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Re: Tube fed kid out of sorts - any ideas?

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Posted by Linda F on March 28, 2002 at 06:50:00:

In Reply to: Tube fed kid out of sorts - any ideas? posted by Max on March 26, 2002 at 12:35:26:

Hi Max, Sounds like you've been getting alot of good advise from Dalice and Helene. I guess a couple things that i would do if he whee my kid would be to give him 1 cc of penicillin for 5 days due to the fact that beings that it was a diffiocult birth it is possible that he aspirated some fluids during the birthing process. Another thing I would do to would be to give him some Vit E, I get the geltablets from Walmart or any pharmacy it should be 300IU, snip the end of the gel tablet and sqeeze the vitamin E into the kids mouth. I would do this in the morning and in the evening until you know he is doing fine. I have heard that some times the sucking response is due to lack of Vit. E I myself have tried this and it did work. I think that the real cause here though is that he may have some kind of aspirated pnemonia and he is just not hungery, we have had this happen as well. Give both of these a try and see if this works.

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