Re: Message Forum Archived - Hopefully Right!GoatWorld Archive Document - GOATWORLD.COM
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Re: Message Forum Archived - Hopefully Right!
Shadow Valley Soap Jolly German Internet
Posted by Gretchen on June 07, 2001 at 15:59:42:

In Reply to: Re: Message Forum Archived - Hopefully Right! posted by goat mom on June 07, 2001 at 08:37:04:

Goat Mom, You sound like me on the computer.

What works for me is to type out the message on create mail, like I was going to send an e-mail. I still haven't found my WordPad program.

Then start at the bottom and highlight the whole message. You do this by starting at the end of your message and while holding the left button on your mouse down move to the top of the page. The whole message will now be black.

If everything that you want to copy is highlighted, go to Ctrl (lower left hand side of the keyboard). Hold down the Ctrl key and hit the key C. Now, find where you want to put the message. Take the mouse there and get the little line blinking. Again hold down the Ctrl key and hit the key for V.

Only thing that you need to remember is to hit the Ctrl - C, before you do anything else. Then you can do anything until you are ready to hit Ctrl - V (paste)

Try it. Now that I have learned to copy and paste, I always use it for addresses, (before I would get the spelling wrong or hit the comma, instead of the period) when trying to copy an address.

Another thing that I just recently learned is that with the blue strip at the top of a box
(like create mail), you can point the arrow on it, hold the button down and move it over to the side of your screen. That way it dosen't get buried when you go back to look at another message.

Gary, sorry this isn't goat. You forget that many of us are new to computers.



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