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I think she may be getting better!!!

Goat Mineral Mix Castration Rings
Posted by Nat on August 28, 2001 at 07:44:27:

In Reply to: Re: encysted worms and Nat I found the bottle jaw site!! posted by Vicki McGaugh on August 26, 2001 at 08:35:42:

Well, after milking this morning, and taking a look at her bump again (this doe wants to kill me if I look at her chin again) I *think* its getting better! The swelling went down on her chin and lower neck, and it seems like the bump size has shrunk a bit, and it dosn't feel "mushy" it almost feels like its hard/scar tissue like. Responded it seems, after the big Ivormec dose. No discharge or anything, and she's still spunky enough to dump her grain dish on the ground being a pain while milking.

I'll Ivormec her again in about 10 days, and then do a follow up after that just to be sure. Guess I better get the probios out.

Thanks again, hopefully this was the only problem!! Ooo I feel bad if the cause was something as stupid as missing her during herd worming. I'm marking them all witha paintstick next time!

-Nat's Little Bit

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