Posted by goat mom on January 21, 2003 at 18:37:15:
7 kids-WAIT A MINUTE. Triplets ,now quads one doe not claiming any one
First triplets all goes well - go back out and find quads- NOOO- Two moms hanging afterbirth 4 kids. one mom wont go near any of the four. Ok, this is spookey ,so we have to find out who had what. Okay-Push the kids one at a time to the doe that is dropping afterirth . NOT MINE,she screams-- So push all four at the doe that is also passing afterbirth, she coos , arnt they cute, must all be mine. [GO FIGURE] She is nursing all four. The first triplets are cuddled with thier mommy. This I know , because I was there.So I'm guessing. 2 sets of trips and a single-dose that make 7-- Afraid to go look in the morning. ON top of all this our long distance was shut off today because our
telacome company sold out .No notice- Yes they apolegized.
goat mom