Re: Copenhagen for goats?

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Posted by Vicki McGaugh on May 06, 2001 at 15:32:47:

In Reply to: Re: Copenhagen for goats? posted by Eve on May 05, 2001 at 18:27:09:

Do your goats a favor Eve, and fecal test before you start the nicotine. Your goats may not even need to be wormed, though we continually talk about worms and cocci, we are in the south, we have very few really hard freezes. Up north they have very few problems with this. In fact my friend I bought my doe Boo from in Wyoming, can go a whole year without worming. She also doesn't have to use cocci prevention like I do. She could use pickles and say it helps her does stay worm free: Point is if the farmers you know don't have parasites than of course the snuff/dip is "working". Vicki

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