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Answering the cries for help

Amber Waves Pygmy Goats Kandy Treat
Posted by GoatWorld on November 27, 2001 at 20:51:39:

Hi folks,

I see that a number of you are having a problem with gettin gyour pictures to show up on your pages?? Okay. Not a problem. Here are some solutions for everyone to consider.

The index.shtml file is the file that automatically loads when someone goes to your web site. It is only meant to be a temporary file. Goatmom contacted me earlier today about this and I went ahead and added one of her pictures to the index.shtml so she could get an idea of what to do.

It's really very easy if you take it step by step. Probably the best thing to do is to go to the Resources section of the Members Community and download both the HTML Tutor and the HTML Editor program. These will get you started.

In lieu of doing that, try this: go to your web page (the index.shtml file of your site). This will be for example: - that AUTOMATICALLY loads the index.shtml file. Once your page has fully loaded, right click on the page with your mouse and choose VIEW SOURCE. This will most probably open up your file in the NOTEPAD program. This will give show the HTML code for your web page - the index.shtml file.

Okay, so now what to do with that file that has opened up. Okay, you will want to make a new FOLDER someplace on your computer called MY GOATWORLD SITE or whatever you want to call it as long as you can remember what you called it. Back in the NOTEPAD program, use the SAVE AS command (under FILE on the Notepad menu bar) to save your file as index.shtml in the new folder you just created. Also, when you are saving the file, near the bottom of the save menu, it will have an option to save as a text (txt) file or as All or Any file. Choose All Files and type in your file name exactly as index.shtml - be certain to use all lower case letters.

Now it gets a bit trickier but nothing I don't think any of you can't figure out. Just read this and reread it again. I will try and make it as simple as possible.

Your picture files are most probably going to end in a .JPG extension. I've noticed that a few of you have uploaded pictures that are named things like "These Are My Goats.JPG". Well, you've got part of it right. To make things easier, on your computer, rename your files with shorter names like "mygoats1.jpg", "mygoats2.jpg", etc. Spaces and capital letters make files harder to load simply because there are more chances of making mistakes that way. And for the purpose of simplification, ALWAYS use lower case letters when naming files to include the extension - .JPG should be .jpg.

Regarding how you get your picture files onto your index.shtml page. What I would do is go to Goatmom's site and do a VIEW SOURCE command (right click your mouse) and take a look at how her picture is added there. Any text that is contained within these symbols - is going to be my comments to her on how to make the picture display.

What you are doing is using an IMG SRC tag to CALL the picture onto the page. The IMG SRC tag has to be enclosed in < > to make it work. If I were to try and type an IMG SRC tag in this message the correct way, it would try and CALL the picture I ask it to. So what I will do is omit the < > just so you can see an IMG SRC tag and how it is built. I will use Goatmoms picture as an example.

Goatmoms web site is:
Her pictures are in that directory at the end - goatmom.
Her picture is named knock.jpg

Okay the IMG SRC tag would look like this below (omitting the < >'s):

img src=""

That is the correct address of where her picture is and that is the address you would want to add to your index.shtml page to make the picture show up. But remember, that tag will only work if you have it actually written with the < >'s -



The placement of the "'s is crucial as well. Study that example carefully. Hopefully when I send this message it will read out okay.

Now, just for fun, I am going to add the < >'s to the address above just to show you that it will work and display her picture here in this message:

Last but not least, you need to UPLOAD the index.shtml you saved and edited. Login to your account and where you see the BROWSE button, simply browse your hard drive to find the index.shtml you edited and saved. Then upload it and go and check your web site again to see that the changes have been made.

I will try to remain available tonight to help people with this if need be. Please write me personally at though. I had hoped to make this feature a little simpler than it is but due to some security features, this was just not possible yet. I have considered making templates for you to use but my deep feeling is that many of you will see that this is very easy and once you get the hang of it you'll thank me for not giving you the easy way out of it. Please don't be afraid to try things. You cannot mess anything on GoatWorld up and I'll always be here to correct any major errors you might make with your page.

Best regards,

Gary Pfalzbot

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