve SurpriseDwight & Kathy Curri01-05-07  01:10 pm
Archive through January 05, 2007Chrystyna Corpron10 01-05-07  10:30 am
When to start and stop bottle feeding? and Kidd housing!Alexander Cripps01-05-07  10:09 am
Baby bucklingAlexander Cripps01-03-07  09:41 pm
Has anyone heared of this happing??Alexander Cripps01-03-07  10:50 am
Cydectin safe for Pregnant DoeAmanda Scanlan01-02-07  04:15 pm
Hair LossMegan11 01-02-07  01:41 pm
Archive through December 29, 2006Ainslee Love (Unregi10 01-01-07  10:33 am
C/D T vaccine questionMaggie Leman12-30-06  03:16 pm
Milk GoiterMaggie Leman12-29-06  07:21 pm
Goat in late pregnancy with lumpy udderMaggie Leman12-29-06  06:33 am
Running out of Hay in ColoradoGary Pfalzbot12-28-06  08:41 pm
I Am BACKLinda Houle12-26-06  05:19 pm
Archive through December 22, 2006Myrla Rasmussen10 12-24-06  12:54 pm
HAPPY HOLIDAYSmark guernsey12-24-06  09:23 am
LaMancha ear infectionJanette Cross12-23-06  06:38 pm
Archive through December 20, 2006tuckeraccess (Unregi10 12-21-06  12:01 pm
THREE NEW BABIES THIS MORNING 12/21/06Maggie Leman12-21-06  10:48 am
Bald patchesMaggie Leman12-20-06  02:28 pm
New babysMaggie Leman12-17-06  07:33 pm
Archive through December 15, 2006Elaine Elder10 12-17-06  10:58 am
Newborn bottle-fedMaggie Leman12-16-06  12:06 pm
Pink EyeMaggie Leman12-15-06  11:51 am
FencingJena Marutiak12-15-06  03:34 am
Baking SodaAnn Flickinger12-14-06  06:34 pm
Doe DiedMaggie Leman12-13-06  02:51 pm
Hand Milker InventionMaggie Leman12-13-06  02:39 pm
Shelter/Pink Eye/A serene momentMaggie Leman12-09-06  09:27 am
Archive through October 03, 2006blackjack (Unregiste12-07-06  08:27 am
Ketosis?Deb Benson12-06-06  05:24 pm
Caring for the Geriatric GoatMaggie Leman12-05-06  11:52 am
Archive through November 26, 2006Sandi Scott10 12-05-06  06:26 am
Cotton SeedDwight & Kathy Curri12-04-06  01:49 pm
Creep Feeder for KidsDwight & Kathy Curri12-03-06  11:12 am
3 does test CL positive, what to do?Maggie Leman12-02-06  07:24 am
Archive through December 01, 2006Elaine Elder10 12-01-06  01:36 pm
Dosage for EpinephrineMaggie Leman11-30-06  02:18 pm
Possible pygmy crossDawn Summers11-29-06  08:01 pm
Archive through November 26, 2006Donna Huzinec10 11-29-06  05:36 pm
Feeding OatesMaggie Leman11-29-06  05:06 pm
Archive through November 25, 2006Cheryl Hayward10 11-28-06  07:31 pm
Archive through November 26, 2006Maggie Leman10 11-28-06  02:51 pm
Winter Coats?Megan11-28-06  06:16 am
Hot Watersandylogan11 11-28-06  06:04 am
Archive through November 24, 2006Maggie Leman10 11-26-06  08:22 am
QuarintineMaggie Leman11-24-06  08:33 pm
Archive through November 22, 2006Maggie Leman10 11-24-06  08:09 am
HELP!!!!!!!Maggie Leman11-24-06  07:01 am
Nannie bleedingBarbara Howard11-23-06  07:06 pm
Sick goatMaggie Leman11-22-06  06:59 pm
Archive through November 20, 2006Maggie Leman10 11-22-06  02:41 pm
Archive through November 21, 2006Maggie Leman10 11-22-06  02:31 pm
Goat with Matted Eyessandi11 11-22-06  11:38 am
Walking on hocksMaggie Leman11-21-06  03:50 pm
Grain?Maggie Leman11-20-06  08:18 pm
Befor kiddingMaggie Leman11-19-06  07:01 pm
Sale goatspam chambers11-19-06  05:54 pm
Archive through November 16, 2006Don S. (Unregistere10 11-19-06  09:25 am
Shaved goat Maggie Leman11-17-06  08:34 pm
Ringworms!!Maggie Leman11-16-06  08:12 pm
Dead Very Pregnant DoeBarbara and Barry Ne11-15-06  04:34 am
Older goatsMaggie Leman11-14-06  07:17 pm
Winter babiesCindy Hance11-14-06  01:19 pm
White scabs on buckCindy Hance11-14-06  01:16 pm
AgeMaggie Leman11-13-06  05:30 pm
Handling them single handedLee Ann Corbett11-13-06  03:32 pm
Multiple Births??Maggie Leman11-13-06  02:40 pm
What is this?Maggie Leman11-12-06  02:13 pm
Sores on the mouthMaggie Leman11-10-06  11:38 pm
Raising Meat Goats for Commercial ProductionRussell D. Rowton11-10-06  10:49 pm
Archive through November 09, 2006Don S. (Unregistered10 11-10-06  11:45 am
Newborn w/ Neurological SymptomsRachael Coggins12 11-10-06  08:31 am
Dull gumsDeb Benson11-10-06  06:26 am
Archive through November 06, 2006Maggie Leman10 11-08-06  01:19 pm
Everything Went Well With Pygmies.Terry Miller11-08-06  05:39 am
Archive through November 04, 2006Don S. (Unregistered10 11-07-06  03:52 pm
Doe with swollen lips and lump under jawDwight & Kathy Curri10 11-05-06  07:40 pm
New babies.Maggie Leman11-04-06  09:11 pm
Misscarrage?Deb Benson11-04-06  04:39 pm
Goats at saleMaggie Leman11-04-06  02:27 pm
