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Re: Chlamydia?

Shadow Valley Soap Seaweed Meal
Posted by GoatWorld on November 30, 2001 at 10:07:10:

In Reply to: Chlamydia? posted by Tanya on November 30, 2001 at 06:00:38:

Hi Tanya,

Okay, you got me. This is one area that I don't have a whole lot of information on (yet). So, perfect time for some research. Before I give you some links and info that I have found, I will tell you that from what I know, Chlamydia is one of those bacterial infections that does have to be vaccinated for. Now what I am not sure of those is that I "thought" that the CD/T shot (and yearly booster) takes care of this. Maybe I'm wrong. Here is some information and links below. I will get more articles on this on GoatWorld.
- this one contains just some facts about Chlamydia but no treatment.
This one pertains to sheep and goats and does contain an treatment plan:

"Unfortunately there is no practical way of identifying an infected or carrier animal. Newly-infected animals have a low, short-lasting antibody titre even though they may show a high titre if they abort later. However, even this high titre only lasts a few months.

Control measures are, therefore, based on accurate diagnosis and good hygiene such as isolation of aborting ewes and cleanup of infected pens. Quaternary ammonium compounds are satisfactory disinfectants. It is well recognized that crowding at lambing time increases the risk of abortion in the same or subsequent lambing season.

Chlamydiae are susceptible to chlortetracycline. It is said to prevent abortion when administered at the rate of 80 mg/head/day during pregnancy. In the face of an outbreak 250 mg/head/day for 3 weeks has been recommended, and appears to be effective.

A vaccine1 is available and generally is considered to be effective in sheep2. In Britain it is used in flocks with recurrent chlamydia abortion. Chlamydia does not appear to cause abortions in consecutive years in Ontario flocks, but there is limited information on this subject. If abortions do occur in consecutive years, a new diagnosis must be made since Coxiella, "vibrio", Toxoplasma, or some other agent could be responsible." - this one looks pretty good. Talks about a specific vaccine for Chlamydia - looks as if I am wrong about the CD/T taking care of it.
Oh well, always good to learn something new each day.

Here is a "specific" vaccination that I found"

To control: Chlamydia
Brand Name: Chlamydia Psittaci; Enzabort EAE-Vibrio

Availability: OTC
Withdrawal: 21 days before slaughter
For prevention of Chlamydia abortion is sheep
Dosage: 2 ml SQ prior to breeding, followed 2 ml 30 days later
Goat Notes: There may be some cross over immunity for Chlamydia caused pink eye.

Well this is perhaps enough to get started on a basic understanding and treatment program. From what I am reading it very much looks like there is a definite relationship between chlamydia and pinkeye. Here is one more link to a place that makes a vaccine for it:

I will be sure to keep researching this one and to add information on the site about it.

Best regards,

Gary Pfalzbot

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