Posted by Mary on March 06, 2002 at 12:09:21:
I have a two year old female pygmy named Molly. I have always thought that she and her twin brother never really grew to full size, and never acted as "hardy" as the others in the herd Today, we are having a burst of spring-like weather, and all of the goats were kicking up their heels, and running around in glee. After the running, I noticed Molly was panting. She didn't seem to be in any distress, and after calming down, her breathing returned to normal. Think that anything is wrong???? or am I being a nervous mommy? No coughing, eating well, acting normal, not overweight. The problem is that I think that she also may be pregnant. What I "said would never happen" happened. My billy broke through the fence (you know the one that you are meaning to reinforce, but keep forgetting), and I think he may have bred her. That happened back in December, so she would be a couple of months along. Now, if she got that winded with running, I'm inclined to think she may have trouble with labor. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.