Pink eyeMaggie Leman11-04-06  02:14 pm
Questions about breeding.Maggie Leman11-04-06  11:00 am
Polled babies?Gary Pfalzbot11-01-06  08:29 am
PumpkinsGary Pfalzbot11-01-06  08:20 am
NO EPINEPHRINEMaggie Leman10-31-06  03:02 pm
Pygmy doeling with diarrhea!Maggie Leman10-30-06  03:10 pm
Pregant goat?Maggie Leman10-30-06  02:57 pm
Archive through October 22, 2006Ainslee Cara Love10 10-30-06  12:00 pm
CAEMaggie Leman10-29-06  04:08 pm
Goats and WaterDwight and Kathy Cur10-28-06  05:29 pm
Archive through October 24, 2006Barbara and Barry Ne10 10-28-06  07:33 am
What would be a good companion animal....Maggie Leman10-26-06  02:47 pm
PinkeyeTerry Miller10-25-06  06:18 am
Treat for worms?Megan10-25-06  05:57 am
Archive through October 21, 2006Barbara and Barry Ne10 10-24-06  07:05 am
Vitamin B Complex questionMaggie Leman10-23-06  11:27 am
BandingMegan10-23-06  06:20 am
Is she weaning her?Teresa Robbins10-22-06  03:15 pm
Congested buckAlexander Cripps10-22-06  10:38 am
Question About WormingAlexander Cripps10-22-06  10:36 am
Doe not coming in Heat! ! !Alexander Cripps10-22-06  10:33 am
Whiney Goats!Alexander Cripps10-22-06  10:31 am
Archive through October 14, 2006Barbara and Barry Ne10 10-20-06  04:48 am
Sheltering 3 large nubian malesAlexander Cripps10-18-06  02:23 pm
Worried about KacieAlexander Cripps10-18-06  02:14 pm
Lump in neck of young bucklingDwight Currie10-17-06  04:49 pm
Swollen neck and faceDawn Summers10-17-06  05:35 am
Update on Buckling that could not suckBarbara and Barry Ne10-14-06  09:00 pm
PygmysMaggie Leman10-14-06  07:21 pm
Boer Doe weak hind quartersH. C. Sheldon, Jr10-13-06  04:13 am
Archive through October 02, 2006Alexander Cripps10 10-11-06  06:11 pm
Pygmy Buck Driving Me CrazyMaggie Leman10-10-06  04:44 pm
Line breeding?cherie rowland10-07-06  10:36 pm
Pic's will not upload??Maggie Leman10-07-06  10:15 am
Goat behaviorMaggie Leman10-05-06  02:54 pm
GOAT LICKING TONGUE AROUND MOUTH Maggie Leman10-04-06  03:03 pm
Goats leg hurt?Maggie Leman11 10-03-06  04:20 pm
Crying DoeMaggie Leman10-01-06  05:13 am
Archive through June 17, 2006Pamela Forstner10 09-30-06  09:55 am
Archive through September 29, 2006Pam M. (Unregistered09-29-06  08:54 pm
Archive through September 29, 2006Maggie Leman09-29-06  04:44 pm
Archive through September 26, 2006Cindy Hance10 09-27-06  01:50 pm
Sprained Leg?Maggie Leman09-26-06  04:57 pm
Lump, Bite and CoatMegan09-26-06  08:31 am
4 mo buck raspy breathingMaggie Leman09-22-06  11:05 am
Buck Won't BreedMaggie Leman09-19-06  02:43 pm
Introducing new Goats to DonkeysDwight Currie09-18-06  06:29 pm
Pygmy and nigerian fencing question!mark guernsey09-16-06  06:22 pm
Goats still itching I am losing my mind!Maggie Leman09-15-06  07:31 pm
Bumps on Goats???Maggie Leman09-12-06  04:08 pm
12 week old buck sick?Maggie Leman09-12-06  12:35 pm
Archive through September 03, 2006Debbi10 09-11-06  03:31 pm
WONDERUL NEWSCindy Hance09-11-06  06:14 am
Archive through September 09, 2006Donna Huzinec09-09-06  10:22 pm
Archive through September 09, 2006Maggie Leman09-09-06  04:19 pm
Archive through September 09, 2006Maggie Leman10 09-09-06  10:07 am
Archive through September 05, 2006Maggie Leman09-05-06  05:17 pm
Archive through September 02, 2006Maggie Leman10 09-04-06  06:52 pm
Archive through August 26, 2006Maggie Leman10 08-29-06  08:19 am
Archive through August 24, 2006Donna Huzinec10 08-26-06  01:01 pm
Archive through August 22, 2006Paul Gooden10 08-23-06  07:51 pm
Archive through August 15, 2006Barbara and Barry Ne10 08-15-06  09:04 pm
Archive through August 09, 2006Maggie Leman10 08-11-06  09:41 am
Urinary calculiBarbara Howard16 08-10-06  06:36 pm
Archive through August 08, 2006Maggie Leman10 08-08-06  03:02 pm
Archive through August 01, 2006Theresa Chandler10 08-06-06  06:24 am
Archive through July 13, 2006Barbara Howard10 07-17-06  10:08 am
Archive through July 11, 2006Barbara Howard10 07-11-06  02:02 pm
Archive through June 27, 2006Karey Vandermaarel10 07-05-06  07:48 pm
Archive through June 26, 2006Karey Vandermaarel10 06-27-06  01:33 pm
Archive through June 13, 2006Tammy Hunt10 06-19-06  12:11 pm
Archive through June 11, 2006Michelle Simmons10 06-13-06  10:23 am
Archive through June 07, 2006Maggie Leman10 06-09-06  05:57 pm
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Violet Knapp
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Username: violetknapp

