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Re: New to the Goat World

Diamond V NaturSafe Cobalt SUlfate
Posted by Helene on August 27, 2001 at 05:43:42:

In Reply to: Re: New to the Goat World posted by Joann on August 26, 2001 at 15:12:07:

Oh you have to tell me about those TN Fainting Goats. I have heard so much about them, but do not know anyone who has them. It was a breed we had considered, but I heard that they just freeze when they are scared and we felt that because of that they were too vulnerable to prey such as coyotte and dog attacks it might not be a good idea. Now of course that is before we had our Great Pyr. I would still love to try them, let me know.

We have had good luck w/our boers. One as you all know is my sons pet Nicholas, and he is loving, and effectionate and comes when you call him, gotta watch him, he likes to try to get in the house. Of course he was very ill with Cocci and we nursed him back to health so that might be the reason. We also have both of his brothers (he is one of Triplets). His brothers are not mean or nasty in any way, they are tame, but ofcourse they are only 9 months old. We will sell one of the others and keep the one who is more tame, of course we will keep Nick too. We also have some does that are 50% and they are friendly as well. My favorite is my LaMancha Eris. She is 9 mos and I don't know what I would do without her. If I had to choose I would say LaMancha. We got her at 4 mos for $75.00, she is a registered pure. I forgot what we paid for the Boer's who are also registered pure, we got them right after they were weaned (except for Nick, we took him 2 weeks early so my son could bottle feed him) but they were kindly high. I have never known anyone w/Pygmies, our neighboor down the street have several, but we dont' know them. They are adorable though. A friend of mine swears by LaManchas or Nubians as being the tamest and make the best pets.

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