Posted by Mary on February 01, 2001 at 13:52:00:
An update on KoraJean, my pygmy goat, who spent three weeks with a billy. She came home with runny eye, nose, and temp. Vet started her on Nuflor 1-1/2cc IM every other day for 3 doses---?upper respiratory infection She got her first dose Tuesday night. She seems to be much more perky, eating well, interactive, temp. normal. Now today, I noticed that it seemed like she was squatting an awful lot to urinate. I went out to monitor her more closely, and she urinated 3 times within a 5 min time period, and in the snow, it looked very red in color. I called the vet again, and his suggestion was that either she has very concentrated urine, and it is dark in color, or that she has a UTI. He said to go ahead and give her the next dose of Nuflor tonight,(although that isn't the drug of choice for UTI's-but we are also still following the URI) and continue to monitor her. If she still seems to be urinating frequently, to start her on Penicillin 2-3cc IM 2 times a day on Saturday. Now, I'm not sure if my vet is real up on goats, so I'm asking you my goat friends if this sounds right to you. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. He said to also try and increase her fluid intake. I tried adding molasses to the water-about 1 encourage her to drink-without interest. Any other ideas? Sorry to be so long winded, but I'm very worried about her. I love her dearly. Thanks guys.