Post Number: 10
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 10:56 am:   

Wondering How the nubs are doing? Mineral oil works too, it is very hard to get them to swollow any oil without a drench gun, or large suringe, they really need something to break up the gas bubbles. Are they still able to get up? Let us know.........
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jojo milano (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 11:09 pm:   

Thanks i am readin as fast as i can. I am new to goats. I was told that this might be enterotoximia and should give C+Dclostridium pref... i have an old bottle. But am leary of giving a shot. never had to do it to the goats. I am getting all confused. I don't have vit b... nor veggie oil, but mineral oil.

I am havign a really hard time getting them to take the syringe. big battle.

Yes stomachs hard and tight. its the putrid liquid coming out of my wether that got me all concerned. I was hearing noises and belching and chewing cud, thinking i was over the worst.

They have eaten the pig food before on a regular basis. when they were all housed to gether. This time i think they just gorged.
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Violet Knapp
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Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 10:55 pm:   

I would try giving them about 30cc of vegtable oil, and also some baking soda mixed in water. Are their stomachs really hard and tight, could be that the pig food has something in it that is toxic to goats. I know that chicken food does. Also I would give Vit. B complex about 4-5 cc. There is an acticle on bloat also in the link-goat world articles- on the main page of Goatworld.
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jojo milano (Unregistered Guest)
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Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 10:37 pm:   

Both goats are bloated. The wether is regurging putrid liquid. Doe is not so bad. Both i gave milk of magnesia. and then 3 hours later some uaa gel (activated charcoal) in case it was poisoning. Some mentioned enterotoximia, but i remember giving a vacs for it 6 months ago. I have a little left in the bottle. should i try that? And only a horse needle (size too big i think for a goat. and only one). Both of them ate mazuri pot belly pig food today. They have been sick since 9 pm, its now 1:30. I need some help.
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Bobby & Libby Knight
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Username: jointendeavors

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Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 06:05 am:   

Help!!! Our goat can't poop. He passed a couple of clumps and now he can't go. He tries but is not successful. He got into some garbage and we think that may be the cause. Before that his bowels were the normal little balls. How can we help him?
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Bobby & Libby Knight
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Post Number: 3
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Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 11:25 am:   

Goat is going again . He is back to being his old self. Used Fleet and Mineral oil. Thanks All.

Merry Christmas to All
Bobby & Libby
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Bobby & Libby Knight
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Post Number: 2
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Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 03:15 pm:   

He is urinating fine. No problem with that area. Thank goodness. We read about treating bloat and have given him a fleet emema and some mineral oil. The enema has started him moving a little. His feces are very dry and clumped up. We think he may have eaten something out of the garbage and/or possibly he didn't drink enough water during the recent ice storm we had. His water froze and he didn't want to come out of his house.
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Maggie Leman
Username: maggieleman

Post Number: 176
Registered: 07-2005
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Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 02:38 pm:   

Is he really straining to pass feces? Most male goats that are straining are doing so because they can't urinate. Please check to see he is making a good stream of urine. If he is dribbling or if the area around his penis is dry or has sandy feeling crystals in the fur he is likely to have urinary stones. If that is the case he needs veterinary attention, especially if he can't pee at all. If he is peeing some he can be given oral ammonium chloride, 2 teaspoons dissolved is about 15 to 20 cc of water 2 to 3 times a day until he is peeing freely again then once a day for 3 to 4 weeks to dissolve any more stones. A vet should also give a pain killer and antiinflammatory (banamine is fine) and an antibiotic such as penicillin for 5 to 7 days.
Maggie Leman
Goat 911 Capri Medic

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