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Re: Grass clippings/ tie outs

Posted by Stephanie on May 02, 2001 at 11:10:07:

In Reply to: Grass clippings/ tie outs posted by melissa on May 01, 2001 at 06:39:35:

My husband and I wanted to use the rotational grazing idea when we first decided that we were going to raise goats. Spring and summer came and went before we could do any kind of fencing. Our alternative was a collar, attached to a thick chain (like what you would use for big dogs) and a metal tie out stake that would screw into the lawn. This way they got the sunshine and the green grass and we could move them on a daily or as needed basis. I never ran into any problems with them getting lose or tangled as long as they had a fresh water bucket in front of them. I did worry about the rain or a storm and so we would move a poly-dome out by them if we were going to be gone away from home and the weather was predicting rain or bad weather. GOOD LUCK!!


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