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Re: goat off feed need help

Posted by Gretchen on May 08, 2001 at 06:51:23:

In Reply to: Re: goat off feed need help posted by pam on May 08, 2001 at 04:40:11:

If she had retained the placenta, she would be very sick by now. A little bloody discharge is normal at 2 to 3 weeks.

Hope someone with more knowledge of mastitis than I have will answer this, but in the meantime check on her temp. and post it.

Remember reading that most antibiotics don't cross into the udder well, the PenG may not be working. What is 3 out of 7 days? If PenG was the drug of choice it is usually given twice a day.

If I were you I would contact my vet, a doe's udder is very important to her lifetime production. I don't have the experience to give you advice. But it seems to me that she should be milked often, 3 to 4 times a day, to keep the bacteria count in the udder down. Possibly use one of the udder infusions. Maybe something for pain and as an anti-inflammatory. Also check to make sure you are using the right antibiotic and at the correct dosage.

Hope that someone that knows more can help you! If she is losing alot of weight be on the lookout for a secondary ketosis. Has she been dewormed lately?


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