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Re: Proplene Glycol info

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Posted by Katy on April 03, 2002 at 17:23:17:

In Reply to: Re: Proplene Glycol info posted by goat mom on April 03, 2002 at 14:59:01:

Propylene Glycol: Oral energy supply. Any time a pregnant or lactating goat does not eat for even a couple meals, there is a danger of ketosis (a killer) because the animal uses its own body reserves during that period. Propylene glycol keeps the doe from using its body reserves. Buy this stuff by the gallon. Its a whole lot cheaper that way, and will last a long time if stored properly. This can be the difference between life and death, and its difficult, if not next to impossible, to find this at the drugstore if you have an emergency. Have this on hand at all times.
I have used as much as 10 cc's drenching at a time on a pregnant doe.

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