Posted by Vicki McGaugh on December 19, 2000 at 18:34:04:
In Reply to: Never ending heat? posted by Maggie on December 19, 2000 at 13:00:59:
First off a doe who was cystic for us upon laperoscopy... guessing on the spelling, but they made a tiny incision on her side, inserted a scope and looked at her ovaries (we were going to harvest her eggs) was cystic, even though an ultrasound showed nothing!!! The protocol we used to get our Amber bred this year, she is due to kid in the next couple of weeks, was this:
Amber cycled in July, 20 days later
I gave her 2cc IM of Lutalyse, she cycled in 36 hours and was bred, in which time I immediatly gave her 1cc IM of cystorelin, literally as soon as he was finished breeding her, she was placed back in with the buck and he bred her the rest of the evening and she was no longer letting him breed her the next morning, so she was taken out. She was ultasounded with live kids, after not coming back into heat. On a doe like this I wouldn't even chance using a young buck once you use the drugs. I would use, and did use a mature 5 year old buck who has lots of kids on the ground.
Amber had an uneventfull pregnancy and delivery as a 2 year old, went on to win our club show and has 2 milking legs as a 1st freshening 2 year old, something not done alot around our area with all the very nice older does around. She was assumed bred as a 3 year old, dried up to kid with no kids, just fluid, then as a 4 year old she aborted, and then started the heat, bred, heat, bred never settling. Dr. Lee on Nubian talk gave me the information on Cystorelin and my vet concured, we already had plans to harvest her eggs and had 9 yearlings ready to be used as receipents this January. So far things are looking great! Vicki