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It's not easy being green.....

Posted by Mary on May 21, 2001 at 18:04:27:

It's tough being a newbie. After lots of cuts, bruises, blisters, and sore aching muscles, I completed my first fence errection project all by myself. I built a big new yard for my new "maternity barn", and another for my new billygoat. I was soooooo proud of myself. Well, when I put my new little billy in with the wether, I kept finding the wether on the outside of the fence. So, I went back and did alot of reinforcing, etc., I was sure he must be sneaking under the fence. Today, as my husband was putting the finishing touches on the barn, I was sitting loving with my sweet Emma (who is as big as a house I might add-with kid, or kids??) watching the other goats grazing. Having a real enjoyable moment, gazing over my new yard with pride.... then, there goes Elliot(the wether), not under the fence, but right through one of the small openings between the wires(I put up field fence with 6 in. squares). Huh, I thought....then I realized.....the field fencing is like cattle and pig panels....smaller openings at the bottom, bigger openings at the top. Stupid me....I installed it upside down...the little openings are at the top.....ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! The thought of taking this all down, and reinstalling it correctly makes me cringe. So, I am going to attempt to line it with chicken's cheaper, and much lighter. I don't think my back can handle hauling anymore of that heavy field fence. Well, that's my story. Thanks for listening to me whine to you, I feel much better now. If you have any stupid things that you've done, and would like to share with me to make me feel like I'm not alone in my greeness, it might help. Wish me luck with the reinforcement. Any tips before I get started, would be greatly appreciated.------Mary :')


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