Re: Boer goat with urinary trouble

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Posted by Linda F on May 03, 2001 at 19:32:09:

In Reply to: Boer goat with urinary trouble posted by Deborah on May 03, 2001 at 17:12:19:

This sounds like urinary calculi to me I could be wrong. Look to see if you see any crystals or a lump or a bump in the penis area or if the urine has a bloody ting to it. Urinary calculi is stones or some blockage in the urinary tract which makes it difficult if not impossible for the buck to urinate and causes pain. If he has any of these symptoms contact a vet asap it can be fatal. Also does he strain when he urinates? It could also be an infection too. High grain diets can cause this urinary calculi. Do you give him fresh clean water everyday? And do you use amonium chloride? I hope this helps I'm new to this so hope I didn't overdo it. Good luck

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