Posted by Karen on November 01, 2002 at 20:39:44:
I have a buckling (mini LaMoncha) that is about 6 months old. We have waited to castrate him because he has one retained testical, finally last nite we had to do it. He thinks he is mister romeo out with the girls, the big girls are all crossed to our Boer and they really put him in his place. However he does have a doeling sister and has started to get friendly with her esp. in the last week. So we banded the one that he has, I tried but could not feel the other, he has no hernia and no hole in the abdomin so he is not pulling one up and leaving the other. Of course w/o surgery there is no way to know if has one retained or if he only has one to begin with, and surgery is not an option. So to get to my question IF he still has a retained testical is it capable of producing viable sperm. I know with horses they can but it is not very likely and most stallions that have retained one or both will become more aggressive than a normal intact stallion. This is due to the fact that the testoseron leval is regulated by heat, being in the abdomin all the time the testical then overproduces testoseron making them more aggressive. Which also leads me to wonder would it make a buck, even if he is steril, more aggressive as well? Please excuse any bad spelling I am so very tired but we are running fence and have a rodeo Sat. nite so I wasn't sure just when I would be able to ask. Gotta go comps getting fuzzy.